Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1646: Wang Changsheng vs Lihuo real person

The tree demon turned into an ordinary big tree, and Wang Changsheng couldn't tell the difference, couldn't find the existence of the fourth-order tree demon, couldn't find the fourth-order tree demon, and he couldn't break out of the formation.

The double-eyed rat has a keen sense of smell. It has found the true body of the fourth-order tree demon. Naturally, Wang Changsheng will not miss this opportunity.

At this moment, hundreds of towering trees moved one after another, blocking the golden spear.


A loud explosion sounded, dozens of towering trees were pierced by golden spears and fell down, but the speed of golden spears also slowed down.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, the tip of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber turned golden, and he slashed into the void in the direction of the double-eyed mouse. .

With a flash of golden light, a golden sword light with a length of more than one hundred meters flew out, slashing towards the dense towering trees.

There was a loud noise, and where the golden sword light passed, a large tree was broken in the middle, and the thick trunk fell to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke and dust.

The golden light blade slashed above a towering tree, there was a muffled sound of "keng", and sparks flew everywhere.

On the surface of the main trunk of the towering tree, a vicissitudes of life appeared on the face of an old man. Judging from its aura, it was a fourth-order middle-rank 1 tree demon, equivalent to a cultivator in the middle of Nascent Soul.

There was a look of panic in the tree man's eyes, and a large number of towering trees moved towards it, blocking it in front of it, and it moved quickly, dazzling and indistinguishable.

The double-eyed mouse broke out of the ground, flew to a tree trunk of the tree man, opened its mouth and bit the tree trunk,


There was a muffled sound, sparks flew everywhere, and there was a shallow bite mark on the surface of the tree trunk.

A large number of sharp thorns grew on the surface of the trunk, stabbing at the double-eyed mouse, and other trunks grew a large number of sharp thorns, which turned into a cyan spear and hit the double-eyed mouse.

The surface of the double-eyed rat's body lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and a thick layer of soil armor emerged out of thin air, wrapping its entire body and spreading toward the tree trunk.


A huge roar sounded, and hundreds of towering trees burst open, turning into debris and flying dust. Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared in front of the tree man, wearing a pair of blue-glowing gloves on both hands. The blue scales, the indeterminate flow of runes, and the misty water vapor are the Lingbao Sea Splitting Gloves.

The tree man turned pale in shock, opened his mouth and spurted out a cloud of blue light, hitting Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's figure was blurred, one turned into ten, ten Wang Changsheng surrounded the tree man, both fists moved at the same time, and smashed at the tree man.

A miserable scream sounded, and the tree man's body was torn apart, leaving a golden core the size of a fist.

Wood demons are different from ordinary demon beasts. After being killed, they will only leave behind crystal cores, which are equivalent to demon pills and have no soul.

A large number of cyan thorns burst out of the ground, wrapping the golden nuclei. The golden nuclei disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye and were swallowed up by the wood demon.

After devouring the crystal core of the fourth-rank mid-rank Treant, the wood demon has a great hope of advancing to the fourth-rank.

Sure enough, after swallowing the tree man's crystal nucleus, the wood demon became drowsy. With this level of fighting, the third-order wood demon could not play any role. Wang Changsheng took it back into the spirit beast bag.

At this time, a shrill scream sounded, and the yellow-robed old man was wrapped in a light blue flame, which turned into flying ashes, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.

Lihuo Zhenren had lost patience and killed the fellow who attacked them.

Seeing Wang Changsheng kill the tree people so quickly, Lihuo Zhenren was shocked and angry.

As the only descendant of True Monarch Tianhuo, he was much spoiled.

After the real person Lihuo formed the elixir, the real master Tianhuo sent him a top-grade tree person of the third rank as a congratulatory gift. The real person Lihuo spent a lot of energy and financial resources to cultivate the tree person to the middle grade of the fourth order. The cultivators in the late infancy were no match for the tree man. He didn't expect the tree man to kill Wang Changsheng, as long as he could trap the opponent for a moment, but Wang Changsheng got out of the trap faster than he imagined.

