Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1649: Destroy the enemy

Lihuo Zhenren frowned, pinched the magic formula, and the thunder fire wings behind him erupted with a huge roar, and the billowing flames swept out, hitting the golden sound waves.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, the flames and the golden sound waves perished together, and a powerful air wave erupted. The powerful air wave was like a sharp sword, and the tops of more than a dozen mountain peaks were leveled, and the dust was flying.

Zhao Junyueyu turned her hand over, blue light flashed, and a palm-sized white ring appeared on her hand, with several crescent moon patterns engraved on the surface of the ring.

The white ring's aura is constantly flowing, obviously it is a spiritual treasure.

Bingyuehuan, forged into some ten thousand year mysterious jade, has great power.

Zhao Junyue flicked her wrist lightly, and the Bingyue ring turned into a white light and flew out, disappearing in a blur.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly lit up with a white light, and the ice moon ring appeared.

With the cold wind, the size of the ice moon ring skyrocketed and turned into a big mountain. The ice moon ring quickly rotated in mid-air, and a white tornado composed of countless white snowflakes emerged out of thin air, like a black hole in space, swallowing everything and sweeping the world.

The moment the white tornado appeared, the area for several miles was frozen, countless white snowflakes fell from the sky, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

At this moment, a melodious pipa sounded, and a dozen blue-colored sound waves flew out towards the white tornado.


The white tornado suddenly exploded, and countless white snowflakes flew around. The blue sound wave collided with the ice moon ring, and the ice moon ring flew out backwards. The blue sound wave also froze, turned into ice chips, and fell to the ground.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Master Lihuo, and he turned his hand and took out a jade talisman whose red light was erratic. The jade talisman was covered with mysterious runes the size of grains of rice.

This is a fifth-order jade talisman, which is comparable to a divine blow and can only be used once.

Lihuo Zhenren has a Lingbao in his hand, but he feels that Lingbao can't kill the opponent, so he plans to use his trump card to destroy the opponent in one move.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a golden spear with a length of more than 100 meters shot towards it, and instantly arrived in front of Master Lihuo.

Lihuo Zhenren snorted coldly, the thunder fire wings kept flapping, the thunder roared loudly, and a large golden electric arc flew out, hitting the golden spear one after another.

The speed of the golden spear was stagnant, the tip of the spear turned black, and a large number of gold-devouring ants fell off without moving.

The rumbling thunder continued, and the red flames and golden electric arcs hit the golden spear one after another. The golden spear suddenly collapsed and turned into tens of thousands of gold-devouring ants. A large number of gold-devouring ants fell to the ground. suffered a little trauma.

A loud man's angry shout suddenly sounded in the ears of Master Lihuo, who felt that the sea of ​​​​knowledge was about to be torn apart, and his facial features were distorted.

He has a strange treasure on his body, which can ignore the illusion created by the rhythm, but he cannot resist the attack of divine consciousness.

A red light lit up on the top of Lihuo Zhenren's head, and a small pagoda with red light flowing indefinitely appeared. It was the Lingbao Lieyang Pagoda. Wang Changsheng had already repaired the Lieyang Pagoda. This was the first time it was used.

The Lieyang Divine Pagoda burst into a dazzling red light, and its body soared to a height of 100 zhang, and a red glow erupted from the bottom, covering Zhao Junyue and Lihuo Zhenren.

Zhao Junyue and Lihuo Zhenren were caught in the Lieyang Pagoda by the red glow. The Lieyang Pagoda is a spiritual treasure, and it is impossible to get out of trouble.

Lihuo Zhenren only felt a flower before his eyes, and suddenly appeared in a spacious and bright red hall.

Before he had time to react, countless red runes suddenly appeared on the floor under his feet. After a blur, they turned into dozens of red chains, locking the hands and feet of Lihuo Renren.

When Lihuo Zhenren wanted to sacrifice the jade talisman in his hand, a blue light fell from the sky and disappeared into his head. Another sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and the whole person seemed to be torn in half.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan descended from the sky.

For the first time, they superimposed their divine sense to attack the enemy. The nine-turn forging divine technique was accompanied by a divine awareness attack secret technique - Split Divine Sword, which transformed into a flying sword and attacked the enemy.

Divine Consciousness Transformation is the unique magical power of the Spirit Transformation cultivator, and it is also an important symbol to distinguish Yuan Ying cultivator from the Spirit Transformation cultivator. The nine-transformation divine art must be cultivated to the last level, and the divine consciousness can only be displayed when it is close to the divine transformation stage. , Nine-turn forging magic requires special materials to help you cultivate to the last level. This material has disappeared, which is the reason why this set of exercises has been lost.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were unable to cultivate to the last level, but their consciousness was similar to that of Nascent Soul's Great Perfection. The superposition of the two's consciousness had reached the level of the spirit transformation stage, so they could naturally use the secret technique of splitting the sword.

Wang Ruyan's breath rose rapidly, and it was infinitely close to the stage of spiritual transformation. Two fingers hooked a pipa string, and released the pipa string. A harsh pipa sound rang out, and a green sound wave flew out.

Countless red runes lit up on the surface of Lihuozhen's body, a dazzling golden light lit up on his chest, and a thick golden light curtain appeared out of nowhere.

Zhao Junyue's chest lit up with a white light, and a thick white light curtain appeared close to the body. There was a mini phoenix on the surface of the white light curtain, and the mini phoenix's wings kept flapping.

Lingbao Longfengsuo, this is the day they got married, a gift from Heavenly Fire True Monarch. It can restrain illusion attacks and protect the body.

The cyan sound wave hit the golden light curtain, the golden light curtain was violently distorted and deformed, and the miniature dragon on the surface made an angry roar.

Wang Changsheng's breath rose rapidly, while Wang Ruyan's breath quickly declined.

The sea-splitting glove on Wang Changsheng's hand burst out with a dazzling aura, and his arms moved.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and dense blue fist shadows flew out, hitting the opposite side.

The dense blue fist shadows hit the golden light curtain and the white light curtain one after another, and the two light curtains shook violently.

Wang Changsheng frowned, the opponent actually had a defensive spiritual treasure, it seemed they were a pair.

Wang Changsheng held nine Dinghai Pearls in each of his hands and smashed them towards the golden light curtain.


After a loud noise, the golden light curtain sank, and a blue sound wave swept in, hitting the golden light curtain, like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the golden light curtain shattered.

Immortal Lihuo's eyes filled with cold light, and he opened his mouth to shoot out a red flame, hitting Wang Changsheng.

The billowing flames enveloped Wang Changsheng's body, and even the void couldn't bear the high temperature and wanted to tear it apart.

A fist with blue light flew out and smashed towards Lihuo Renren's head.

A shrill scream rang out, and Lihuo Zhenren's head burst open, turning into a rain of blood.

The headless corpse swayed in place and fell down.

With a flash of red light, a miniature Nascent Soul that looked like flew out of the corpse with a panicked expression.

A white net bag fell from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul, and the net bag was filled with white cold air, wrapping the mini Nascent Soul, and the mini Nascent Soul was frozen.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Junyue's legs became weak. She had been practicing Taoism for hundreds of years. How could she have seen such a **** scene.

The ragged Wang Changsheng appeared in front of Zhao Junyue without warning, smashing his fists at the white light curtain.


The white light curtain shattered, and Zhao Junyue's head was smashed to pieces.

A mini Nascent Soul had just left the body, and a golden net bag fell from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

Lihuo Zhenren and Zhao Junyue have good strength, both of them have spiritual treasures, and Lihuo Zhenren has a fifth-order jade talisman. Not as good as Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.



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