Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1645: Heavenly Fire Lord

Zhao Junyue was born in the Zhao family in Qianling Mountain, and has practiced Taoism for more than 500 years, and is already in the late Nascent Soul.

She is a double-spiritual cultivator. The reason why her cultivation speed is so fast is that, firstly, the Zhao family she was born in was originally a cultivator in the Tianlan world. The experts in the clan are like clouds and have a deep background. Zhao Junyue, who is a double-spiritual root, naturally has no shortage of resources for cultivating immortals. Second, Zhao Junyue's husband, Lihuo Zhenren, is a cultivator of Tianling root, and he cultivates both the body and the law. Lihuo Zhenren is a descendant of Tianhuo Zhenjun. With this relationship, Zhao Junyue and Lihuo Zhenren's cultivation speed is naturally not slow.

Tianlan Realm invaded Dongli Realm, and a large number of masters were transferred to the front line. Because of Tianhuo Zhenjun, Zhao Junyue and Lihuo Zhenren were able to stay in Tianlan Realm and did not have to fight with Donglijie cultivators.

Apart from them, some related households were able to stay in the Tianlan Realm, euphemistically, they said they stayed behind, supported by spiritual monks, and others could only pretend they didn't see it.

As usual, Zhao Junyue is diving in her residence.

At this moment, a sound transmission suddenly flew in and landed in front of Zhao Junyue.

Zhao Junyue immediately stopped her work, opened her eyes, and when she saw the sound transmission in front of her, she frowned.

There are three Nascent Soul cultivators on the island. Another Nascent Soul cultivator is in charge of chores. Zhao Junyue and Lihuo Zhenren can practice with peace of mind.

"Could it be that the battle is tight and we need to be mobilized to the front? Or did the cultivators from Dongli Realm come over?"

Zhao Junyue said to herself, her face a little ugly.

She crushed the sound transmission, and a panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "Junior Sister Zhao, the enemy attacked, the enemy attacked, the monks from the Dongli Realm came over."

Zhao Junyue's face sank, and she rushed out of the residence immediately. When she rushed out of the residence, a burly young man in red shirt walked out of the secret room.

The young man in red shirt has handsome facial features, wearing a red robe with a pattern of flames on the surface of the robe, with a golden dragon belt tied around his waist, with a pair of smart eyes, and the appearance of a handsome young man. Lihuo Zhenren, his breath is stronger than Zhao Junyue, and he has the cultivation of Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

"The monks from Dongli Realm are calling, let's go out to support."

After Master Lihuo finished speaking, he strode out, and Zhao Junyue followed.

They live on a thousand-zhang-high emerald-green mountain, with many exotic flowers and plants planted on the mountain.

Baiyun Island was safe and sound, but outside Baiyun Island, the shouts of killing were soaring into the sky, and a large number of high-level cultivators were fighting at high altitudes.

Lihuo Zhenren's expression turned cold, and with a flick of his two fingers, a red light shot out and flew towards somewhere down the mountain.

A blue light lit up in the void, Wang Changsheng's figure appeared, his figure flickered, he appeared more than ten meters away, and the red light hit the ground.


A deafening roar sounded, and there was a huge pit more than 30 feet in size on the ground, and the pit was filled with billowing flames.

Wang Changsheng's eyes were gloomy. Before he had time to investigate the situation on Baiyun Island, Fu Wen and the others started a fight with the monks in the Tianlan Realm.

Outside Baiyun Island, Fu Wen's expression is indifferent. Across from him, thousands of feet away, is a short and stout red-robed old man. The red-robed old man has a childish face with Hefa, round face and small eyes. Cultivation.

The cultivator of Dongli Realm entered the Tianlan Realm, and the disciple who was sitting in Windless Valley was killed. Tianhuo Zhenjun was worried that his descendants would have an accident, so he brought people to Baiyun Island at the first time, and planned to personally lead his descendants to Jinsha Island. Who would have thought As soon as he arrived at the waters near Baiyun Island, he discovered the whereabouts of the monks from the East Lijie.

While True Monarch Tianhuo was happy, he was also a little nervous. He only brought more than 20 high-level cultivators, and there were only five cultivators in Nascent Soul, which was far from Dongli Realm.

