Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1663: Both sides plan

Dongli Realm is also training battle formations, but it doesn't include the cultivators of God Transformation. It's not that Dongli Realm doesn't want to do this, but it can't be done.

A battle formation is not a battle formation where many monks gather together, but a matching magic weapon, preferably one that corresponds to the exercises.

The elite children of the major forces in the Dongli world also know how to fight formations, but there are not many. Taking the Sihaimen of the ten major sects in the South China Sea as an example, there are less than 30 high-level monks in the Sihaimen who have mastered the battle formations, all of them are cultivators of forming cores. , there is no Yuanying monk.

There are 18 Nascent Soul monks in Sihaimen, but with the status of Sihaimen, there is no need for 18 Nascent Soul monks to act together. When a major crisis occurs, the Nascent Soul monks from the affiliated forces are directly recruited, and the Sihaimen sends several Nascent Soul monks to supervise The army is enough, therefore, the Nascent Soul monks of Sihaimen do not need to train battle formations at all, wasting time.

Tianlanzong is different. Tianlanzong has been unified for more than 600 years. It is to invade other interfaces and fight a **** path. From qi refining to **** transformation, there are training battle formations. Because internal fighting is not allowed, Tianlanjie is big. Most high-level cultivators are not strong individually, but they are experienced in group fighting.

To put it simply, when fighting alone, the high-level cultivators in the Dongli Realm generally have the upper hand, and when fighting in groups, the high-level cultivators in the Tianlan Realm have the upper hand.

Tian Lanzong can do this by using the power of an interface to do this. After the war, the major forces in the Dongli world joined forces to bring out some resources to train high-level monks to practice battle formations, and it was useless at all.

Not to mention that the major forces only took out some of the resources for cultivating immortals and used the complete sets of magic weapons required for the battle formation. They could not make many sets of magic weapons in a short time. After more than 600 years of rule, the complete sets of magic weapons were piled up like mountains. , at the cost of almost exhausting the cultivation resources of Tianlan Realm, so they must invade other interfaces to support the war, otherwise there will be chaos inside.

Sun Tianhu and other cultivators never imagined that the cultivators of Tianlan Realm would also use battle formations to fight against the enemy, and a spiritual treasure with the same attributes in their hands would be unstoppable.

Dongfang Yulin and Niu Kun were both injured, Dongfang Yulin was the most seriously injured and almost died.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, do you really want to die?"

Sun Tianhu said in a deep voice, his eyes gloomy.

If he uses the secret technique to become one with the spirit beast of his life and reach the level of the late stage of God Transformation, with the help of Liu Ruyi and others, he has the confidence to kill Lei Yunbin. , he must die.

"Hmph, why didn't you tell us when you sent people to make trouble in the Tianlan Realm? Tell us this now?"

Li Shuo sneered, his face full of sarcasm.

"Just a joke, if you don't invade our Dongli Realm, we will send someone over to your Tianlan Realm to make trouble?"

Liu Ruyi looked disdainful.

Lei Yunbin turned his eyes and said, "Actually, there is no need for us to fight. Our two interfaces can join forces to invade other interfaces, and the resources will be six or four points."

Whether it’s in the Dongli Realm or the Tianlan Realm, there are not many immortal cultivation resources that are beneficial to the cultivators of the gods. That's it, the more you are, the less others.

Regardless of casualties, Tianlan Realm can take down Dongli Realm, but the number of Spirit Transformation cultivators should be reduced by half, and no one can guarantee that they will not die. It is better to cooperate with Dongli Realm to invade other interfaces, and it can be maximized. Reduce internal friction.

Of course, if the cultivators of the Dongli Realm suffered heavy casualties, the Tianlan Realm would ignore the agreement, swallow the entire Dongli Realm, and plunder the resources of other interfaces to strengthen itself. This is the bloodiest and easiest way.

"This matter is very important. This old man needs some time to think about it. Let's stop the war for now, how about it?"

Sun Tianhu suggested, in a sincere tone.

Lei Yunbin also knew very well that if the fight continued, the situation would be difficult to control. If the spiritual cultivator of the Dongli Realm exposed himself to hurt the enemy, it would be troublesome. This type of suicide attack is terrifying.

"A word is settled, then retreat first."

