Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1642: Shangguan Tianhong

In an endless green grassland, dozens of cultivators were fighting, and the roar was constant. There were dozens of huge pits on the ground, and there were billowing flames in the pits.

From time to time, colorful auras erupted in the sky, the air was billowing, and a large piece of turf was lifted.

Shangguan Wei sat on Jiuyouque's back with an indifferent expression.

Two men, one woman and three late Nascent Soul monks surrounded her, and the three of them were full of murderous expressions.

Under the leadership of Ye Yan, Shangguan Wei and other more than 1,000 monks opened a temporary passage and headed to the Tianlan Realm, intending to use their own way to heal their own bodies.

Their luck was not good. They were discovered by the monks in the Tianlan realm as soon as they came. A god-turning cultivator from the Tianlan realm arrived at the fastest speed and destroyed the temporary passage. Ye Yan had no way to come over. Shangguan Wei saw The situation was not good, and he used a fifth-order escape talisman to escape, but Tianlanjie had too much control over the grassroots, and Shangguan Wei was chased and killed by the monks of Tianlanjie.

"Hmph, if you want to make trouble in our Tianlan Realm and seek your own death, then I'll send you on your way!"

A dignified old man in green robe sneered, his face full of murderous intent.

"Just a few of you? What a big tone."

Shangguan Wei's face turned cold, and she turned her hand and took out a small and exquisite black bell.

Lingbao Black Sparrow Bell, Jiuyou Bell is the treasure of the Nine You Sect, and it is also a treasure that can reach the sky. There are no spiritual monks in the Nine You Sect for the time being, and the interface battles, the Nine You Sect is handed over to Ye Yan for safekeeping.

Shangguan Wei led the team into the Tianlan Realm, hoping to find an opportunity to advance to the Divine Transformation Stage. If she stayed in the Dongli Realm, she could only passively participate in the battle. If she died, she would fight back the invasion of the Tianlan Realm and loot a piece of property. , it is better to go to Tianlan Realm, maybe you can take this opportunity to enter the God Transformation Stage.

Staying in Dongli Realm, she must fight with the monks in Tianlan Realm. When she arrives in Tianlan Realm, as long as she is out of the control of the cultivator, she can find a place to hide and cultivate to avoid this catastrophe.

"Go ahead and take her head to receive the reward."

The blue-robed old man's face turned cold, and he waved the blue flag in his hand. Countless blue flames suddenly appeared on the flag, and the temperature in the vicinity suddenly rose.

At this moment, a loud bell rang, and then a seductive female voice suddenly sounded: "It's boring to fight and kill, I think we should turn our enemies into friends!"

I don't know why, but the old man in green robe felt very cordial when he heard this, as if the other party was his close relative.

The old man in green robe felt a blur in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a long and narrow valley. In his arms was a woman in a blue skirt with an extraordinary beauty. The woman in the blue skirt had a terrifying blood hole on her chest, and her face was bloodless.

"Husband, get out of here quickly and go back alive..."

Before the woman in the green skirt could finish her words, she breathed out.

The old man in green robe suddenly felt a sense of grief in his heart, he felt that the whole world had collapsed, and his chest was congested.


The old man in green robe was distraught and cried loudly.

The three cultivators in the late Nascent Soul were crying loudly, looking angry, or excited. Their eyes were obsessed, and they were obviously caught in an illusion.

"Jiuyoutian Illusory Collection" can make the opponent fall into an illusion without knowing it, and can also control the opponent's emotions and desires. As long as the cultivator has emotions and desires, he will be recruited. If Shangguan Wei drives Jiuyouzhong, she can affect the cultivator. The seven emotions and six desires.

With her cultivation of Nascent Soul Great Perfection, and with the blessing of Lingbao, it is very easy to control the emotions and desires of the three late Nascent Soul monks.

"There are too many troubles in the world, let's leave this filthy world!"

Shangguan Wei said with a cold expression.

The eyes of the three old men in green robe showed a bit of determination. They aimed the magic weapon in their hands at themselves, and they were about to commit suicide.

"Master Lu, no, wake up quickly."

The Tianlan Sect cultivator shouted loudly.

All this was destined to be futile. The three late Nascent Soul cultivators had already been hit by Shangguanwei's illusion and could not wake up at all. They chopped off their heads in front of Shangguanwei.

Clang clang clang!

A resounding bell rang, and a black sound wave flew towards, the three corpses turned into a rain of blood, and Nascent Soul could not escape.

Seeing this scene, the cultivator of Tianlanjie was so frightened that he wanted to run away.


After a huge thunderous sound, a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, the thundercloud rolled violently, and thousands of thick silver lightning struck down.

The radius of dozens of miles turned into a silver sea of ​​thunder, and a few screams were vaguely heard.

After ten breaths, the thunder cloud dissipated, the silver lightning disappeared, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground. The pothole was charred black, and a complete body was not seen.

Lei Yiming flew back to Shangguanwei's side, holding a silver flag in his hand, and countless silver arcs danced on the flag.

Shangguan Wei seized the storage bags of the three Nascent Soul monks, and ordered to Lei Yiming: "Go, let's find a place to hide first, Senior Ye won't be able to come, so we have to be careful."

She flipped her hand and took out a piece of jade ruyi that was shining with yellow light, and with a flick of it, a curtain of light with shining yellow light appeared out of nowhere, covering the two of them, and they disappeared into the ground.

After more than half an hour, a black escaping light flew from a distance. It didn't take long for the black light to stop. It was a black cloud that was hundreds of feet in size. Hundreds of monks stood on it, led by a little one. The hunchbacked old man in black robe, the old man in black robe is thin and his eyes are small.

True Monarch Heavenly Demon, the initial stage of divine transformation.

"Report the situation here to the main altar immediately, and let them know that the monks from Dongli Realm have smuggled in. When they see the monks in Dongli Realm, they will kill them. Those who dare to play tricks on the tiger and take refuge in the cultivators of Dongli Realm will be punished as treason~www.readwn .com ~ Kill without mercy."

True Monarch Tianmo said coldly, murderous.

He killed several Yuanying cultivators, and the soul searcher learned that Dongli Realm had sent experts into Tianlan Realm. Fortunately, Ye Yan was unable to come because Tianmo Zhenjun responded in time. How many experts have been sent by the fence world.

"Yes, Master Chen."


Tianlan Sect, the council hall.

More than 20 cultivators of Tianlan Sect were sitting on both sides, and their expressions were different.

A slight footstep sounded, and a young man in golden robe walked in. The young man in golden robe had a face with Chinese characters, his eyes were bright, and his expression was indifferent, giving people a feeling of not being close.

Shangguan Tianhong, the head of the Tianlan Sect, is also the most powerful cultivator of the Tianlan Sect.

As soon as Shangguan Tianhong appeared, all the cultivators stood up one after another and said respectfully, "I have seen Senior Brother Shangguan (Uncle Shangguan)."

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of the monks, Shangguan Tianhong sat down in the main seat and said, "I called you here today because I have a very important thing to tell you, the high-level monks from Dongli Realm came to our Tianlan Realm. Now, two groups of enemies have been discovered, conservatively estimated to be more than 500 people, led by a spiritual cultivator."



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