Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1639: First time to Tianlan

The South China Sea, the Coral Sea, is a desert island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

There are thousands of monks gathered on the island, and these monks have at least the stage of forming pills.

Wang Yingjie stood on a low soil slope, frowning tightly.

Following his gaze, he could see a valley covered by thick white fog.

In the valley, Wang Changsheng and other more than thirty Nascent Soul cultivators stood together in twos and threes, with different expressions.

A tall old man stood in front of them. The old man had gray beard and ruddy complexion. He was wearing a large blue robe, which swayed in the wind. There was a smell of immortal wind and bone in the robe. Fu Wen, Dong Li The world's only god-transforming stage loose cultivator.

"This mission is led by the old man himself. Everyone must abide by the order. Violators will be killed without mercy."

Fu Wen said coldly, her eyes extremely cold.

To be honest, it is very dangerous to lead the team to make trouble in the Tianlan Realm this time, but his life essence is not much left, and there are more than 400 years left. .

It is not easy for Fu Wen to cultivate to the stage of spiritual transformation as a loose cultivator, but it has stopped there, and it is extremely difficult to go further.

Interface war, this is Fu Min's opportunity. Staying in Dongli Realm is only passively beaten. It is better to go to Tianlan Realm to make a scene. Maybe there is a chance to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation. Some rare treasures are also good, wait until there is not much life left, and then we can see if we can sneak into the spiritual world.

"Yes, Senior Fu."

Wang Changsheng and others agreed in unison, they are not stupid! They can go to the Tianlan Realm because Fu Wen can refine the fifth-order talisman and dry light to break the world, that is to say, as long as they follow Fu Wen, they still have a chance to come back.

There were a total of thirty-five Yuanying cultivators, besides Qinglian Immortal Companion, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng and Huang Fugui were also inside. Wang Changsheng also brought his avatar with him.

After all, the Wang family dispatched four Nascent Soul cultivators.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng doesn't have much longevity, and there are only more than ten years left. Anyway, there is no hope of entering the gods' transformation stage. It is better to use his residual heat to go to Tianlan Realm to kill, plunder the resources of immortal cultivation, and help his disciples to form babies.

The Sun Moon Palace dispatched six Nascent Soul cultivators and fifty alchemy cultivators, and they lost their blood. They didn't plan to go back.

Huang Fugui was only in the early days of Nascent Soul, his strength was not strong, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan could not understand how Huang Fugui got in.

If they are in danger, Huang Fugui runs faster than anyone else. They are not willing to fight with Huang Fugui. There is no problem in letting Huang Fugui pass the news or **** supplies, just fight alongside him.

"Prepare to go, because it is a temporary channel, there may be problems, and maybe it will be sent to a different place. This is a seven-star sensor symbol. Within 300,000 miles, the old man can sense your location and facilitate assembly."

Fu Wen took out thirty-five silver talismans and distributed them to Wang Changsheng and others.

The silver rune felt a little cold to the touch, and the surface was covered with mysterious runes the size of grains of rice.

"Senior Fu, can we sense each other's position with the seven-star sensory talisman?"

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a while, and then asked, if there is an accident and they are separated, other Nascent Soul cultivators are caught, wouldn't they be able to find them with the help of the seven-star sensory talisman?

"No, only the old man can sense your position. You can't sense each other's position. Well, it's getting late. Get ready to go."

Fu Wen waved his sleeves and flew out of the valley.

Wang Changsheng and others quickly followed, and Wang Yingjie and other thousands of cultivators followed.

Fu Wen stopped in the void with a solemn expression.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness quickly swept across the void in front of Fu Wen, and he could sense some faint spatial fluctuations, if they were looming, if you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot them at all.

Fu Wen flipped his hand and took out a glittering white jade pen. The surface of the jade pen was covered with countless small characters. Upon closer inspection, it was a personal name, a celestial and precious Wanmin pen.

If you want to open a temporary passage, it is not enough to rely on the fifth-order talisman to dry the light to break the boundary.

The Wanmin pen in Fu Wen's hand suddenly brightened, and all the names on the pen were brightly brightened, twisting like a living thing.

Holding the Wanmin Pen in his hand, he slashed towards the void, a white light flashed, and a white light flew out and slashed towards the void.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and ripples rippled in the void, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Holding the Wanmin Pen in his hand, he drew a gate of white light in the void,

"Please ask for your life for the people, and open it for me."

Fu Wen shouted loudly, and the Wanmin pen in his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and countless words flew out. These words were names of people, Liu Xu, Chen Yang, Sun Dong, Zhao Dafu, Hao Donglai, Ke Wenzheng...

After the names of these people were blurred, they became one after another of commoners, ranging from royal relatives to merchants and pawns. These people pushed towards the white door with both hands.

An astonishing scene appeared, the white door slowly opened, the void tore apart, and a hole more than ten feet long appeared.

Fu Wen flipped his hand and took out a gleaming white rune. The surface was covered with runes the size of grains of rice, emitting a faint spatial fluctuation.

He threw the white talisman towards the void, and with a flash of white light, the white talisman burst open, turning into a white circle of light to maintain the existence of the passage.

"Cultivator of Pill Formation, go first, move quickly, and the temporary passage will not last for too long."

Fu Wen commanded, with a heavy tone.

The ten alchemy cultivators put defenses on themselves and flew into the passage without any abnormality.

After more than one hundred cultivators entered the passage, the cultivators of Nascent Soul began to enter.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Xin, and Wang Qiuming were covered by a soft blue light and flew into the void together.

As soon as he entered the void, a harsh whistling sound came from Wang Changsheng's ears, and the passage in front was twisted and deformed, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Wang Changsheng frowned. It seemed that this temporary passage could not last for too long. It was really reluctant to transport thousands of cultivators to the Tianlan Realm. The later the entry, the more dangerous it would be.

After a while, the void in front of them suddenly brightened, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan felt dizzy, and they could not stand steadily. The dizziness was stronger than riding a large teleportation array.

After the five breaths, they regained consciousness and were surprised to find that they were above a valley where birds and flowers were and quickly fell towards the ground.

Wang Changsheng immediately let go of his consciousness to investigate the situation here. Fortunately, he did not find the aura of the unfamiliar cultivator, and the four of them landed firmly on the ground.

There was a black hole several feet in the sky, and cultivators fell out one after another. Wang Yingjie and the others followed Wang Changsheng and landed next to Wang Changsheng.

The Sun and Moon Shuangsheng sent people to inquire about the situation here, so that they knew what was going on.

Half an hour later, more than 500 monks have appeared here, and the black hole in the sky is twisted and deformed, and it seems that it will collapse at any time.

With a flash of white light, Fu Wen flew out of the black hole and slowly landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

Fu Wen's brows were furrowed, the temporary space channel was not stable, and more than a hundred Pills died directly in the space turbulence.

At this time, the black hole has healed, as if it never appeared.

Du Xu and Fang Yue flew over, grabbing two unconscious foundation-building cultivators in their hands.

"Senior Fu, we've explored it. This place is Windless Valley, located in the southwest of Tianlan Realm. It's relatively desolate here, and there are no major sects within a radius of tens of thousands of miles."

Fang Yue said truthfully.



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