Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1630: Temporary withdrawal

The latest website: More than a dozen escaping lights flew from a distance, and a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators rushed over, and Wang Changsheng's incarnation was also mixed in. There were more than twenty Nascent Soul cultivators from Dongli Realm and Tianlan Realm combined.

Qinglian Immortal Companion killed the Qiankun twins and restrained the four late Nascent Soul monks, which indirectly changed today's war.

More than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators have different expressions, and the faces of the cultivators in the Tianlan Realm are not good-looking. They are staring at Qinglian Immortal Companion. If their eyes can kill, they have killed Qinglian Immortal Companion countless times.

The Nascent Soul cultivator in the Dongli Realm looked happy. Since the start of the war, the Qiankun Twins have killed many Nascent Soul cultivators, putting a lot of pressure on the Dongli Realm cultivator.

A burly young man frowned and stared at Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion, well-deserved reputation, no wonder fellow Situ Taoist praised you."

The young man wears a golden jade crown and a golden robe, like a majestic mountain, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Judging from the fluctuations in his mana, he was a cultivator of Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

Jin Dingtian, the cousin of Jin Wushuang.

"Hmph, Situ Mei, a traitor, will destroy her sooner or later and help Zhou to abuse her."

Gongsun Yang said coldly, his expression indifferent.

A loud dragon roar sounded, deafening, and could be heard clearly for hundreds of miles.

Jin Dingtian didn't say anything, and returned to the long road with his companions. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Gongsun Yang also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since the start of the war, Dongli Realm was not well prepared and lost many masters.

There were not many powerful forces in the vicinity of the Immortal Burial Sea. The monks from the Tianlan Realm invaded in a big way, and the masters gathered to kill the doorsteps of these forces at once. These forces naturally couldn't stop them.

"Let's go! Let's go back too!"

The blue-eyed golden crow beneath Gongsun Yang spread out his wings and flew along the way he came, followed by the others.

The two sides retreated in an orderly manner, leaving corpses all over the place, and blood stained a large area of ​​the sea.

On an island with a radius of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of monks gathered on the island. There were many buildings on the island, and a large number of monks could be seen walking around, which was very lively.

Gongsun Yang took Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to the gate of a resplendent palace with three golden characters "Wanling Hall" written on the plaque.

This is the place to exchange military exploits. The enemy's corpse is exchanged for military exploits. If there is no corpse, a high-level cultivator can testify.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan killed the Qiankun twins in the first battle, which was witnessed by all the monks.

Gongsun Yang walked in with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and an old man in green robe with Tong Yanhe hair was talking to a fat man in yellow shirt.

As soon as they walked in, the man in the yellow shirt turned around and looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Hey, Daoyou Huang, why are you here?"

Wang Changsheng let out a light whimper, and a smile appeared on his face.

Huang Fugui was still in the early days of Nascent Soul. This guy escaped very fast, and it was estimated that he was responsible for escorting the goods.

Huang Fugui is greedy for life and fear of death, but in the face of right and wrong, he still knows which side he is on.

"Tianlan Realm wants to annex our Dongli Realm, but Huang's strength is low, and he is willing to do his bit."

Huang Fugui spoke righteously and his face was full of righteousness.

If they hadn't known Huang Fugui for a long time, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would have been deceived by him.

The two looked at each other and smiled, seeing through without saying anything. With Huang Fugui's escaping speed, it was the most suitable for him to **** the supplies.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Madam Wang, are you here to join the war? I knew you would come."

Huang Fugui said with a smile, with a hint of flattery in his tone. The interface war was when Qinglian Xianlu's top combat power was showing. Huang Fugui was not interested in showing off, so he wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune. Before that, He made his fortune in many wars.

Gongsun Yang smiled slightly and explained, "You may not know Huang Daoyou and Sun Daoyou, but Wang Daoyou and the others killed the Qiankun twins in the first battle, and greatly increased our prestige in the Dongli world."

Hearing this, Huang Fugui was stunned, and the old man in green robe subconsciously took a breath.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun is wrong. If you hadn't taken action to break the formation, we would have been more fortunate than good."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, if the formation could not be broken, the outcome would be really hard to say.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, this batch of supplies is in urgent need. Please leave as soon as possible and deliver this batch of supplies as soon as possible."

The old man in green robe urged, his expression solemn.

Huang Fugui responded, clasped his fists and said, "Kongsun Daoyou, Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, Huang has a task at hand. I will leave first, and see you another day."

After saying this, Huang Fugui turned into a yellow light and flew out of the Wanling Hall.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, you should give Daoyou Wang and the others a million deeds! They killed the Qiankun twins, I saw it with my own eyes."

Gongsun Yang said to the old man in green robe.

Generally speaking, killing a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator has 300,000 meritorious deeds, but the Qiankun twins are so powerful that they can rival a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and both are worth 500,000 meritorious deeds.

The more powerful monks in the Tianlan Realm have clear merits, and the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie encourages the monks to kill the Tianlan Realm cultivators.

Since the start of the war, there have been only three monks who have won millions of meritorious deeds. The first is the old Beihan, who is the head of the five overseas immortals. He killed a late Nascent Soul monk and two middle Nascent Soul monks, but He himself was seriously wounded and withdrew from the battle.

The new Sun and Moon Shuangsheng killed a late Nascent Soul monk and two middle Nascent Soul monks. They were slightly injured and are currently recuperating.

Now adding Qinglian Immortal Companion, there are five people.

Wang Changsheng took out the corpse of the blue-robed youth, stripped off his vestments, and handed the corpse to the blue-robed old man.

"The other person's body was destroyed by Wang, and only one blood coat can be found."

Wang Changsheng explained.

The old man in green robe said with a smile, "You have Daoyou Gongsun to testify for you. There is no problem. This is an identity jade card. Good deeds can be exchanged for various resources for cultivating immortals, including spiritual treasures."

He took out two light blue jade cards, the word "Dong Li" was engraved on the front of the jade cards, and a large number of runes were looming.

The old man in the green robe took out a light blue jade pen and tapped it lightly on the blue jade tablet. A large piece of blue light flew out and disappeared into the blue jade tablet.

He turned over and took out a golden jade plate, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, this is a spiritual exchange plate. You can check the merit value of each immortal cultivation resource."

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept away with a flash of surprise in his eyes. It would take 3 million good deeds to exchange for a spiritual treasure, and to kill ordinary mid-Yuan Ying monks to exchange for 300,000 good deeds, they need to kill seven yuan. A mid-infant cultivator can exchange for a Spirit Treasure.

There are more than a dozen spiritual treasures on the duiling plate, including flying, defensive, attacking, and auxiliary spiritual treasures. The most precious is a flying spirit treasure cross-sea boat, which was made by the Shenbing Palace.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you have worked hard today, I will take you to rest! By the way, I will tell you about the situation of the monks in Tianlanjie."

Gongsun Yang's tone was warm, and ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators didn't get this kind of treatment.

"Then I will trouble fellow Daoist Gongsun."

Wang Changsheng nodded slightly, thanking him.

Half an hour later, the three of them appeared in a courtyard full of spring, with many exotic flowers and plants planted in the courtyard.

Gongsun Yang took out two jade slips, handed them to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and said, "Wang Daoyou and Mrs. Wang, this is the situation of the experts in the Tianlan world. They introduced their names, magical powers, magic weapons, etc. in detail."

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