Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1647: fierce battle

The cold light in Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed, and the blue river that was protecting his body rolled violently, turning into a blue water dragon that was more than a hundred meters long, and the blue water dragon went straight to the opposite side.

Lihuo Zhenren was not afraid at all, and when the magic trick was pinched, the sea of ​​red fire rolled violently, and a red unicorn with a size of more than 100 meters appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The red unicorn greeted the blue water dragon with a monstrous heat wave.


A deafening roar sounded, the blue water dragon collided with the red unicorn, and a billowing white mist erupted. The area was covered by thick white mist, and a powerful air wave swept away, and wherever it passed, Plants and trees were blown away, houses collapsed, earth and rocks cracked, and dust was flying.

There was a loud bang from high up in the sky, the sky suddenly darkened, and a group of red fire clouds with a size of more than ten miles appeared in the sky. The red fire clouds rolled violently, emitting a monstrous heat wave.

After a huge roar sounded, giant fireballs the size of houses flew out one by one, smashing at Wang Changsheng like a meteor shower.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, eighteen Dinghaizhu spun around in mid-air, bursting with dazzling blue light, and a thick blue water curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering Wang Changsheng's body.

Hundreds of giant fireballs smashed onto the blue water curtain one after another, bursting open one after another, turning into a sea of ​​red flames within a radius of several miles. Ash.

Seeing this scene, Master Lihuo showed a bit of pride in his eyes. His natal magic weapon is a set of magic weapon Lihuoqi. The main material is the animal skin of the fourth-order high-grade Lihuo rhinoceros, the thousand-year-old salamander wood, etc. Refined from a variety of materials, the power is huge.

The flames released by the nine fire flags were naturally not ordinary flames.

In the sea of ​​red fire, towering trees turned into fly ash, buildings turned into ruins, and some special jade showed signs of melting.

Lihuoqi is not an ordinary magic weapon, and Wang Changsheng’s Dinghaizhu is an ordinary magic weapon. Dinghaizhu is made of one-yuan heavy water as the main material, and is refined from various water-attribute materials, which has both offense and defense.

Eighteen dazzling blue lights emerged from the sea of ​​red fire, and a blue sword light flew out, slashed towards the opposite side, and instantly appeared in front of Lihuo Zhenren.

Real Master Lihuo took no hassle, took out a small and exquisite red shield, and entered a magic trick. The size of the red shield soared and stood in front of him.


With a muffled sound, the blue sword light stood on top of the red shield, leaving a faint slash on it.

A loud roar of dragons sounded, and eighteen blue water dragons with a length of more than 100 meters rushed towards them. Wherever they passed, the roaring continued. The eighteen blue water dragons were transformed by eighteen Dinghai beads. They have the power of millions of pounds and are unstoppable.

The face of Lihuo Zhenren became solemn, the magic formula changed, and the nine Lihuo flags burst into dazzling fire, and they turned in mid-air, turning into nine huge red unicorns. The red unicorns were wrapped around. The flames rushed towards the eighteen blue water dragons.


The nine red unicorns collided with the blue water dragon, and a huge roar erupted, the air was billowing, and the clouds and mist continued.

With a flick of Li Huozhen's sleeve, nine small red mirrors flew out and floated in the air. The back of each small red mirror was engraved with a red Taiyang pattern. Like a red sun.

Red Sunglasses, a complete set of magic weapons.

As the only descendant of True Monarch Tianhuo, there are many magic weapons in the hands of True Master Lihuo.

With a pinch of his magic trick, countless red runes appeared on the mirror surface of the nine red sun mirrors, emitting a shockingly high temperature.

The red light flashed, and nine thick red flames flew out, gathered in one place, and turned into a red pillar of fire with a diameter of more than ten feet, hitting Wang Changsheng.

Where the red pillar of fire passed, there were ripples in the void, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Wang Changsheng felt the astonishing high temperature emanating from the red fire pillar, and did not dare to take it hard. He was about to avoid it when an extremely strange animal roar suddenly sounded. He felt that the surrounding environment became blurred, and he suddenly appeared in a group of red volcanoes. .

The sky is red, the air is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, and the ground is red.

"Not good, illusion."

Wang Changsheng's expression changed. It has always been Wang Ruyan who let the enemy fall into the illusion, this time he himself fell into the opponent's illusion.

Lihuo Ren held a small red clock the size of a palm in his hand. There was a pattern of a mini unicorn on the surface of the small clock, and the red light kept flowing.

Chi Linzhong can create illusions. The higher the cultivation level of the immortal cultivator, the stronger the consciousness, and the faster the recovery speed. However, if a master makes a move, a single error can determine the winner.

Wang Changsheng regained consciousness, and the red pillar of fire also hit the blue water curtain.


After a loud bang, the blue water curtain was torn to shreds by the red fire pillar, the red fire pillar hit Wang Changsheng, and the billowing flames drowned Wang Changsheng's figure.

A painful hissing sound sounded, and Lihuo Zhenren frowned. When he turned his head, he frowned. Huoyan Ant is not the opponent of Gold Swallowing Ant, which is not surprising. In the fighting method, the wounds of the fire ant queen have not yet healed.

The Gold Swallowing Ant Queen devoured a lot of refining materials, her body was already invulnerable, and her teeth were very good. The Fire Flame Ant is a fire-type spirit worm, and its defense is slightly worse. It's not surprising Gold-Swallowing Ant Queen and dozens of third-rank top-rank Gold-Swallowing Ants devoured the Fire-Yan Queen madly, and the Fire-Yan Queen spewed out demonic fire to attack the Gold-Swallowing Ant, with little effect.

Lihuo Zhenren frowned. He couldn't care about the life and death of the spirit worm, and the killing intent in his eyes was even more serious.

A flash of fire suddenly lit up his back, and a pair of red sparkling fire wings suddenly appeared on his back. The surface of the fire wings was filled with some golden arcs, exuding a violent breath, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

The flying magic weapon, Thunder Fire Wing, is a gift from Tianhuo Zhenjun to Lihuo Zhenren. It is made from the wings of a fourth-grade high-grade thunderfire beast, and is refined by adding a variety of thunderfire attribute materials. There are fire spirit roots or thunder spirits. Roots can drive.

Thunder Fire Wing suddenly slammed, rolling flames swept out, ripples rippled in the void, a deafening thunder sounded, and Lihuo Zhenren disappeared.

The next moment, a dazzling fire light lit up behind Wang Ruyan, and Master Lihuo suddenly appeared, his eyes were full of cold light.

Lihuo Zhenren is a dual cultivation of the law and body, and close combat is also his advantage. He can see that Wang Changsheng is not easy to deal with. In comparison, Wang Ruyan is weaker. They ignore the illusion created by the rhythm, and the sound wave can hurt him.



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