Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1650: real soldier

Wang Changsheng sat paralyzed on the ground, a burning pain came from his whole body, and his clothes were not covering his body.

The flames that Lihuo Zhenren spewed were so powerful that the vestments were all burned. If it wasn't for the Spirit Treasure of Splitting Sea Gloves, it would have been even more difficult for Wang Changsheng to kill Lihuo Renren.

He ignored the pain, took out a robe and put it on, and left the Lieyang Tower with Wang Ruyan.

Back outside, the two fourth-order monsters released by Zhao Junyue were also killed by Wang Xin's secret technique, the mighty Tianlong.

Wang Changsheng put away the magic weapons of Master Lihuo and Zhao Junyue. This time, he killed two powerful enemies, and the harvest was not small. There were several pieces of spiritual treasures. They did not have time to count them, so they quickly joined the battle.

True Monarch Tianhuo was struggling to face the attacks of Fu Wen and Sun and Moon Shuangsheng. Sun and Moon Shuangsheng drove the spiritual treasure Sun and Moon Wheel, which was so powerful that it was far from comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

"Senior Fu, we have solved the enemy and come to help you."

Wang Changsheng's voice sounded in Fu Wen's ear.

Fu Wen's eyes lit up, even if he had the Heavenly Fire Spirit Treasure in his hand, it would not be easy for him to kill the Heavenly Fire True Monarch, who had several Spiritual Treasures.

The Wanmin Pen in Fu Min's hand soared, and he gestured towards the void for a while.

The void behind True Monarch Tianhuo swayed with spatial fluctuations, and a huge "cage" appeared at once. True Monarch Tianhuo was about to avoid him when a muffled groan came from his ear, and the sea of ​​consciousness was extremely painful.

"Divine Consciousness Attack!"

True Monarch Tianhuo frowned. The spiritual consciousness of the cultivator can be transformed, but it is only a transformation. If you want to attack other people, you must have a corresponding secret technique.

Taking this opportunity, the word "cage" was blurred and turned into a huge cage, covering the Heavenly Fire True Monarch.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and a golden and silver circular wheel flew out, which was the Lingbao sun and moon wheel.

A small red umbrella floated on the top of Tianhuo Zhenjun's head. On the surface of the umbrella was a monster pattern resembling a unicorn, and a burst of red light covered Tianhuo Zhenjun.

The two-color wheel hit the red light, the red light shook violently, and the light dimmed.

After the sound of breaking the air, a white giant sword with a length of ten thousand feet fell from the sky and slashed at the Heavenly Fire True Monarch.

There was a muffled sound of stabbing, the red light shattered, the small red umbrella was torn apart, and the white giant sword slashed at True Monarch Tianhuo, who turned into a light and disappeared.

A red fire lit up in the void hundreds of feet away, and the Heavenly Fire True Monarch appeared.

As soon as he appeared, some white snowflakes and plum blossom trees appeared in the void above his head.

True Monarch Tianhuo secretly screamed badly and wanted to avoid it, but a sharp pain suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and his face was distorted.

A billowing flame emerged from his body, and the environment in front of him suddenly changed. He suddenly appeared in the ice and snow, and snowflakes the size of beans continued to fall from the void, and the temperature plummeted.

"Illusion! No, this is a painting, using heaven and earth as the paper and the water in the river and sea as the ink. This is the magical power of Confucianism and Taoism."

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed when he saw that True Monarch Tianhuo's eyes were dull.

With a move of his fists, dense blue fist shadows flew out and smashed towards the Heavenly Fire True Monarch.

The surface of True Monarch Tianhuo's body was shrouded in a red flame, and his spiritual light kept flowing.

The dense blue boxing shadows hit the red flames, like mud like the sea, disappearing without a trace.

The Sun and Moon Double Saints performed Tai Chi Immortal Slaying Slash, but they were also blocked by the red flames on the body of True Monarch Tianhuo.

Fu Wen held the Wanmin Pen in both hands and made a gesture in the void. One after another, mysterious runes flew out, submerged into the sea of ​​fire one after another, and penetrated into the body of the Heavenly Fire True Monarch.

After a while, True Monarch Tianhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and some blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.


