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Chapter 1644: Baiyun Island

The other Nascent Soul cultivators have their own advantages, and Huang Fugui would run away. Shen Wenbin didn't know whether the high-level sent Huang Fugui to come here, or whether Huang Fugui took the initiative to invite Ying over.

He looked down on Huang Fugui's cowardice from the bottom of his heart. Huang Fugui knew that he bullied low-level monks. Can have babies.

"I'm born with my talents, but I can't say that. In some specific environments, Daoyou Huang can play a major role."

Wang Changsheng spoke good words for Huang Fugui, and his private education with Huang Fugui was not bad.

Huang Fugui bullies the soft and is afraid of the hard, and is greedy for life and fears death, but Huang Fugui still attaches great importance to promises.

Shen Wenbin smiled without saying a word, and said nothing.

It didn't take long for Huang Fugui and Liu Shuo to return. A yellow net covered the three foundation-building cultivators. They didn't move, and their eyes were full of horror.

"Senior Fu, we have already captured the person."

Huang Fugui said with a smile, and pushed the three foundation-building cultivators to Fu Wen.

"Daoyou Du and Xiaoyou Wang, each of you will bring one person to interrogate. If you cooperate with us, you will be able to live, and your resistance will immediately be smashed to ashes."

Fu Wen said coldly, he could force a soul search, but in that case, the three foundation-building cultivators would be useless. Fu Wen needed the other party to cooperate with him, and it was best to quietly take over the sub-rudder here.

According to Venerable Gan Li, this sea area is the Qingli Sea, with many islands and multiple rudders, so it is impossible for a cultivator to sit in charge.

Wang Changsheng and Du Xu responded, and each led a Foundation Establishment cultivator toward the distance.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, a blue water curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering the three of them.

"What's your name? If you don't want me to search your soul, honestly explain what you know."

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice, his face full of anger.

"The junior's name is Su Chen, and he is a disciple of Baiyun Fenruo. There are several Nascent Soul cultivators in Fenruo. The junior doesn't know how many there are."

Wang Ruyan frowned and asked, "Is there anything unusual recently? Or, have you received any important tasks from the helm?"

Su Chen hesitated to speak, as if he had something to hide.

"What? Do you need us to search for souls? Or do you want to die? If you don't tell us, we won't know?"

Wang Changsheng's expression turned cold, and a huge spiritual pressure rushed out, heading straight for Su Chen.

Su Chen's face flushed red, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground.

"I said, I said everything. Some time ago, a large number of masters were transferred away. I heard that they were going to participate in the interface battle."

Su Chen said truthfully, he guessed that the other party was probably a cultivator from Dongli Realm. He didn't say that he would die immediately, but that he could live longer.

Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he continued to ask, "The spatial passage leading to Dongli Realm is in the Qingli Sea?"

"I don't know this very well. I only know that many uncles and uncles have been transferred to Jinsha Island. I don't know the specific situation."

Su Chen said cautiously.

Wang Changsheng asked a few more questions, and Su Chen answered honestly, but there were some questions that Su Chen couldn't answer.

According to Su Chen's answer, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have a good idea. The space passage to Dongli Realm is likely to be on Jinsha Island in Qingli Sea. In this way, it is very likely that there are cultivators of God Transformation here, relying on them alone. Strength, it is difficult to destroy the space channel!

"Madam, look at him, I'll report to Senior Fu."

Wang Changsheng gave a warning to Wang Ruyan, passed through the blue water curtain, and reported to Fu Wen.

The three foundation-building cultivators explained the same situation. The Tianlan Sect arranged a large number of high-level cultivators on Jinsha Island, and all kinds of cultivation supplies were transported to Jinsha Island.

Baiyun Fenrudder has 1,300 islands, and these more than 1,000 islands are distributed in a radius of 30 million miles. It will take a lot of time to capture all the islands.

With the active cooperation of the three foundation-building cultivators, Fu Wen searched their souls and found that they did not lie.