"Madam, if you deal with her, I will deal with this person. Be careful. They dare to break into the Tianlan Realm. They are definitely not unknown people."

Real Man Lihuo reminded solemnly, his face full of murderous intent.

He is a cultivator of Tianling Root and a descendant of True Monarch Tianhuo. When he was born, Tianlan Sect had unified Tianlan Realm. Because of True Monarch Tianhuo, no one would fight against him. with his.

After the unification of Tianlan Sect, if the disciples want to practice, they will enter the secret realm to experience or break into the Tianlan Tower. The Tianlan Tower is the treasure of the Tianlan Sect, and it is also a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. Three fifth-order monsters have been refined. The soul of Tianlan Tower can transform into monsters to attack the passers-by.

Lihuo Zhenren has gone through many secret realms, and even fought against a fifth-order demon that was transformed from Tianlan Tower, but he was defeated by two moves. His biggest disadvantage is that he has never killed anyone, and it is a taboo to harm his fellow sect. Lihuo Zhenren grew up in the Tianlan Sect, and naturally he would not kill his fellow sects. He has killed many monsters, but his magic weapons and exercises are all excellent. If you can't beat it, you can't say it.

Because of this, True Monarch Tianhuo did not let him fight on the front line.

Lihuo Zhenren has learned from many of his peers, and he thinks he is not weak.

Wang Changsheng is different from Lihuo Zhenren. He has a lot of fighting with life and death. Along the way, there are no one hundred or eighty monks who died directly in his hands. There are as many as Nascent Soul monks, and he is also with the sun and the moon. Saint, who has been famous for many years, has played against each other.

He now has Lingbao in his hand, and he is not afraid of a Yuanying Dzogchen monk at all.

There was a loud cracking sound, and a golden spear charged straight towards Lihuo Zhenren.

Master Lihuo snorted lightly, patted the spirit beast bag, and after a buzzing sound, tens of thousands of red ants flew out. The ant queen was bloated and red all over. It was a fourth-order low-grade spirit worm. However, the queen's breath was a little sluggish, and she seemed to be traumatized.

The fire ant is invulnerable to swords and guns, and can not penetrate water and fire, and can breathe demonic fire to attack the enemy.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, tens of thousands of fire ants spun around in the air, turning into a huge red blade more than a hundred feet long, facing the golden spear.


The golden spear collided with the red giant There was a muffled sound of metal colliding, and sparks flew everywhere.

Wang Changsheng had already put away his Sea-Splitting Gloves. It wasn't that he underestimated the enemy, but he wanted to use eighteen Dinghaizhu to kill Lihuo Renren.

The power of the Sea-splitting Gloves is huge, but it consumes more mana. Unless you can get close in an instant, the attack has not been in front of you, and Lihuo Zhenren has already avoided it.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth, and eighteen Dinghaizhu flew out, flying around him indefinitely. The water vapor was foggy, and a little blue light appeared in the void. Soon, a river more than one hundred meters long appeared in the void.

Lihuo Renren's response was not slow. He was a dual practitioner of the law and body. However, considering that he had never fought with the Yuan Ying cultivator before, he did not dare to be careless. He opened his mouth, and nine red flags flew out and circled around him. He was flying around, the heat wave was amazing, and a little spark of light appeared in the void, turning into a sea of ​​red fire, protecting him inside.

Wang Changsheng practiced water-attribute exercises, while Lihuo-ren practiced fire-attribute techniques. Both of them were dual practitioners of the Dharma body, but before that, Lihuo-ren practiced life-and-death battles with other cultivators.

On the other side, Wang Ruyan sacrificed a five-element talisman and a fourth-order puppet beast to fight with Zhao Junyue. Zhao Junyue released two fourth-order monsters, a giant tiger wrapped in red flames and a cyan peacock. The back of the giant tiger has a pair of blue fleshy wings, and the blue peacock's eyes are golden.



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