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Chapter 1632: The news of the 4th season of Sword Sovereign

The latest website: "Before you find fellow Daoist Fu, you must contain those god-turning old monsters to prevent them from ignoring the rules and killing them."

An old man in red robe with eyes like torches frowned and said, the old man in red robe is tall and has a national character face, giving people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

Lu Dao, the Supreme Elder of Shenbing Palace, in the early stage of God Transformation.

Most of the cultivators from the South China Sea came. The cultivators from Myriad Beast Island, Shenbing Palace, Dongfang Aristocratic Family, and Wanjianmen all brought two treasures of the sect. Without them, Tianlan Realm would not only occupy one sea area. But the entire South China Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

Tianlan Realm set up a battle against Dongli Realm. Dongli Realm is a local battle and has great advantages, but there is a fatal flaw. If the god-turning cultivator in Tianlan Realm has no scruples and kills, Dongli Realm will be defeated. Dangerous.

Twelve god-turning monks joined forces, as well as Tongtian Lingbao and Flying Spirit Treasure. No force in the Dongli world could stop them. Therefore, the god-turning monks in the Dongli world must make a stance of breaking the net to avoid the gods of Tianlan world. The monk came.

For hundreds of years in the Dongli Realm, there have been many wars between the human race and the alien race, but none of the cultivators of the gods took action, and the cultivators of Yuanying only killed and injured dozens of people. That is because everyone has scruples. Clan, others can destroy your sect.

The Tianlan Realm is different. The cultivators of the Dongli Realm cannot go to the Tianlan Realm. If the Deity Transformation cultivators of the Tianlan Realm make their own shots, it is difficult for them to stop them.

"We have brought the treasure of the sect this time. Even if the twelve cultivators join forces, it will not be so easy to kill the seven of us. They are still testing and will not end in person, even if they can kill us, They won't be better either."

Liu Ruyi said coldly, killing 1000 enemies and losing 800, if the cultivators in Tianlan Realm insist on taking action, the cultivators in Dongli Realm will accompany them to the end, and the fish will die and the net will be broken.

"Shen Lei Zhenjun passed through people, but this time I brought the seven-star Thunder Umbrella, the treasure of the town clan, to weaken the power of Thunder Element Taoism, but to speed up the speed, we must send a group of masters to Tianlan Realm. , Tianlan Realm will have scruples."

Dongfang Yulin said in a deep voice, his face full of chills.

"Tianlan Realm came all the way to our Dongli Realm, not to swim in the mountains and waters, those old monsters of God Transformation are estimated to be unable to fly to the spiritual world, so they invaded other interfaces and wanted to plunder resources to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation, Or plunder the resources of immortal cultivation, refine heavy treasures, and smuggle into the spiritual world along the space node."

Lu Dao frowned and said.

"In this way, the other nearby interfaces are estimated to be similar. Is there a way to open the space channel to the Binghai Realm? If you can ask the Binghai Realm for help, you may be able to repel the invasion of the Dongtianlan Realm."

Feng Li suggested.

Sun Tianhu shook his head and said, "We know less about the ice-sea world. Our knowledge of the ice-sea world is 20,000 years ago, and 20,000 years have passed. Who knows how the ice-sea world is? Tianlan Realm is stronger, we take the initiative to open the space channel, that is, send sheep into the tiger's mouth, if the Ice Sea Realm is weaker than the Tianlan Realm, it will not help, it is better to rely on yourself."

"It's well said, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself. At critical moments, you can rely on yourself."

A full-bodied voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a burly man in red robe and Zhou Xingguo walked in.

The red-robed man had red lips and white teeth, his eyes were like electricity, and there was a faint glow of fire in his eyes.

"Zhou Daoyou, Zhao Daoyou, you are here. I didn't expect you to be faster than Donghuang's Li Daoyou."

Sun Tianhu said a little excitedly, as a result, they have nine cultivators.

"Zhao Daoyou refined a flying spirit treasure. We are on our way faster. It is estimated that Li Daoyou and the others are coming soon. Sun Daoyou, tell us about the battle situation!"

Zhou Xingguo said in a deep voice.

Sun Tianhu nodded and talked about the battle.


It is an oval island with a large number of buildings built on the island, with gorgeous palaces and simple stone houses, and a large number of monks can be seen walking around.

There is a steep peak surrounded by clouds and mist, and there is a simple blue stone pavilion on the top of the peak. Lei Yunbin and other twelve monks are sitting in the stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

"Senior Brother Lei, the experts from the Tianlan Realm are mobilizing here. If we fight a protracted battle, we may not be their opponents. It doesn't matter whether those Nascent Soul juniors win or lose, it's not up to us to decide the outcome."

Li Shuo frowned and said.

"That's right, I don't think it's going to be so troublesome. Let's fight the god-turning cultivators in Dongli Realm. If we win, they will obey our orders. If we lose, we will retreat. I don't believe they belong to us. opponent."

A big man in yellow robe with a fat brain said nonchalantly.

Lei Yunbin smiled indifferently and said: "How can it be so simple, to make them soft, we must kill a few cultivators, let them see how powerful we are, and if we win, we will annex an interface? I'm just procrastinating now, If Senior Brother Shangguan also comes to Dongli Realm, Dongli Realm will definitely be in our pocket."

Shangguan Tianhong is the number one person in the Tianlan world. He joins forces with Lei Yunbin and believes that no one in the Dongli world can stop them.

Lei Yunbin didn't want to take down the Dongli Realm quickly, but he played against Sun Tianhu. Although he had the upper hand, Sun Tianhu's Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda was really powerful, and Lei Yunbin was not sure of winning.

"Yeah! Don't underestimate the Dongli Realm. More than 4,000 years ago, the Four Seasons Sword Master from the Dongli Realm came to our Tianlan Realm, looking for god-turning cultivators everywhere to learn from each other. The four god-turning cultivators from the top ten forces forced the top ten forces to take out treasures and exchange them with him, and the Dongli Realm hides dragons and crouching tigers! Even the demons can be defeated, so it is better to be cautious."

Long Xiaoyao nodded in agreement and said with a solemn expression.

"Yeah! If the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign ascends to the spiritual world, Taiyi Immortal Gate may be able to contact the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign, which really urges the cultivators of the Eastern Li Realm. Even if the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign is distracted from the lower realm, we cannot If you resist, you should wait for Senior Brother Shangguan to come!"

Long Yanji fully agrees. More than 4,000 years ago, a cultivator who claimed to be the Sword Master of the Four Seasons came to Tianlan Realm and defeated more than a dozen cultivators in Tianlan Realm in the name of learning from each other. And the famous Four Seasons Sword Master came from Dongli Realm. They dared not be 100% sure that the forces in Dongli Realm could not contact the ancestors of Spirit Realm.

"In the final analysis, our purpose is to ascend to the spiritual world. If there is a spiritual power that distracts from the lower realm, tell us about the special passage or transfer interface for ascending to the spiritual world, not to mention withdrawing troops, it is no problem for the old man to kowtow to him."

A golden-robed old man with white hair and beard said disapprovingly, and the golden-robed old man was blushing.

Sun Ran, in the early days of God Transformation, he still has more than 300 years of lifespan. If he can't ascend to the spiritual world, he can only sit and transform.

The monks strongly agreed with his statement.

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