Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1634: 10 years

The latest website: Time flies, ten years have passed quickly.

South China Sea, front line.

Tens of thousands of cultivators were fighting, the roaring continued, and various magic spells lit up one after another.

From time to time, monks were killed, and their bodies fell into the sea, dyeing a large sea of ​​water red.

Wang Rongfei, Wang Rongxiang, and Wang Rongting were covered by a three-color light curtain of blue, red and blue, and a three-color ball the size of a longan floated above their heads.

The three of them were holding a blue jade flute, a red pipa and a blue guzheng respectively.

Opposite them, there are four men in uniform blue shirts. The four of them are cultivators from the Dongli Realm. The experts from the Tianlan Realm directly kill them. They either return to the Tianlan Realm or die. At the juncture of life and death, they choose Survive, act as a pawn, and serve the Tianlan Realm.

The flute, pipa and guzheng continued, and the four of them looked a little dazed and their faces flushed red.

A burly middle-aged man turned cold, turned his hand and took out a golden orb. The golden orb exuded an amazing wave of spiritual energy, which was obviously a magic weapon.

The golden ball flew out and turned into a golden light and went straight to the opposite side.

At this moment, a three-zhang-high five-color shield fell from the sky, blocking Wang Rongfei and the three of them.


A golden sun with a diameter of 100 feet lit up in the sky, emitting an amazingly high temperature, and the heat wave was billowing.

Taking this opportunity, the four middle-aged men planned to retreat. A white talisman fell from the sky and suddenly burst open. .

At this moment, after a rapid flute sounded, three kinds of sound waves of blue, red and blue swept in.

The two Pill cultivators let out a scream, covered their chests with their hands, and quickly fell towards the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, two golden giant eagle puppet beasts came from the left and right. After screaming, the middle-aged man's head was shattered by the golden giant eagle.

Before the three corpses fell into the sea, a green net bag flew towards Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie has a smile on his face. His personal strength is not very strong, but he has the help of his family and is not alone. He has been on the front line for ten years and has experienced hundreds of battles.

During this period, the Wang family lost four cultivators and seriously injured five people. The complete set of puppet beasts that Wang Yingjie exchanged before played a major role, but he could not control five third-order puppet beasts, only two third-order puppet beasts. , to assist the same clan to kill the enemy.

Wang Yingjie skillfully retrieved the property from the corpse, and put the corpse into the Spirit Beast Orb.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and instantly came to Wang Yingjie.

"Friend Wang Daoyou be careful."

A silver bell-like female voice suddenly sounded, and a blue water column with a height of more than 100 meters suddenly rose from the sea, blocking Wang Yingjie's face.

With a muffled sound, the blue water column split in two, and a short red blade appeared in front of Wang Yingjie, which was about to cut Wang Yingjie in half.

Wang Yingjie's body surface lit up with countless five-color runes, turning into a thick five-color light curtain, protecting his body.

The red short blade hit the five-color light curtain, and there was a muffled sound, a blue-green sound wave flew over, and the red short blade flew out.

Wang Yingjie turned her head to look at a girl in a blue dress with some baby fat, nodded and said, "Thank you, Fairy Chen."

The girl in the blue dress has fair skin and features like a porcelain doll, pretty and cute.

Chen Yunzhi, a disciple of Sihaimen, was severely injured in a fight, and Wang Yingjie rescued her. For this reason, Wang Yingjie was also slightly injured.

Wang Yingjie is the descendant of Fairy Bailing.

With a life-saving grace, a distinguished background, and a firm mind, Wang Yingjie is a very good Taoist companion. Since then, Chen Yunzhi and Wang Yingjie have been very close.

Chen Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's just a little effort."

A huge dragon roar sounded, and the two sides retreated in an orderly manner to collect the bodies of their companions.

After a cup of tea, Wang Yingjie and the others returned to the station and went back to their respective homes.

"Friend Wang Dao, stay, I have something to tell you."

Chen Yunzhi stopped Wang Yingjie with a shy face.

Wang Yingjie stopped and turned to look at Chen Yunzhi, completely confused.

"Tonight, Senior Sister Lin hosted a banquet to entertain the same family. Would you like to come with me?"

Chen Yunzhi's expression was nervous and full of anticipation.

After years of fighting side by side, she unknowingly fell into it and fell in love with Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie frowned slightly and asked him to say, "No, I still have things to do, next time!"

He knew Chen Yunzhi's intentions, but he didn't want to delay Chen Yunzhi.

The Wulinggen cultivator in the clan became his own son early, because of the qualification of Wulinggen, which is recognized by the world of immortality as a waste of firewood, Wang Yingjie refused to accept his fate. Why can't he? Why should a Five Spiritual Root cultivator be a fertility machine?

Wang Yingjie has been very self-disciplined since he was a child, and he is devoted to the Tao.

He is very clear that with his five spiritual roots, it is not bad to be able to maintain his own cultivation. He can't care about other people. If he gets married, he can't let the Dao Companions fully support his cultivation! If you have children, you can't ignore them!

He is the root of five spirits and needs a lot of resources to cultivate immortals. He can form elixir. Wang Qingling has made a lot of efforts, but if he wants to form a baby, he can only rely on himself. Wang Qingling can't help him. There are too many monks.

Throughout the world of immortality, most of the cultivators who became biological sons have three spiritual roots. These cultivators have either mastered a skill, have advanced cultivation, or come from prominent backgrounds. Five spiritual roots have become biological children, which seriously hinders their own cultivation. To put it more seriously, It's self-cutting.

If he wanted to get married, Wang Yingjie would have already had a group of wives and concubines, doing things for the family in exchange for good deeds, exchanging good deeds for cultivation resources, retreating to practice, and going out to do things for the family in exchange for good deeds. Wang Yingjie has repeated it for hundreds of years, just to be able to walk on the road go further.

Wang Yingjie doesn't want to implicate others or be implicated by others. He just wants to cultivate hard, enter the Nascent Soul stage, honor his ancestors, and make his deceased parents smile. At that time, he can tell those who laughed at him loudly, that people will be better than heaven. Qualification does not mean absolute.

Hearing this, Chen Yunzhi's face was a little disappointed. She sent several invitations to Wang Yingjie, but every time Wang Yingjie refused.

"Fairy Chen, we are different, you should find a good husband!"

Wang Yingjie sighed lightly and suggested.

Chen Yunzhi bit her red lips and asked seriously, "Am I too bad? Or do you have a special hobby?"

Wang Yingjie took a deep breath, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said: "When I was very young, my uncle advised me to get married early, anyway, my qualifications are poor, and I have no hope of building a foundation. It's better to enjoy it, you have experienced all that Does it feel like everyone thinks you can't do it? My ancestors have stopped practicing Qi for several generations. Everyone thinks that I should become a biological child sooner and repeat my father's life, but I don't accept my fate. Today, you know that I have eaten How much suffering? How much sin?"

"Getting married doesn't affect the You can cultivate after getting married."

Chen Yunzhi pouted and said in a low voice.

"I think it will affect me. Before I have a baby, I won't think about my children's private affairs."

Wang Yingjie's eyes were firm.

Chen Yunzhi pondered for a while and said, "I can wait for you to have a baby, can you accompany me to the banquet?"

Her eyes were full of anticipation. As long as Wang Yingjie was willing to attend the banquet, she would dare to wait if she was given a chance.

"Only this time, the next time is not an example."

Wang Yingjie hesitated for a moment and said so.

It's all for this sake, if he refuses again, it will hurt people.

When Chen Yunzhi heard this, she nodded and agreed.

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