With a low voice, True Monarch Tianhuo's body swelled rapidly, bursting open suddenly, turning into a rain of blood, and a powerful air wave spread out.

At this moment, the sea surged violently, rising hundreds of feet high, blocking the air waves.

A red light lit up thousands of feet away, and the figure of the Heavenly Fire True Monarch appeared. His face was bloodless, and his left arm was missing.

"The art of robbery, hum, I see how many times you can do it for robbery."

As soon as Fu Min's face turned cold, he was about to use his means to attack the Heavenly Fire True Monarch again.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng sent a voice transmission to Fu Wen: "The big thing is bad, Senior Fu, there are Spirit Transformation cultivators here, there are quite a lot of them, let's withdraw quickly."

Fu Wen was stunned for a moment, his consciousness widened, and he did find a cultivator coming five hundred miles away, and the speed was very fast.

He did not expect that Wang Changsheng's consciousness was so powerful that it was comparable to a monk in the early days of God Transformation.

True Monarch Tianhuo's body surface glowed with red light, turning into flames all over the sky, flying towards all directions at an extremely fast speed. After a few flashes, True Monarch Tianhuo disappeared.

Fu Wen didn't chase after him either, and quickly ordered, "Get out."

"Withdraw, are you still leaving? Stay forever!"

A loud man's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a dazzling golden light appeared in the sky, and after a blur, it turned into a tall and straight young man in a golden shirt. Dragon-patterned belt, arrogant.

Tianbing Zhenren, in the early days of Spirit Transformation, he was Shangguan Tianhong’s junior brother, proficient in puppet art, and his level of refining was second only to Shangguan Tianhong. He personally refined the fifth-order puppet beast. Real people are good at refining puppet beasts.

"Wang Xiaoyou, Du Xiaoyou, you follow the old man to meet the enemy, Li Daoyou, you each lead a team to retreat."

Fu Min instructed in a deep voice that he had brought too many high-level cultivators. To be honest, among these people, Qinglian Immortal Companion and Sun and Moon Shuangshuang were the only ones who could get into Fu Min's eyes, and the others were a burden to him.

Together, they have severely injured Tianhuo Zhenjun, and maybe even a cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation.

"Qiu Ming, Yingjie, you follow Huang Daoyou and quickly retreat."

Wang Changsheng transmitted voice transmission to Wang Qiuming and Wang Yingjie. Huang Fugui knew how to save his life. The clansmen followed Huang Fugui, and the survival rate was higher, provided they stopped the enemy.

The cultivators were in chaos. Some followed the Yuan Ying cultivator, while others fled for their lives privately. The scene was a little chaotic.

When Huang Fugui saw another cultivator, he was so frightened that he flew out of the sky. After hearing Fu Wen's words, he was overjoyed and was about to leave when Wang Ruyan's voice sounded in his ear: "Fellow Daoist Huang, we are with Senior Fu. To meet the enemy, please take our clan to escape, I hope you can protect them, we will be grateful in the future."

Huang Fugui rolled his patted his chest and agreed.

He released a flying boat with a bright yellow light, carrying Wang Qiuming and others along the way, very fast.

Wang Yingjie and the others looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with solemn expressions.

I don't know if this farewell is forever.

Tianbing Zhenren's eyes fell on the four of them, Du Xu, and sneered: "Sun and Moon Shuangsheng, Qinglian Immortal Companion, okay! You have all arrived at Tianlan Realm, so stay here! There is no need to go back."

With a flick of his sleeve, a golden light and a silver light flew out. It was a golden dragon that was more than 100 feet long and a silver Peng bird that was more than 100 feet long. They only had skeletons and no flesh. A puppet beast made from the bones of a beast is no worse than a monk in the late Nascent Soul.

As long as he delays for a while and reinforcements arrive, the cultivator in the Dongli Realm will surely die.

The golden Flood Dragon pounced on the Sun and Moon Sages, and the silver Peng Bird pounced on the Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Before the silver Pengbird got close, countless silver arcs appeared on its body, emitting a terrifying energy wave.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's faces became solemn, Wang Changsheng moved his fists, and dense blue fist shadows flew out, heading straight for the silver Pengbird.



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