Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1641: harassment behind enemy lines

Hearing this, Fu Min frowned slightly. He had imagined this possibility, but he did not expect it to be the case.

Wang Changsheng is not surprised. The Tianlan Sect has been unified for more than 600 years. It is impossible for those old monsters to keep those powerful monsters. After all, the places where powerful monsters are sealed are mostly places with abundant spiritual energy, maybe there are still powerful ones. Treasure suppression.

"Is there a small world in Tianlan Realm? Or a secret realm of Tianpin?"

Fang Yue opened his mouth and asked, there may be spiritual objects that impact the spirit transformation stage in the secret realm of heaven, and at the worst, you can find materials for refining spiritual treasures.

"There is no small world, there are several places in the secret realm of heaven, but most of the treasures in it have been scavenged. The location of the secret realm is heavily restricted and guarded by heavy troops. Wild hundred-year-old elixir is rare, let alone the thousand-year-old spirit. medicine."

Master Gan Li said truthfully that after the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm, they searched the secret realms all over the Tianlan Realm and cultivated masters in batches.

Fu Min frowned, if that was the case, they would have to kill people everywhere to find treasures.

"Do you know the space channel? The space channel that Tianlan Realm connects to other interfaces?"

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, I've been here for more than 300 years, and few people come here. The 79th article of the Tianlan Sect's sect rules is that you are not allowed to inquire about things outside your duties. Violators will be severely punished."

Master Ganli sighed and said that he has a normal relationship with the ruler of Tianlan Sect, otherwise he would not have been assigned here.

Wang Changsheng was a little speechless. He thought that after Master Gan Li surrendered to them, their actions would be much easier, but he didn't expect that Master Gan Li didn't know much about the situation in Tianlan Realm.

The spiritual energy here is not abundant, and there are not many resources for immortal cultivation. Master Ganli was sent here to mine ores, and naturally he was a monk who was not reused.

"By the way, this sect...Tian Lan sect has refined a treasure called Xuanyuan Pan, which specializes in detecting spatial fluctuations, and it can detect spatial fluctuations within a million miles. If you have companions over , be careful."

Master Ganli said cautiously.

"Is there a Xuanyuan plate here?"

Fang Yue asked, this is not good news.

Master Gan Li shook his head and said, "No, the refining of the Xuanyuan disk is very difficult, and the number is not large. It is placed in other places. The environment here is special. If you want to leave here, you need to pass through the boundless sand sea. Just get in touch with your colleagues over there."

"You have to contact other colleagues when you leave here? You have the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul, how could you be assigned here?"

Wang Ruyan asked in confusion.

"After the war between Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm, Tianlan Realm was under martial law. It was strictly forbidden for monks to run around. There was no order. All disciples must stick to their posts. There are many prohibitions left by ancient times in the boundless sand sea. Leaving here, either through the boundless sand sea, or across hundreds of millions of miles of sea, the other sub-rudders are also heavily guarded. As for whether there are any spiritual monks, I don’t know. Rules, they didn't dare to kill me, so they sent me here, before I came in the middle of Nascent Soul."

Master Gan Li was angry when he said this. If he hadn't offended the villain and was sent to such a place, he might have already entered the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul.

This is also the drawback of the Xiuxian sect. It is easy for the monks in power to stumble upon fellow sects who cannot deal with them. The position of the rudder is rather special. The south is the boundless sea, and the west is the desert of hundreds of millions of miles. This is also the master of Ganli. One of the reasons why he was so quick to submit to Fu Min.

Except for Fu Wen and Huang Fugui, Wang Changsheng and others were all from the South China Sea. Most of the monks practiced water attribute exercises, and they could take advantage of fighting in the sea.

"Senior Fu, why don't we fly over from the sea! There are restrictions left by the ancients in the boundless sand sea. Once attacked, we will be in trouble."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

Fang Yue and others all expressed their agreement that there is a certain risk in crossing the boundless sand sea.

Fu Min pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Let's leave from the sea! Move quickly, maybe Tianlanzong has found something abnormal."

After half an hour, a blue giant boat with a length of more than 100 meters flew away from here and flew towards the endless sea.


In the southeast of Tianlan Realm, a green mountain range stretching for millions of miles, the fire is soaring into the sky, and the roar is constant.

Thousands of monks were fighting, Fang Mu was standing on top of a steep mountain, and nine corpses surrounded the two Nascent Soul monks and released spells to attack them.

Fang Mu learned that the high-level people were going to select people to enter the Tianlan Realm. He took the initiative to sign up. His corpse wanted to be promoted. This is the best chance.

In the Dongli world, unless there is a war between the monsters, it is not good for him to start killing, that is to find his own way.

Tianlan Realm and Dongli Realm started a war. Fang Mu could fight without any scruples when he arrived in Tianlan Realm. With nine refined corpses in the Nascent Soul Stage, he dared to rival the Yuanying Great Perfection monks.

In the void behind Fang Mu, there was a black hole several feet in size, and monks flew out from the black hole from time to time.

The place where they descended was at a sub-rudder in Tianlan Realm. Fortunately, there were no spiritual monks. Fang Mu had to guard the passage and lead other companions over.

"Zombies know magic! What kind of zombie is this!"

The Yuanying cultivator of Tianlan Realm exclaimed.

Fang Mu sneered and said, "Go down and ask the King of Hell!"

The nine corpses lit up with a dazzling aura, and nine beams of light of different colors flew out and merged into one, covering the two Nascent Soul cultivators, and the nine corpses rushed up.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators controlled the magic weapon to attack the nine corpses, but it was of no use.

Intensive spell aura hit the black hole high in the sky, trying to destroy the entrance.

Fang Mu sneered, opened his mouth, and a black light flew out, the gloomy wind blew, and the sound of ghosts and wolves was loud.

A hideous grimace appeared on the flag. The grimace seemed to come alive. It opened its **** mouth and spewed out a gray mist, which turned into a black wind wall and blocked it in front of the black hole.

Intensive magic light hit the black wind wall, like a fist hitting cotton, it was useless.

A blue light and a black light flew out from the black hole, and the spiritual light converged, showing the blue-and-white ancestor and an old man in black robes with thin cheeks.

The black-robed old man's surname was Zhao, and he was the supreme elder of the Yin Corpse Sect in the early days of God Transformation.

The arrival of the two deity cultivators was a final decision.

Zhao Yu's sleeve robe flicked, and a black light flew out, heading straight for the cultivator of Tianlan Realm.

The screams continued, and the cultivators of Tianlanjie fell one after another. On the other side, Fang Mu's corpse refining also captured two Nascent Soul cultivators.

Zhao Yun searched for the souls of the two Nascent Soul cultivators, frowning tightly.

"There is no place where powerful demons are sealed, there are only three dangerous places."

Zhao Yu frowned.

"Hmph, this is what we expected, let's meet up with fellow Daoist Fu and the others! I don't know what happened to them."

The blue-and-white ancestor said with some disapproval. The four cultivators led the team to sneak into the Tianlan Realm. Before the action, the four cultivators left a special mark on each other. Within a million miles, they could sense the existence of each other, but this This special imprint will only exist for one year, so they must meet within one year.

After half an hour, they finished cleaning the battlefield and left the place.

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