Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1635: Dispatching troops will enter the world of Tianlan

The latest website: In a quiet manor in a valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, more than 20 Yuanying monks such as Wang Changsheng are sitting in a stone pavilion, tasting tea and discussing Taoism.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have been in the war for ten years. Except for killing the Qiankun twins at the beginning, they failed to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator later, but only severely injured a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

After the Qiankun twins were killed, Tianlan World attached great importance to Qinglian Immortal Companion, and sent Feng Xingzi, Long Yun and Lu Feng to deal with them, but Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were naturally unable to defeat them.

The Yuanying cultivator fought once a month, and the Jiedan cultivator fought once every ten days and a half months. Both sides suffered casualties. The Wang family suffered 100 casualties. .

Every time the Yuan Ying cultivators were fighting, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared, and the three Feng Xingzi would appear. They borrowed a Lingbao, and each handed a Lingbao to deal with the Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Under such circumstances, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan couldn't get any favors at all. In many battles, he suffered a few small losses, but fortunately his injuries were not serious.

The most dangerous time, Wang Ruyan was almost killed by Feng Xingzi, but fortunately the Five Elements talisman blocked the fatal blow, and Wang Ruyan survived.

In addition to Qinglian Immortal Companion, Wang Mengbin and Wang Qiuming were all valued by Tianlan Realm. Tianlan Realm sent two Nascent Soul cultivators to deal with them. They could not take advantage of it and failed to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator.

In the past ten years, more than 40 Yuanying cultivators have died and disappeared. Yuanying cultivators in Dongli Realm have more casualties, and Yuanying cultivators in Tianlan Realm have also suffered many casualties. The new Sun and Moon Sages Song Tianyang and Mu Yuehua's strength was extraordinary. The two of them joined forces to kill a late Nascent Soul cultivator and a number of middle Nascent Soul cultivators, with outstanding military exploits.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will definitely destroy them. During a fight, Song Tianyang and Mu Yuehua were besieged by four Yuan Ying Great Perfection monks.

-During this period, the cultivators of God Transformation also fought several times, each with their own victories and defeats. True Monarch Qianlei was proficient in the Thunder system and had extraordinary strength, so Sun Tianhu of Myriad Beast Island was able to block him.

Liu Ruyi's strength was not weak, and he injured Long Xiaoyao.

The more powerful one is True Monarch Qiyan, who severely injured a cultivator in Tianlan Realm. If True Monarch Qianlei hadn't rescued him in time, True Monarch Qiyan could have killed a cultivator.

True Monarch Seven Flames also rose to fame with this battle, but both sides knew very well that it was not yet time for the final battle.

Donglijie constantly dispatched troops to transport all kinds of immortal cultivation supplies.

"I don't know how long this battle will be fought, so the cultivator of the gods can take action and make a final decision, and we don't need to fight back and forth."

A golden-robed old man with white hair and beard sighed with a sad face.

"Don't worry! I guess this day is not far away. Don't look at our contacts. The one who can really decide the direction of this war is the cultivator of God Transformation."

Li Jiong said, his eyes dignified.

"The sky is falling down and there is a tall one on it. We don't need to worry about the sky."

Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle, worried and unable to solve the problem, what should come will still come.

Gongsun Yang agreed, nodded and said, "Yes! Daoyou Wang is right. In a few days, it will be the Yuan Ying cultivator's turn to discuss. Let's go back and prepare! Try to kill a few Yuan Ying cultivators."

With the passage of time, there were few casualties in the fighting skills of the Yuanying cultivators, and the two sides were in a difficult position.

The monks got up and said their goodbyes, and went back to their homes.


In the conference hall, Sun Tianhu and other thirteen god-turning cultivators gathered together. They can be said to be the top combat power in the Dongli world. There are representatives from Donghuang, Nanhai, Western Desert, Central Plains, and Northern Xinjiang, and the Seven Absolute Sword Emperors are also present.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, what happened? Why did you suddenly call us for a meeting? Is it going to be a decisive battle?"

Lu Dao frowned and said that he had fought against Lei Yunbin, suffered a secret loss, and lost some vitality.

"We have found fellow Daoist Fu. He refined three dry light breaking talismans, which can open a temporary space channel and send a group of masters to Tianlan Realm. In this way, we don't have to worry about the cultivators of Tianlan Realm. Unscrupulous shot."

Sun Tianhu said a little excitedly, in this way, you have me, I have you, and if the cultivator of Tianlan Realm wants to kill, he will also be worried.

"Three Dry Light Breaking Talismans! Fellow Daoist Fu's talisman level is so high?"

Feng Li's face was full of confusion, the fifth-order talisman was not easy to refine, let alone the fifth-order talisman that broke the interface.

"Fellow Daoist Fu uses the Wanmin Pen to refine the fifth-order talisman, and the success rate will naturally be higher. It takes many scraps to make three Dry Light Breaking Talismans. If it is not for the Wanmin Pen, I am afraid that one Dry Light Breaking World Talisman cannot be refined. Once it is made, I plan to select a group of experts and send them to the Tianlan Realm to make trouble, so as to contain the cultivators in the Tianlan Realm."

As soon as these words came out, the monks looked at each other in dismay.

The Dry Light Breaking Talisman is a one-time item, and it only opens a temporary space channel, that is to say, there is no return. In this way, it is easy to be surrounded and suppressed by the monks of Tianlanjie, which is not much different from sending death.

Staying in the Dongli Realm, with their protection, the safety of the clansmen or disciples can be guaranteed, and it is difficult to say if they go to the Tianlan Realm.

"The Tianlan Realm is so big, if you are willing to hide, it is still not easy to be discovered. This is also an opportunity for them. The old man plans to send five Nascent Souls and 30 Formation Pills there."

Sun Tianhu is one of the leaders of the Dongli Realm, so he naturally has to take the lead.

Liu Ruyi pondered for a moment, then said, "I will send four Nascent Souls and forty Pills over."

"The old man sent three Nascent Souls and fifty cultivators of Pill Formation over."

Lu Dao said.

Others expressed their opinions one after another, and all sent a group of experts.

"It's not enough to have these Tianlan Realm is not small, let's shoot some people over there! Just leave a fire."

Dongfang Yulin suggested.

Sun Tianhu nodded and said, "It's natural, I plan to send three thousand monks over, four god-turning monks to lead the team, one hundred Nascent Soul monks, and more than two thousand cultivators to form pills, to turn the world upside down."

The monks who were sent to make trouble in the Tianlan Realm must have at least the cultivation base of the Core Formation Stage. Now the war is in a stalemate. To break this state, one of them must make changes.

Liu Ruyi suddenly remembered something, frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Sun, hasn't the barbarian Yan replied yet? Are they still watching? Or are they going to fall to the Tianlan Realm?"

The overall strength of the barbarians is not weak, mainly because the barbarians have a god-turning monk. If not, the barbarians would have been annexed by the demon, sea and human races.

Sun Tianhu's face turned cold and said: "Hmph, it's okay to wait and see, if he falls to the Tianlan Realm cultivator, it will be his own death, the old man doesn't mind taking him to sacrifice the flag, let's not talk about him, let's discuss the matter of recruiting people. "

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