Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1636: lead a team

The latest website: "Send us to Tianlan Realm?"

Wang Changsheng said in disbelief, looking at Liu Ruyi.

Liu Ruyi suddenly came to the door and asked Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to lead a group of masters to the Tianlan Realm to make trouble, and took this opportunity to delay the offensive of the Tianlan Realm.

Liu Ruyi nodded and said, "That's right, most of the experts in the Tianlan Realm are gathered here, you are all tied up, you can let go of your hands and feet when you go to the Tianlan Realm and plunder all kinds of immortal cultivation resources, which is also a good thing for you. Maybe you can enter the Divine Transformation Stage because of this."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned. If they had a choice, they were unwilling to go to Tianlan Realm. They just opened a temporary space channel. That is to say, unless Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm reconciled, they would not be able to come back. At this point, reconciliation is simply impossible.

"This is not just what I mean, Daoist Sun and Daoist Dongfang have called your names and asked you to come over. As a reward, I will take care of your family. In addition, I will also reward you with two spiritual treasures and a million yuan. Good deeds."

Liu Ruyi's tone became a lot more serious, Dongli Realm transferred the master area Tianlan Realm to make trouble, the monks who were too weak went over, just to die, the masters who were too strong, they were reluctant to send too many masters over, saying it was a chance It really came to Tianlanjie, who knows what the situation is.

The Qinglian Immortals are extremely powerful, and both Sun Tianhu and Dongfang Yulin hope to send them over. In exchange, they will also send experts from the affiliated forces. To put it bluntly, the Qinglian Immortals went to the Tianlan Realm as a result of the game of many cultivators. , Qinglian Xianlu could not refuse.

Liu Ruyi won two spiritual treasures for Qinglian Immortal Companion, which is also one million good deeds, and it is not bad for them. You must know that there are not many Nascent Soul monks with spiritual treasures in Dongli Realm, and most of them are the top of the major forces. master.

There are many conditions for cultivators to go to Tianlan Realm. First of all, they must have a cultivation level above the stage of formation. The cultivator of the formation is not bad. The strength of the cultivator of Yuanying should not be too weak. The immortal sect is concerned. If they send loose cultivators, they may find a place to hide, or even seek refuge with the cultivators of Tianlanjie.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan felt a "squeak" in their hearts, and the three cultivators named the gods, and they had no other choice.

"Senior Liu, it's going to be a big battle? Can we stop the monks from the Tianlan Realm?"

Wang Changsheng asked worriedly, if the war was too fierce, he planned to take some clansmen to Tianlan Realm to keep the fire.

"Of course, the twelve cultivators of the Tianlan Realm, don't think how strong they are, if you really try your best, Sun Daoyou can definitely kill Qianlei Zhenjun, otherwise why do you think they are fighting us for a long time? I just don't want to work hard."

Liu Ruyi sneered and said, Sun Tianhu has mastered a secret technique, which can integrate the natal beast with himself, and raise the cultivation level to the late stage of divine transformation, but this secret technique means death together, and Sun Tianhu does not want to use it unless it is a last resort. occult.

"When do we leave? What did we mainly do in the Tianlan Realm in the past?"

Wang Changsheng continued to ask.

"Leaving the day after tomorrow, mainly to break the seal, or attack the space node, kill anyone you see, and all the plundered property belongs to you. In short, Tianlan Realm won't make us feel better, and we won't make them feel better."

Liu Ruyi's face was full of killing intent, and she sent people to the Tianlan Realm to make trouble. The main reason was that she hoped that the cultivators of the Tianlan Realm could sit down and negotiate with them calmly. If their fists were big enough, others would sit down and reason with you. to be beaten.

With a flick of her sleeve, a blue light and a blue light flew out, and a beautiful blue jade box and a three-foot-long blue brocade box fell in front of them.

Wang Changsheng opened the jade box, only to see a blue light shining glove inside. There were some blue scales on the surface of the glove.

Inside the cyan brocade box is a delicate cyan lute with amazing aura.

"This sea-splitting glove and Tianhuan pipa are both spiritual treasures, from the Shenbing Palace. It took me a lot of lip service to ask Lu Daoyou to take out these two treasures for you. With these two treasures, plus a combined attack The technique, there are few people below the gods who are your opponents."

Liu Ruyi said slowly, she is not kind, Qinglian Immortal Companion has a spiritual treasure and is stronger, so Wanjianmen can send fewer experts.

"You can bring some clansmen to the past, and at least you must have the cultivation level of the pill formation stage. As long as you are willing to pass, you can get a rich reward. This operation is led by the spiritual monks. Team, that would be even better, Fellow Daoist Fu is the only Spirit Transformation stage loose cultivator in the Dongli world, a fifth-order talisman master."

"The only god-transforming loose cultivator in the Dongli world, a fifth-order talisman master?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were shocked. It seemed that Dongli Realm was starting to work hard. Once they caused turmoil in Tianlan Realm, it was estimated that fierce battles would break out in Dongli Realm. By then, it was unknown how many monks would die.

"You all prepare well, by the way, the less people know about the troubles in the Tianlan Realm, the safer you are, don't spread it."

Liu Ruyi admonished and turned to leave.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not dare to neglect and sent Liu Ruyi away in person.

"It's troublesome now. If you go to Tianlan Realm to make trouble, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back."

Wang Ruyan frowned, and the three cultivators named the gods, and they had to go.

"It's not safe to stay here. Let's see what Meng Bin and Qiuming's attitudes are. If you're afraid, don't take them there."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, he can force the assignment, but the twisted melon is not sweet.

He took out the summons and asked Wang Mengbin and others to come to his residence to discuss the war.

Within a quarter of an hour, Wang Qiuming, Wang Mengbin, Wang Rongxiang and more than a dozen monks from the Wang family appeared in front of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"We're going to carry out a particularly dangerous It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a near death, but it is also a great opportunity. Do you dare to go?"

Wang Changsheng's tone was heavy, his eyes swept over Wang Qiuming and others.

"The grandson is willing to fight with his grandfather and grandmother."

Wang Qiuming took the initiative to ask Ying, his eyes firm.

Wang Mengbin and others said in unison: "Grandson is willing to follow the ancestors to fight."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned, they didn't think that their clansmen were not afraid of death.

After thinking twice, they decided to bring Wang Qiuming, Wang Rongxiang, Wang Rongting, Wang Rongfei, Wang Yinghao, Wang Jiyun, Liu Xudong, and Wang Yingjie to go there. Crisis and opportunity coexist, and this might be their chance to have a baby.

After selecting the candidates, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to Wanling Hall to receive a generous sum of merit in exchange for resources for immortal cultivation.

Two days later, Wang Changsheng and a large number of masters left the front line and went to the Central Plains, announcing that they were transferred to the rear to cultivate.

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