"If there are Spirit Transformation cultivators, it is estimated that they will be in Jinsha Island. First take the Baiyun sub-rudder, capture the high-level monks, Wang Xiaoyou, Wang Xiaoyou, follow them back to Baiyun Island and investigate the situation on Baiyun Island. If there is no Spirit Transformation cultivator, you will To win Baiyun Island, it is best to capture the high-level monks of Baiyun Island alive, and it will be of great use to keep them."

Fu Wen instructed that more than 1,000 islands are too scattered. If you kill them directly, it is difficult to guarantee that the news will not be leaked. In case Baiyun Island and Jinsha Island have a direct teleportation formation, Jinsha Island will send several cultivators to come here. Support is troublesome.

What he is most worried about is that there are Spirit Transformation cultivators on Baiyun Island. If they are entangled by the other party, it will be troublesome. After all, they are in a foreign land, and Master Ganli has been in Windless Valley for hundreds of years. Staffing situation.

Let Qinglian Immortal Companions go on an adventure. If they encounter the cultivators, they can only blame them for their bad luck. If there are no cultivators, they will naturally be unable to stop them.

"Yes, Senior Fu."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed in unison. They planted a restraint on Su Chen and asked him to lead the way. They pretended to be a disciple of the Tianlan Sect to see if they could infiltrate the Baiyun Fenruo and find an opportunity to investigate the situation of the Baiyun Fenrui.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan followed Su Chen to Baiyun to split the rudder, and Fu Wen and others followed far behind.

Two hours later, Su Chen stopped. A cloud-like island appeared in front of him, and a large number of monks could be seen walking around.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan held their breaths and raised their hearts to their throats, for fear that someone would investigate their identities. To their great relief, no one had investigated their identities at all, so they could easily follow Su Chen into Baiyun Island.

There are many buildings on Baiyun Island, and a large number of monks are active on the island.

"Hey, Senior Brother Su, you guys are back? These two look a little awkward."

A girl in a blue dress with a beautiful face and beautiful eyes met Su Chen and greeted him with a smile.

"They are Senior Brother Wang and Senior Sister Wang who came from Jinsha Island. We have something important to go to Baiyun Peak to ask to see Senior Brother Su. I won't tell you, Junior Sister Yang."

Su Chen looked unwilling to talk to the girl in the blue dress.

"Master Su? Isn't Master Su already..."

The girl in the blue dress was halfway through, when she suddenly thought of something, and immediately changed her mind and said, "It's not long since Mr. Su came back, you should go find him!"

Wang Changsheng's face turned cold, he could see that they had already been exposed, and this Su Chenning was unwilling to cooperate with them. It seems that Tianlan Sect taught the disciples Wang Changsheng flicked two fingers, a blue light It flew out, disappeared into the blue skirt girl's body, and the blue skirt girl couldn't move.

Su Chen wanted to shout loudly, but a blue light penetrated into his body, he couldn't move, let alone make a sound.

Soon, the four of Wang Changsheng landed in a five-acre manor. There were many low-level elixir planted in the manor, and there were no other monks.

Wang Changsheng searched for the girl in the blue skirt, and found that the so-called Master Su had died not long ago, and Su Chen really wanted to report.

"It's very dangerous, and the boat almost capsized in the gutter. The foundation-building cultivator of Tianlan Sect is not afraid of life and death, and he has more backbone than Master Ganli."

Wang Changsheng said somewhat unexpectedly, it seems that the Tianlan Sect has been ruling successfully for more than 600 years, and the disciples would rather die than betray the sect.

Su Chen was motionless and anxious. His relatives were all on Baiyun Island. If he betrayed his sect, even if he could destroy the enemy, his relatives would be severely punished. The punishment is heavy.

"Madam, he still has relatives on the island. Maybe someone will come back. You stay here, and I'll check the situation here."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, and it turned into a little blue light and disappeared.



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