This is the site of Tianlan Realm. He has already issued a ten thousand-mile sound transmission. As long as he drags the opponent for a while, and the reinforcements arrive, the opponent will surely die.

Jinsha Island has a total of five God Transformation monks and two hundred Nascent Soul monks. Unless ten God Transformation monks besiege Jinsha Island, it is impossible to win Jinsha Island.

"Xiaoyou Du and Xiaoyou Fang, you help the old man to kill this man, and the old man will reward you a lot."

Fu Wen gave Du Xu and Fang Yue a voice transmission. Both Sun and Moon Sages have the cultivation of Nascent Soul Great Perfection. They have Lingbao in their hands and can help them out. Others are inferior.

"Yes, Senior Fu."

Fang Yue and Du Xu left the battle group one after another to support Fu Wen.

Wang Qiuming and others joined forces to deal with other cultivators in the Tianlan Realm. The cultivators in the Tianlan Realm were obviously not opponents.

All they have to do is to drag, and when their reinforcements arrive, the cultivator in the Dongli Realm will surely die.

On Baiyun Island, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were attacking Lihuo Zhenren and Zhao Junyue. A large number of low-level monks fell in a pool of blood, and their bodies were cut in half by sharp weapons.

Wang Ruyan held the celestial pipa with an indifferent expression.

Wang Ruyan's jade fingers swept across the strings, and the rapid sound of the pipa sounded, the void vibrated constantly, the wind was blowing, the earth and rocks cracked, the house collapsed, and the trees burst open, turning into tiny sawdust all over the sky.

An old man in yellow robe with a somewhat hunchback manipulated the yellow fine sand in the sky and attacked Lihuo Zhenren and Zhao Junyue.

Wang Ruyan drove the celestial pipa and easily made the old man in yellow robe fall into an illusion. This is the scary part of Lingbao.

It's a little strange that Lihuo Zhenren and Zhao Junyue ignore the illusion created by Wang Ruyan, it seems that most of them have strange treasures, otherwise it is impossible to ignore the illusion created by Wang Ruyan using the rhythm.

Wang Changsheng was surrounded by hundreds of towering trees, and the dense black roots broke out of the ground and shot at Wang Changsheng.

At the same time, a large amount of weeds grew on the ground, turning into swords and slashing at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng held the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber, and with a gentle wave, one after another of incomparably sharp blue light blades flew out, slashing all around.


A series of roars sounded, towering trees fell one by one, and a large number of weeds were chopped and smashed.

He had just cut down dozens of towering trees, and soon dozens of towering trees appeared.

"The fourth-order tree demon!"

Wang Changsheng frowned. He never imagined that he would meet a Nascent Soul cultivator with a fourth-order tree demon.

He was trapped by the fourth-order tree demon and couldn't escape. It took a long time to delay, which is not a good thing.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves were covered, and a buzzing sound rang Tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants flew out and flew in all directions.

Jin Kemu, when he subdued the wood demon, the gold-swallowing ants played an important role. The queen of gold-swallowing ants has advanced to the fourth rank, and it is not a big problem to deal with the fourth-rank tree demon.

The double-eyed rat got out of Wang Changsheng's sleeve, turned into a yellow light and disappeared into the ground, followed by the wood demon, rooted in the ground,

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, the wood demon is not the opponent of the tree demon, so there is no problem in helping a little.

After the wood demon took root on the ground, a large number of cyan thorns grew on the ground, protecting Wang Changsheng, and no more weeds appeared.

Hundreds of towering trees swayed violently, and countless leaves flew off, turning into sharp weapons, making a piercing sound of breaking through the air, hitting Wang Changsheng.

Hundreds of cyan thorns burst out of the ground and quickly woven into a huge cyan net to protect Wang Changsheng.

The dense leaves hit the blue net pocket, and there was a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng was intact.

A small dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the small dirt bag moved quickly. Wherever it passed, towering trees fell down, splashing a lot of dust.

Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up, and the magic trick was pinched, and tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants spun around in the air, turning into a golden spear over a hundred feet long, and heading straight for a towering tree.



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