Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1631: Gathering of Gods

The latest website: Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan thanked them, took the jade slip, and immersed their spiritual consciousness in it.

There are quite a few masters in the Yuan Ying stage of Tianlan Realm, and there are seven of them with the strongest strength, namely Jin Dingtian, Tianlei Jushi, Duanhun Zhenren, Yin-Yang Shuangsha, Feng Xingzi, Qianyang Zhenren, Master Tianmo, Xiu Feng Xingzi and Qianyang Zhenren, who were the lowest, both had late Nascent Soul cultivation, and the other five were all Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

The Master Tianlei was entangled by the True Monarch Wandu, the True Man Duanhun was entangled by Fairy Fengyu, and the Yin-Yang Shuangsha was entangled by Li Rui and Nangongfu.

They were able to kill the Qiankun twins today, and there is a certain element of luck. The top-level Nascent Soul masters in Tianlan Realm were stopped by other monks. Tianlan Realm suffered a small loss and will definitely not give them a chance in the future.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, didn't you say that there are only more than 100 Yuanying cultivators in Tianlan Realm? Let's take advantage of the battle at home!"

Wang Ruyan said with some puzzlement, from today's situation, Tianlan Realm has not fallen behind.

Gongsun Yang sighed and said, "That was before, now there are at least three hundred Yuanying cultivators and thousands of Pills in the Tianlan Realm. As long as they guard the entrance to the space passage, they can send people over continuously. It's the most troublesome thing."

The high-level officials of Dongli Realm thought about destroying the space passage, but after thinking about it, they gave up. If the passage is destroyed, the twelve cultivators will be alone. If they start killing in Dongli Realm, it will be troublesome. .

The most important thing is that it is impossible for the twelve cultivators to sit by and watch the cultivators in the East Li Realm destroy the space channel. If they want to destroy the space channel, there will definitely be casualties among the cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, Senior Sun, aren't they the opponents of True Monarch Qianlei in Tianlan Realm?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and asked, the real Monarch Qianlei, whose surname is Lei and whose name is Yunbin, has the body of Dry Thunder, and has the cultivation base of the middle stage of God Transformation.

Gongsun Yang smiled bitterly, and said, "Master Sun and the senior shark of the sea clan join forces, and they can only tie with Zhen Lei.

The senior shark in his mouth is the god-turning cultivator of the sea clan, Jiao Lin, the middle-stage god-turning cultivator.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were shocked, they didn't expect Zhen Lei Zhenjun to be so powerful.

"Daoyou Gongsun, do you think we can repel the monks in the Tianlan world? The Tianlan world has been unified into one sect. So far, the South China Sea is fighting against the monks in the Tianlan world. No one was sent."

Wang Changsheng continued to ask, his eyes full of confusion.

"Of course it can. Donghuang, Beijiang and Central Plains have all sent support, but the journey is long and the reinforcements haven't reached the South China Sea yet, don't worry!"

Gongsun Yang said confidently, what he didn't tell Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan was that there were already spiritual cultivators, and the Immortal Burying Sea area would definitely burst into a spiritless energy within 50 years. By then, the Immortal Burying Sea area would be the sky The burial place of the monks of Lanjie, if there is no burst of spiritual energy, Donglijie will be in trouble.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned, Tianlan Realm sent twelve cultivators over, would they be willing to go back? Unless the cultivators of the Eastern Li Realm crushed them, but from the current situation, the cultivators of the Eastern Li Realm did not have the upper hand.

If Four Seasons Sword Master, True Monarch Sirius, Puppet Emperor, Sage Kong, True Monarch Qinglong are still alive, the monks from Tianlan World will not be able to shake their prestige in Dongli World. Where did the Four Seasons Sword Master and others go, did the Ascension Spirit World still die in other interfaces?

After chatting for more than half an hour, Gongsun Yang said goodbye and left.

After sending Gongsun Yang off, Wang Changsheng called Wang Mengbin and Wang Qiuming to inquire about their situation.

Both Wang Mengbin and Wang Qiuming fought against the Yuanying cultivators in Tianlan Realm, but they only injured the Yuanying cultivators in Tianlan Realm and failed to kill each other. Wang Mengbin was targeted by two Yuanying cultivators. Wang Qiuming played against a mid-Yuan Ying monk.

Xu is because of Qinglian Immortal Companion, Tianlan Realm attaches great importance to the Yuanying monks of the Wang family.

"Qiu Ming, Meng Bin, you guys should be more careful, the Yuan Ying cultivators in Tianlan Realm seem to pay more attention to our Wang family."

Wang Changsheng exhorted with a solemn expression, he told what happened today.

Wang Qiuming and Wang Mengbin were taken aback when they learned that the six Nascent Soul monks dealt with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and the enemy paid too much attention to Qinglian Xianlu.

"Fortunately, my grandfather and grandmother are very powerful, otherwise it would be dangerous today."

Wang Qiuming said with some joy.

"You just need to be more careful. Be careful of other people's sneak attacks. It's not so easy for cultivators in Tianlanjie to deal with them."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, there are many factors for winning, and only one factor is enough for failure.

"Yes, grandfather (old ancestor)."

Wang Qiuming and Wang Mengbin agreed with a serious tone.

After a few words of advice, Wang Changsheng told them to retreat.


In the northwest corner of the island, there is a towering green peak with a golden palace more than ten feet high on the peak, with golden bricks and glazed tiles, which looks more luxurious.

In the main hall, seven cultivators including Sun Tianhu, Liu Ruyi, and Dongfang Yulin were discussing the war.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, can you be sure that the Immortal Burial Sea area will explode with Absolute Spiritual Qi within 50 years?"

A blue-robed old man with a childlike face frowned and said, half a blue scale can be seen on the face and arms of the blue-robed old man, the shark Lin, the head of the sea clan, has the cultivation base of the middle stage of God Transformation.

"With 90% certainty, fifty years is nothing to us. As long as we delay for fifty years, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Who let the entrance be in the sea of ​​absolute spirit."

A red-faced, fat red-robed old man sneered. The red-robed old man had a string of red magic beads hanging on his chest, and his eyes were squeezed into slits by the fat on his face.

Bailihong, the initial stage of God Transformation.

"We can't put all our hopes on the Qi of the Spirit! Daoyou You should have something to do!"

An old woman in a white robe with white hair and a wrinkled face said.

Feng Li, the supreme elder of the Wufeng clan, she has lived for more than 3,000 years. She is the hidden power of the demon clan. If it weren't for the interface battle, she would not show up, even the Wufeng clan, not many. Personally know of her existence.

The South China Sea is the place with the most abundant resources for cultivating immortals in the Dongli world, and it is also the origin of the cultivating world, with many experts.

Sun Tianhu nodded and said, "I have already sent someone to find fellow talisman, he is a fifth-order talisman maker, but he is from a loose cultivator, he lives in the world, and has no fixed residence. If he is willing to help refine a broken open With the fifth-order talisman of the interface, we can send people to the Tianlan Realm to make trouble, so as to contain the Tianlan Realm and prevent the monks from the Tianlan Realm from doing outrageous things."

The surname of fellow Daoist Fu in his mouth is Fu Mingwen, the only god-transforming stage loose cultivator in the Dongli world. This person came from a loose-cultivation background.

Fu Wen's whereabouts are uncertain, and it is not easy to find him.

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