Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1638: world chaos

In the Wangui Sea, the sky is gray, the sea is black, and the sea is calm.

More than ten years ago, the seal of the Wangui Sea was broken, and a large number of ghosts rushed out of the Wangui Sea. Immortal cultivators suffered heavy casualties. Although the ten major sects in the South China Sea quickly wiped out these ghosts, since then, the Wangui Sea has been destroyed. It became more and more desolate, and few people came.

Under the sea bottom, in a secret cave, a cloud of black air floats in the cave, and a shrill devil's cry can be vaguely heard.

After a while, the Devil May Cry disappeared, and the black air dissipated, revealing Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang's aura was much stronger than it was more than ten years ago, and she was in the middle of Nascent Soul.

More than ten years ago, Ye Haitang and Fairy Ziyue joined forces to kill a ghost cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage. They obtained a lot of resources for cultivating immortals, and there were several bottles of elixir to improve their mana. Ye Haitang's cultivation speed accelerated a lot. It will take decades to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In addition to the elixir for improving mana, the unique environment of Wangui Sea helps Ye Haitang to cultivate, and both are indispensable.

Considering that the cultivators from the Tianlan Realm might attack again, Ye Haitang did not dare to stay on the island to practice, so she could only practice under the sea.

The masters of Tianlan Realm invaded on a large scale. It is said that there are twelve cultivators. If the cultivators of Tianlan Realm personally lead a team to attack the Wangui Sea, Ye Haitang would be courting death to stay on the island to cultivate.

Suddenly, there was a shrill devil's cry from Ye Haitang's body. She turned her hand and took out a shiny black array plate. There was a white skull pattern on the surface of the array plate, and the runes flashed.

She arranged a formation nearby, mainly as a warning.

With a muffled sound of "click", the array plate in Ye Haitang's hand shattered and tore apart.

Not long after, the cave where Ye Haitang was located shook violently, and a large number of rubble rolled down from the stone wall.

Ye Haitang was startled, and hurriedly came to a simple stone room more than 100 feet long, with a teleportation formation in the room.

She had already made a retreat, this teleportation array could teleport 100,000 miles away.

Ye Haitang quickly stood on top of the teleportation formation and entered a magic trick.

The entire cave shook violently, and the teleportation array lit up with a dazzling aura, drowning Ye Haitang's figure.

It didn't take long for the spiritual light to dissipate, Ye Haitang disappeared, and the cave quickly collapsed and was torn apart.

On the sea, two men and two women were fighting. Liu Xiuyun's expression was indifferent. He held a jade Ruyi with a gleaming blue light in his hand. With a flick of it, a blue hurricane swept out and went straight to the opposite side.

Niu Kun held a giant red axe, every time he swung it, after a burst of sound, dozens of red axe blades flew out.

A girl in a blue ruffled skirt held a blue-light sparkling flag with a lifelike blue whale embroidered on the flag.

The girl in the blue dress had fair skin and a cold expression, with a blue hosta on her head.

She waved the blue command flag, and the sea tumbled violently, setting off a huge blue wave more than a thousand feet high, blocking her.

A skinny old man in black robes with sunken eyes stood on top of a black cloud. Eighteen gleaming flags flew around him, and the sound of ghosts and wolves could not stop.

The cultivators in the Tianlan Realm wanted to break the seal of the Wangui Sea. The cultivators in the Dongli Realm had already taken precautions, but there were too many places to defend in the Dongli Realm. more important places.

The four god-turning cultivators were fighting here, and there was a constant roar. Some small islands were swept up in the aftermath of the fighting, turned into powder, and disappeared without a trace.


In the Jinchan sea area, on a certain island, a large number of monks fell in a pool of blood, and the fire was soaring.

Zhao Junlan and Song Yuzhen stood on top of a steep peak, their expressions were indifferent and their faces paled.

They were ordered to attack this stronghold, open the seal, and let the ghosts rush out as much as possible. Let these ghosts consume the strength of Donglijie.

"Let's go! We still have to go in and open the seal inside, hoping that no powerful evil spirit will rush out."

Song Yuzhen said in a deep voice, and flew into the black hole, followed by Zhao Junlan and Zhao Hengbin.


In the East Wasteland, in a remote mountain village, there is a black hole several meters in size in the void, and the gloomy wind is blowing.

Shen Haoran and the other dozen monks stood on a low soil **** with indifferent expressions.

It is rumored that Guiyuan is connected to the Yin and Ghost Realm. In those days, the ghost king of the Yuan Ying stage appeared and was quickly wiped out. There were dozens of entrances to Guiyuan.

"Go in and have a look, I hope there are no ghosts in the Nascent Soul period."

After Shen Haoran said this, he flew into the black hole first, followed by the other monks.


Zhenmo Valley is located in the northwest of the Central Plains Xiuxianjie. It is rumored that some powerful demons are sealed here. It is a forbidden place in the Central Plains Xiuxianjie.

Deep in the Town Demon Valley, there is a steep emerald green peak with a large number of buildings on the mountain.

In a three-story cyan pavilion, a gentleman in green shirt sat cross-legged on the futon, exuding a peaceful atmosphere, and a white aura covered his whole body.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan, whose surname is Zhou Minghuayuan, is one of the five Nascent Soul monks sitting in the town of Magic Valley, and he has a cultivation base in the late Nascent Soul.

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, the whole attic shook violently, and the alarm sounded loudly.

Zhou Huayuan was startled, and flew out of his residence immediately. A cloud of azure more than a hundred meters in size floated high in the sky. Hundreds of monks stood on top of the azure cloud, led by Liu Jiaojiao and Zhao Hengbin.

"Kill, and leave none."

Zhao Hengbin's expression turned cold, and he released tens of thousands of silver beetles, which rushed towards Zhou Huayuan.

Zhou Huayuan hurriedly offered a magic weapon to resist, and the other monks responded with magic.

For a while, the roar continued.


In the northern Xinjiang, the Beixuan Mountains are located in the southeastern part of the northern Xinjiang, where the main altar of the Beixuan Palace is located.

Beixuan Palace is one of the top ten sects in northern Xinjiang, but Beixuan Palace has fallen. Chen Wu is the palace owner of Beixuan Palace, in the middle of Yuanying.

Inside the mountain gate of Bei Xuan Palace, the shouts of killing were soaring into the sky, and the roars continued.

Chen Wu stood on a steep mountain, looking at the blazing sect, his face was full of A handsome man in blue shirt floated in the air, his expression was indifferent, blue shirt The man is Feng Xingzi.

"Palace Chen, good birds choose wood to live in, do you think that Bei Xuan Palace has broken the line of Taoism?"

Feng Xingzi said with a half-smile.

Chen Wu laughed loudly, and said with a grim face: "The Dao Lineage of Beixuan Palace can be destroyed, and it will never help Zhou to abuse. The disciples of Beixuan Palace obey the order.

"If there is an enemy but no me, kill it."

Feng Xingzi's face turned cold and said, "Since you are courting death, then I will send you on your way."

The azure light all over his body turned into a cyan tornado with a height of more than a thousand meters, and swept towards Chen Wu, who was on the opposite side.

A month later, the news that the main altar of Beixuan Palace had been captured spread throughout the Northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie, everyone in the Northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie was in danger, and the major forces stepped up their vigilance.


Accidents happened one after another in the East Wasteland, South China Sea, Northern Border and Central Plains, or the forbidden land that sealed the demons was opened by the monks of Tianlanjie, or the Xiuxian family was attacked, or the Xiuxian sect was destroyed.

The nest of the Dongfang family and Beixuan Palace was attacked and suffered heavy losses.



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