Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1633: The new cultivator

Latest website: They don’t know how much suffering they have suffered and how much they have suffered before they cultivated to the stage of spiritual transformation. Otherwise, you will not be able to soar, and smuggling is a dead end.

It was in this situation that the Tianlan Realm was unified and the Tianlan Sect was formed, and the cultivators of the Tianlan Sect invaded other interfaces in order to ascend to the spiritual world.

The god-turning monks in Tianlan Realm did not open the killing ring. First, they left a way out for themselves. If the forces of Dongli Realm could contact the ancestors of the spiritual realm, they only wanted to kill themselves. The second was to avoid Dongli. The god-turning cultivators in the world jumped over the wall in a hurry. If the god-turning cultivators ended up in person and fought to the death, there would definitely be a god-turning cultivator who would fall, hurt one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Regardless of their large numbers, only Lei Yunbin was the only one in the middle stage of the **** transformation. The last time they fought, Dongli Realm dispatched two middle stage cultivators. As a result, there are at least three middle stage cultivators in the Dongli realm, only More or less, if they fight recklessly, they may not be able to prevail.

"Let's wait for Senior Brother Shangguan to come over! Now let the juniors fight! Let's also try to test the magical powers of the Dongli Realm cultivators to pave the way for future battles. In the final analysis, the direction of the interface battle depends on us, those It doesn't matter whether the junior wins or loses, within thirty years, Senior Brother Shangguan will definitely be able to refine another seven-star Broken Spirit Orb, and when Senior Brother Shangguan comes to Dongli Realm, he will be able to make a final decision."

Lei Yunbin said in a deep voice, his eyes firm.

After all, Xiuxianjie relies on fists to speak.

"I heard that the war started today, and Qinglian Xianlu killed the Qiankun twins with two to six. Is Qinglian Xianlu so powerful?"

Long Xiaoyao frowned and said.

"It's Junior Nephew Qin and the others who are careless. This kind of thing won't happen in the future. In contrast, I care more about Qijue Sword Emperor and Master Haoyu. They are more famous than Qinglian Immortal Companion, especially Qijue Sword Emperor, who has been famous for many years, may have already entered the God Transformation stage, if this person enters the God Transformation stage, he will definitely be a formidable enemy."

Long Yanji's tone was serious, Qinglian Immortal Companion had not yet conceived a baby, and the Seven Absolute Sword Emperor was already the first person below the God Transformation. Hundreds of years had passed. If the Seven Supreme Sword Emperor entered the Spirit Transformation stage, it would definitely be even more powerful.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Let's talk about it when the time comes! Our current situation is not suitable for dividing our troops. We can just wait for Senior Brother Shangguan to come over."

Lei Yunbin's tone was calm. Shangguan Tianhong only got the title of the first person in Tianlan Realm by virtue of his strength. When Shangguan Tianhong arrived in Dongli Realm, everything was over.


In a secluded courtyard, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sat around a cyan stone table, with a lot of things stacked on the ground.

Ore, elixir, magic weapon, animal skin and other materials are all available. These things come from the Qiankun twins. They killed several Yuanying monks. They were rich and oily, but they died in the hands of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. .

"If you kill four more late Nascent Soul monks, you will be able to exchange for a spiritual treasure."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

"Having said that, it's not a good thing to be too showy. Although the cultivators of God Transformation will not take action, who can guarantee that they will not take action? It is better to be cautious."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and it is not a good thing to be too showy.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng sorted the things on the ground and went back to his room to rest.


Western Desert, Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

At noon, the scorching sun is in the sky, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Zhou Yunxiao knelt at the foot of the mountain of Wanfo Temple, his eyes were firm, and monks passed by him from time to time, but no one paid attention to Zhou Yunxiao, Zhou Yunxiao was as if he didn't exist.

The Dayan Dynasty sent a sum of compensation, but Wanfo Temple refused to accept it. Buddhist monks believed that all things were equal, and those mortals who died could not be measured by wealth, and Zhou Yunxiao still could not see Master Qingxu.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the distance, blowing countless yellow gravels.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, and black clouds enveloped the area for hundreds of miles. At the same time, a special smell drifted away. It smelled like fishy smell at first, then it looked a little like sandalwood, and then it looked like sandalwood. The scent of rouge on a woman.

Many monks looked at each other, confused.

"What does this taste like? It's so fragrant! Are you making a vegetarian meal?"

"Impossible! Fast food is not so fragrant."

"It's strange. I have lived for more than a hundred years and have never smelled this smell."



A roar of beasts sounded, and a large number of monsters and monsters suddenly appeared in the distance. They didn't know what was going on, and they rushed towards Wanfo Temple.

"The flesh body is transformed into sandalwood! Someone is impacting the spirit transformation period! It's the master!"

Zhou Yunxiao's eyes lit up, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.

When the immortal cultivator hits the stage of spiritual transformation, the body will emit a strange fragrance, which will attract a large number of monsters. Because this strange fragrance resembles sandalwood, it is called the sandalwood transformation of the flesh.

Qijue Sword Emperor participated in the extermination of insects in the northern Xinjiang, and it was already in the late Nascent Soul. After many years, the Qijue Sword Emperor may enter the Divine Transformation Stage.

In a bluestone square with a size of 100 acres, a tall middle-aged monk sat cross-legged on a golden futon. The monk had a peaceful face and a string of golden Buddha beads on his chest. It feels like an unsheathed blade.

It was Master Qingxu. Before he converted to Buddhism, others called him Qijue King of Swords.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful and clear. Your chance has come. I hope you will not forget your original intention after entering the stage of spiritual transformation."

A peaceful voice rang in the ears of Master Qingxu.

"Disciple dare not forget Disciple committed too many murders in the first half of his life, and he will atone for himself in the future."

Master Qingxu said sternly.

Qijue Daohuang challenged Yuanying monks everywhere, winning more and losing less. After arriving in Ximo, he insisted on discussing with the abbot of Wanfo Temple, promising to stay in Buddhism for a hundred years if he lost, but he did not expect that he really lost to the abbot of Wanfo Temple. Master Huikong, the Seven Supreme Swordsmen lived in Wanfo Temple. During this period, he spent a lot of time cultivating and constantly challenged Master Huikong.

Master Huikong won seven games in a row. Under his influence, Qijue Daohuang converted to Buddhism. This fighting maniac changed his body and became the protector of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.


Accompanied by a huge roar, a silver lightning with the thickness of an adult's arm slashed down and accurately struck Master Qingxu.

Countless Buddhist runes appeared on the surface of Grandmaster Qingxu, forming a thick golden mask, covering his whole body.

For a time, the roar continued, and the silver thunder light drowned the figure of Master Qingxu.

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