Lei Yunbin agreed, and both sides had their own calculations.

Sun Tianhu wanted to get a chance to breathe. Today's decisive battle, they suffered a big loss. Lei Yunbin wanted to buy time for the companions who attacked the Shen family. If he wanted to make the Dongli Realm unite and cooperate, he still had to rely on fists, fists are the truth.

The cultivators of the transformation of the gods made an agreement, and they all ordered their troops to retreat.

In the discussion hall, more than ten cultivators including Sun Tianhu gathered together, and their faces were a little ugly.

Today they fought, and they suffered a big loss. In the hands of many Nascent Soul cultivators, Dongfang Yulin almost died.

Lei Yunbin and other nine god-turning cultivators had a thunder-type spiritual treasure in their hands. Unless there was a defense-type heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, they would not be able to stop it.

There are not many Tongtian Lingbao in the Dongli Realm, and there are very few defensive ones.

"Friend Sun, do you really plan to cooperate with Tianlan Realm?"

Niu Kun said with a cold face.

"Of course not, the old man is just delaying time. As long as the Qi of Absolute Spirit erupts, it will be their death. I have already asked Donghuang, Beijiang, and Central Plains for help, and asked them to send a cultivator over here."

Sun Tianhu's face was full of murderous aura, and if the spirit of absoluteness erupted, Tianlan Realm would become a turtle in a urn.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, why are there so few cultivators in Tianlan Realm? Even if Daoyou Fu and the others make trouble in Tianlan Realm, it is impossible for Tianlan Realm to withdraw too many cultivators!"

Feng Li was full of confusion.

"The latest news, the soul lamp of Sun and Moon Shuangsheng has been extinguished. They took the treasure of Zhenzong, Sun and Moon Ring, to Tianlan Realm. With their supernatural powers, two to two can prevail. It is estimated that they killed no Shaohuashen cultivator, and fellow Daoist Fu, of course, maybe Tianlan Realm sent the cultivator to make trouble again, but we have too few people, and they will break them one by one if they are scattered."

Sun Tianhu said slowly, it is impossible for all the cultivators in Dongli Realm to be concentrated on the front line. They have their own clansmen and sects to protect. In addition, there are also some cultivators who are waiting to see if Dongli Realm can't beat the sky. In the Lan world, there must be a rebellion of the cultivators of the gods, and the barbarian Yan Que is the best example.

In today's battle, seeing the power of the Tianlan Realm's cultivator's battle formation, Sun Tianhu and the others have changed their minds. If the stalemate continues, they are very likely to cooperate with the Tianlan Realm and invade other interfaces. This is the most important thing. bad plan.

The spiritual cultivation cultivator needs limited resources to cultivate immortals. If Dongli Realm cooperates with Tianlan Realm, it will definitely provide a large amount of immortal cultivation resources. Of course, it is impossible for Tianlan Realm to kill and injured so many

"I hope they will rush to the front line as soon as possible! Fellow Daoist Lu, your Shenbing Palace is good at refining weapons, so you should have a complete set of spiritual treasures! Don't hide it at this time!"

Liu Ruyi looked at Lu Dao and said with a frown.

"There is a set of Lingbao Pinghai flags in the treasure house of our Shenbing Palace. There are only five flags, which are not enough for so many of us."

Lu Dao smiled bitterly and said, Tianlan Sect concentrates its strength on major matters, how can the strength of a sect of Shenbing Palace be compared to the strength of an interface?

"It's better to have it than not to have it. There is no complete set of spiritual treasures, but a complete set of magic weapons is fine. Otherwise, we will be at a disadvantage by fighting with them."

Liu Ruyi sighed.

"If we can contact the ancestors of the spiritual world, a clone projection will destroy them. Hey, I don't know what happened to the spiritual world. Neither our Dongli world nor Tianlan world can contact the spiritual world!"

Dongfang Yulin said weakly.

The cultivators present looked at each other in dismay, and didn't say anything. Tianlan Realm couldn't contact the ancestors of the Spirit Realm, otherwise, there was no need to invade other interfaces. Ordinary Immortal Cultivation resources were useless for Spirit Transformation cultivators.

They can't beat it now, so they can only drag it and wait for the Immortal Burial Sea to burst into the Spiritual Qi.



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