Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1613: discuss 1 argument

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have been developing their family, which shows that they have a relatively high sense of identity with the clan.

Qinglian Xianlu and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng are relatively powerful Nascent Soul monks. They are both good at joint strikes. In Dongfang Yulin's view, under the circumstance that otherworldly monks will invade Dongli World at any time, no matter how big they are. The grievances must be suppressed, and it is not too late to deal with the otherworldly cultivators.

If it is normal, Sun Moon Shuangsheng and Qinglian Immortal Companion will do whatever they want. Dongfang Yulin doesn't care who dies and who lives. Anyway, the Dongfang family will not be affected. At this time, the monks were fighting within themselves, and they were fighting fiercely to find monks from other worlds.

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Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback. From his personal point of view, he hoped to resolve it. The first elder, Nangong Miao, did not let Wang Changsheng destroy the Sun Moon Palace, but only let him rebuild Zhenhai Sect.

On the bright side, Situ Mei led people to the main altar of Zhenhai Zong, and Sun Moon Palace sent people to arrest Zhenhai Zong's remnants. Both the Shenbing Palace and the Shen family sent people to arrest the Zhenhaizong cultivator.

The Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace fought to the death. Sihaimen, Shenbing Palace and the Shen family would definitely not stand idly by, unless Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were so strong that the cultivators would be afraid of it. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have always been working towards this goal, but they have always been Developing in the South China Sea, with a family, sooner or later, his identity will be exposed.

"Yeah! It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. We checked it out. It was Situ Mei who stoked the rift when he destroyed Zhenhaizong, which caused infighting in Zhenhaizong. Situ Mei personally brought people into Zhenhaizong, and Du Xiaoyou and the others only found out after the fact."

Liu Ruyi explained.

To be honest, he can understand what Du Xu and Fang Yue are doing.

Imagine that an elder of Wanjianmen took the lead without authorization, destroyed the declining hostile forces, and was escaped by some remnants. The master of Wanjianmen ran out and said that it had nothing to do with Wanjianmen. Who would believe it? The same is true for the Sun and Moon Sages. The boat has been completed, and it is useless to say anything. At that time, there were no masters in Zhenhaizong. They simply did not do it again and again. They sent people to capture the remnants of Zhenhaizong and kill them all. The Shen family divided up the Zhenhaizong's territory, and it was beneficial for everyone to share and take risks.

Liu Ye nodded and said, "Wang Xiaoyou, these are all old events. Sun Moon Palace, Sihai Gate, Shenbing Palace and the Shen family are all willing to give up some Zhenhai Sect's territory and help you rebuild Zhenhai Sect."

The fact that Sun Moon Palace can make such a big concession is not because of Qinglian Immortal Lv's face, but Wanjianmen and Taiyi Immortal Gate. Strictly speaking, Sun Moon Palace made such a big concession after negotiating with the monks from the South China Sea. As a result, they went to Qinglian Island mainly to go through the motions.

"Wang Daoyou, our husband and wife are willing to swear by our inner demons. It was indeed not our order to destroy Zhenhaizong back then, but Junior Sister Situ made the decision without authorization. She will retaliate, and she will do anything by any means. "

Fang Yue said with a sincere tone.

Wang Changsheng was a little tempted. With the cultivation base and identity of the Sun and Moon Sages, they were willing to swear by their inner demons, which already gave them face. Strictly speaking, the Sun and Moon Shuangshen gave face to the cultivators of the South China Sea.

Sun Moon Palace is willing to let go of the previous grievances, and also give up some Zhenhai Sect's territory, and assist them in rebuilding Zhenhai Sect. This condition is very rich.

Wang Changsheng was willing to agree, but when he thought of Fairy Ziyue, he was in trouble.

Many relatives of Fairy Ziyue died in the hands of Sun and Moon Shuangsheng, she could not forgive Sun and Moon Shuangsheng, just like Shangguan Wei of Jiuyouzong, even if the elder of Jiuyouzong killed the Wang family cultivator without authorization, and the spiritual cultivator came forward to mediate, Wang Changsheng will not spare Shangguan Wei.

"Senior Liu, Senior Liu, we are willing to resolve our grievances, but the Sun Moon Palace has murdered our classmates, how should we settle this account? It can't be written off! The dead Zhenhaizong disciple died in vain?"

Wang Changsheng said bravely, he said this under great pressure, and he knew very well that he had no right to refuse the three cultivators who came forward to do peace.

Fairy Ziyue has great kindness to Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng will not turn a blind eye. He must seek justice for Fairy Ziyue and justice for the disciple of Zhenhaizong who died in the hands of Sun Moon Palace.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, do you still want us to apologize?"

Fang Yue's face turned cold, her face full of displeasure.

"That's not true, but the monks of the Sun Moon Palace who participated in the capture of Zhenhaizong must be handed over to us."

Wang Changsheng said sternly, his eyes firm.

Du Xu and Fang Yue didn't look very good-looking. They had already given enough face to the Wang family. Wang Changsheng wanted them to hand over the Sun Moon Palace cultivator who captured Zhenhaizong? The implication is big. You must know that many of the monks who executed the arrest of the remnants of Zhenhai Sect were their confidants.

After the big purge, the monks in the Sun Moon Palace were all loyal to the two of them, so let them hand over the monks in the Sun Moon Palace? Doesn't that make them admit that they are not as good as Qinglian Immortal Companion? What will other forces think when they know about this? How will the Sun Moon Palace stand in the future?

Dongfang Yulin had a displeased look on his face, but Sun and Moon Shuangsheng took out a large amount of resources for immortality and asked him to come forward. He thought that Wang Changsheng would agree without hesitation, but Wang Changsheng actually proposed additional conditions, even if Sun and Moon Shuangsheng did not say anything. What, Dongfang Yulin's face is also not good-looking.

"Wang Xiaoyou, your request is a bit too much. People can't be resurrected from the dead. You will only aggravate the grievances between Sun Moon Palace and your royal family, rather than resolve it. Let's do it! Du Xiaoyou and the others will use some more resources for cultivating immortals as compensation. !"

Dongfang Yulin saw that Liu Ruyi and Liu Ye made a concession, which was his bottom line.

He personally did things for the elderly, and the Sun Moon Palace had to hand over some of the monks to the Wang family for disposal, so where would Dongfang Yulin's face be.

"This method is not bad, Xiaoyou Wang, let's do it like this!"

Liu Ruyi strongly agreed.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, shook his head, and said solemnly, "No, killing is for life. We must hand over those Sun Moon Palace cultivators who murdered the disciples of Zhenhai Sect."

He knew that he took a great risk by doing this, but Liu Ruyi and Liu Ye were on his side, otherwise Wang Changsheng would not have dared to do it.

Dongfang Yulin's expression turned cold, he slapped the table, and a huge spiritual pressure rose into the sky, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies lit up with a dazzling blue light at the same time. The breaths of the two merged into one, and a light blue water curtain emerged out of thin air to protect the two.

The blue water curtain is bumpy, and it looks like it will be broken at any time.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies rose sharply, and the blue water curtain quickly returned to normal.

Dongfang Yulin was stunned for a moment. With his cultivation in the Divine Transformation stage, even a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul period would not be able to withstand this spiritual pressure.



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