Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1650: Draw a dungeon as a prison and evolve a world

The dense blue boxing shadows have not yet approached, and there is a piercing sound that pierces the eardrums, the void oscillates, and the dense blue boxing shadows block the retreat of the silver Pengbird.

Wang Changsheng has the skeleton of the fourth-order high-grade Jiaolong in his hand, but with his refining level, he cannot make it into a fourth-order puppet beast, and temporarily put it in the storage ring.

Puppet beasts made from monster bones as the main material can exert some magical powers of the monster body, and their power is relatively large, but the upper limit of puppet beasts refined with monster bones is not high, such as using the fourth-order high-grade Flood dragon bones are refined into puppet beasts, and if they die, they are fourth-order high-grade puppet beasts. If a puppet beast is made from millennium iron wood, the level of the puppet beast depends on the materials and the refining level of the refiner.

Countless silver arcs appeared on the surface of the silver Pengbird, the huge wings flapped gently, countless silver arcs beat, the thunder sounded loudly, and the silver Pengbird suddenly disappeared.

"Lightning escape technique!"

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time. The blue light on his and Wang Ruyan's bodies rose sharply, and a light blue spherical light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering their bodies, it was Shuiyue Xuanguang.

As soon as the Shuiyue Xuanguang appeared, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan lit up with a dazzling silver thunder light, and a huge silver Pengbird appeared, and the silver Pengbird's body was wrapped in countless silver arcs.


After a huge thunder sounded, countless silver arcs flew out and hit Shuiyue Xuanguang one after another. There was a muffled sound of "crackling" from Shuiyue Xuanguang, and the aura flashed non-stop.

A tactful pipa sound came out, and a green sound wave flew out, hitting the silver peng bird, and the silver peng bird flew upside down. Before it could stand still, a dense blue fist shot flew out , smashed on the silver peng bird one after another.

A "kengkeng" metal collision sounded, and the silver peng bird flew out like a broken kite.

A loud knife sounded, and a golden sword light with a length of more than 100 meters descended from the sky, ripples in the void, and the sea water suddenly split in two, revealing a crack that was more than 100 feet long and more than 100 feet deep.

The golden sword light hit the silver Pengbird's skull, sparks scattered everywhere, and there was a faint slash on the surface of the skull.

The puppet beast made from the skeleton of the monster is not afraid of the attack of the gods, and it has no vital points. Unless it is destroyed, it will continue to fight.

At this moment, a **** light lit up on the top of the giant Pengbird's head, and a blood-colored net pocket more than a hundred feet long appeared.

The Xueluo Locking Spirit Web is made of the spider silk of the Blood Soul Spider as the main material, refined from the blood of hundreds of monsters and various materials.

Wang Changsheng refined many blood magic weapons, mainly for sword repair or filthy magic weapons.

The Xueluo Suo Ling net was instantly covered, and it suddenly covered the silver Pengbird.

A **** light flashed, and a **** flame emerged out of thin air, covering the silver Pengbird.

Countless silver arcs appeared on the surface of the silver Pengbird, the huge wings flapped non-stop, and the blood-locked spiritual net was intact.

A bird chirping resounded through the sky, the silver roc bird's aura soared, and the blood flames dissipated like a nemesis.

Countless silver arcs appeared on the surface of the silver Pengbird, drowning the blood-stained net.

The silver thunder light soared, and the silver peng bird escaped.

As soon as it appeared, a red light lit up above its head, and it was a small tower with red light, which was the Tower of the Lieyang God.

The Lieyang Divine Pagoda lit up with a dazzling red light, and its body soared, spewing out a red glow, covering the silver Pengbird, and putting it into the Lieyang Divine Pagoda.

The silver Pengbird magic weapon is hard to hurt, and the sonic attack is also ineffective. Wang Changsheng directly sacrificed the Lieyang Pagoda and took away this treasure. If he could erase the divine sense of the Heavenly Soldier on the puppet beast, Wang Changsheng would be able to drive this fourth-order high-grade puppet. beast.


After an earth-shattering loud noise, the cyan dragon puppet beast was cut in half by the sun and the moon, the treasure of Zhenzong, driven by the sun and the moon.

The real Tianbing frowned. He still underestimated the Nascent Soul monks in Dongli Realm. The strength of these two fourth-rank high-grade puppet beasts was not weak, but they were solved by the monks in Dongli Realm so quickly. unexpected.

The fifth-order puppet beast he refined was in Lei Yunbin's hands, and there was no second fifth-order puppet beast on his body.

On the other side, Fu Min was not idle either. Waving the Wanmin pen in his hand, mountains, rivers, birds and beasts appeared one after another, as well as human beings, men, women, young and old, as if a world.

The magical power draws the dungeon as a prison, constructs a small world, and traps the enemy in it.

Fu Wen is a loose cultivator, but he practices Confucianism and Taoism, and the Wanmin Pen can exert its greatest power in his hands.

The mountains, rivers, and birds and beasts flew all around, and the real Heavenly Soldier screamed badly. He originally just wanted to delay for a while, but now it seems that he is a little too careless.

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a small and exquisite cyan boat appeared in his hand. The body of the cyan flying boat was engraved with a lifelike blue spirit bird pattern.

The Flying Lingbao Qingyi Boat is one of the five flying Lingbaos in the Tianlan world, and it is also a test product of the Tongtianlingbao Qinglong Boat.

After he injected the mana, the blue-winged boat suddenly increased in aura, and instantly grew to three feet long.

Before he could jump on it, a sharp pain suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was about to explode, and he almost fell from the sky.

The sound of breaking the wind was loud, and the Lingbao sun and moon wheel flew towards him, instantly in front of him, and went straight to his forehead.

Tianbing Zhenren's sleeves A blue light flew out, facing the sun and moon wheel.

There was a muffled sound of "Keng", sparks scattered, the sun and moon wheel flew out, and the azure light turned into a azure flag with a length of more than one hundred meters, which was erected in front of the Celestial Soldier.

The azure flag is wrapped in a turbulent green wind, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations. There is a lifelike cyan dragon pattern on the flag, which is a heavenly treasure.

Tianbing Zhenren is Shangguan Tianhong's junior brother, how could he not have the Heavenly Soul Treasure?

At this time, the mountains and rivers had fallen by his side, and the surrounding environment was blurred. He suddenly appeared on top of a steep peak. Looking around, there was an open plain in the distance. You could see a lot of ploughing fields. Farmers work in the fields, fishermen fish in the rivers, and woodcutters chop wood in the deep mountains and old forests.

The beasts are running in the forest, the birds are flying high in the sky, and the butterflies and bees are flying in the sea of ​​flowers.

The river is like a small world, with mountains, water and people.

The void fluctuated together, and Fu Wen, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Du Xu, and Fang Yue appeared with murderous expressions on their faces.

Fu Wen used this magical power, hoping to take this opportunity to kill the real soldiers of the heavenly soldiers. They came all the way to the Tianlan realm. As long as they kill a cultivator of the gods, it is a great achievement.



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