Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1664: chaos in the rear

On an island with a radius of thousands of miles, in the Tianlan Hall, Lei Yunbin and other nine gods were discussing the war, and their faces were full of smiles.

"Today's battle has made all the cultivators in Dongli Realm taste our power. Senior Brother Lei has contributed greatly."

Long Xiaoyao said with a smile, if they fight alone, they may not be the opponents of the Dongli Realm cultivator.

"It's not my work, but everyone's credit. Next, we just need to fight more with the god-turning cultivators in the Dongli world, and hurt some more god-turning cultivators. Sooner or later, they will surrender."

Lei Yunbin said confidently.

"Senior Brother Lei, I don't think Dongli Realm will be able to submit to our Tianlan Realm so easily. They have always been divided and run their own affairs. Even if Sun Tianhu is willing to submit to us, other cultivators may not be willing, and I think Sun Tianhu is deliberately delaying. Time may be waiting for the outbreak of the Absolute Spiritual Qi."

Li Shuo said with a frown, raising the doubts in his heart.

There is a natural magnetic field in the Immortal Burying Sea Area, which is similar to the Wanlei Sea Area in the Tianlan Realm. The difference is that the Wanlei Sea Area does not have the Spiritual Qi, while the Immortal Burying Sea area has the Spiritual Qi.

You must know that the space channel connecting Dongli Realm and Tianlan Realm is in the Immortal Burial Sea. Their battle lines cannot be dragged too long, otherwise they cannot protect the entrance. They have been stationing troops in the Immortal Burying Sea area. , they will be in big trouble.

Lei Yunbin smiled indifferently, looked at Long Xiaoyao, and said, "Senior Brother Long, please tell them! This will make Junior Brother Li and the others feel at ease."

Why didn't they consider the existence of Absolute Spiritual Qi? Countermeasures have already been prepared.

"I led the team to inspect most of the Immortal Burying Sea Area, and killed all the monsters on the seabed. We hoarded a lot of food and built a city. If the Spiritual Qi erupts, the fellows who are trapped in the Wanxian Sea Area can go to Living in the city for hundreds of years."

Long Xiaoyao said with a smile, his face full of pride.

They have been in the Dongli Realm for more than ten years. In addition to fighting with the cultivators in the Dongli Realm, they also mined the minerals in the Immortal Burial Sea Area, as well as strategies to deal with the Qi of the Immortal Spirit.

After the outburst of Absolute Spiritual Qi, the monks trapped in the Immortal Burial Sea will lose their mana and become mortal, unable to fast. In addition, there are still many monsters living in the Immortal Burying Sea, and these monsters are the cause. Immortal cultivators are the main culprits of death.

As long as the problem of food and monsters is solved, the Absolute Spiritual Qi is not so terrifying. Of course, if the Absolute Spiritual Qi has existed for hundreds of years, it means that they are out of luck, and there is nothing that can be done.

There are some places in the Immortal Burial Sea where Long Xiaoyao can't go, the magnetic force is too strong, he can't bear it.

The Tianlan Realm has taken a countermeasure, and can only say that the losses can be reduced as much as possible. As for how much losses can be reduced, no one knows. If you can't beat it, why not cooperate and invade other interfaces together!

They stick to the Immortal Burial Sea. On the one hand, the space channel is here. On the other hand, there are a lot of rare ores in the Immortal Burial Sea area. Some ores can be used to refine defensive spiritual treasures. Due to the influence of magnetic force, mining is more laborious. In addition, some special ores can also be used for formation.

If not, they would not have sent heavy troops to guard the Immortal Burial Sea.

"After all, Daoist Yan and the others should have arrived at their destination. It is estimated that they have already succeeded. Most of the cultivators in the Dongli Realm are on the front line, so they should not encounter any trouble."

Lei Yunbin said in a deep voice, his face full of murderous intent.

"Okay, everyone go back to rest first. After Daoist Yan and the others succeed, the Dongli Realm will definitely fight back. At that time, it will be another fierce battle."

"Yes, Senior Brother Lei."

The monks agreed in unison and left one after another.


Fire Raven Island is the old lair of the Shen family. It used to be heavily guarded. It was very difficult for outsiders to enter Fire Raven Island.

Fire Raven Island was a mess, a large number of corpses were scattered on the ground, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Yan Que held the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure Burning Heaven Axe, his eyes were cold, blood was dripping from many places on his body, his face was gray, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Almost capsized in the gutter."

Yan Que said to himself, he entered the Shen family and successfully killed thousands of Shen family cultivators. Just when he sacked the Shen family's treasure house, he touched the fifth-order formation and suffered a lot. Fortunately, he There is a heavenly treasure, otherwise, the vitality will be greatly damaged.

The Shen family is one of the top ten immortal cultivators in the South China Sea, and it is already going downhill. The Shen family had long expected that this day would come, and they would have moved the family treasure house to disperse the clansmen in an attempt to make a comeback.

Yan Que had no worries about his life, but the younger generation who came with him all died.

Yan Que didn't dare to stay for a long time, and turned into a red light to return to the way he came from.


Shendiao Island is located in the northwest of the Xiuxianjie in the South China Sea. It is the old nest of the Dugu family.

The Dugu family is one of the top ten immortal cultivators in the South China Sea. It has a profound background. Although the Dugu family is not as big as before, the camel is bigger than the horse, and the Dugu family has a huge influence in the South China Sea.

Zhao Lei floated high in the sky, his expression indifferent, and the bottom was empty.

After Dugu's family was attacked, he used the great formation of protecting the clan to block Zhao Lei's attack, and bought time to escape the Divine Eagle Island into the seabed. Zhao Lei searched millions of miles of sea area, but couldn't find the Divine Eagle Island.

There are many islands in the South China Sea, and some major forces can escape their old nests into the bottom of the sea to take refuge.

"It's really bad luck, let's go back first!"

Zhao Lei pondered for a while and returned along the way he came.

The last time Long Yanji and others attacked the Dongfang family, they were ambushed. He didn't want to follow Long Yanji's Island, a burly man in blue shirt standing on a steep peak Above, looks indifferent.

The island was littered with corpses, and the fire was blazing into the sky.

He killed thousands of monks, but the number of Yuanying monks was not large, and he did not find many good things in the treasure house of Wanhuo Palace.

He is considered to have destroyed the Ten Thousand Fire Palace, but there are still many disciples in the Ten Thousand Fire Palace. Unless the high-level monks of the Ten Thousand Fire Palace die, it will only be a matter of time before rebuilding the Ten Thousand Fire Palace.

The man in the blue shirt turned his hand and took out a blue feather fan, and the surface of the feather fan kept flowing.

He gently fanned a cyan feather fan, and a large azure flame swept out.


There was a loud noise, and Wanyan Island was lit up into the sky.

The man in the blue shirt turned into a ray of light, flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared.

The Shen family, Dugu's family, and Wanhuo Palace were successively attacked by the cultivators of the gods. After the news spread, people were panicked, and the major forces scattered their forces together, so as not to be blamed by the cultivators, causing chaos in the rear of the South China Sea.

The ten major sects in the South China Sea received the news and immediately sent people to appease the rear, but the effect was not great.



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