Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1682: Enemy road is narrow

The Chiyan Mountains are located in the southeast of the Tianlan Realm. They are named after several Chiyan ore veins. The Chiyan ore veins are the third-order refining material, which can be used to refine fire-attribute magic weapons. The Tianlan Sect unites the Tianlan Realm. Afterwards, the Chiyan ore vein has been fully mined, but the fire spirit here is abundant, which is suitable for planting fire-type elixir. Tianlan Sect has a large elixir garden here.

After the cultivators from the Dongli Realm invaded the Tianlan Realm, the Tianlan Sect removed the elixir that was more than 500 years old, leaving only a dozen cultivators stationed, headed by Daoist Jinguang, who formed the fifth layer of elixir.

Because of its remote location, this disposition rudder has been in peace.

Daoist Jinguang was cultivating in the cave when a sound transmission flew in and stopped in front of Daoist Jinguang. Daoist Jinguang opened his eyes and smashed the sound transmission. A respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Uncle Liu, received by Donglijie. Due to the influence of the monks, Uncle Chen was ordered to come to support us and strengthen our defenses."

Daoist Jinguang is not surprised. In recent years, Tianlanzong has increased its efforts to arrest the monks in the Dongli Realm, and it is reasonable to send more people. He himself has asked for help from high-level officials.

He got up and walked out. It didn't take long for him to come to a spacious and bright conference hall. Two men and one woman had been waiting for a long time. The leader was Chen Jiang. , their breath is just a layer of formation.

"Brother Liu, we have come to support you on the orders of Uncle Zhao. The cultivators in Donglijie made too much noise, and some of the rudders have been breached."

Chen Jiang frowned and said with a solemn expression.

Daoist Jinguang nodded solemnly, and said, "I heard that Shangguan Shizu personally took action, and the monks in the Dongli realm won't be around for a few days."

The speaker has no intention of listening, and the hearts of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are tight, Shangguan Shizu!

The person who can be called the master by the cultivator Jiedan is naturally the cultivator of the gods, the master of Shangguan, and the only cultivator with the surname Shangguan in the entire Tianlan world is Shangguan Tianhong.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded, and a burly young man in a golden shirt walked in.

"Hey, Senior Brother Zhao, why are you here?"

Daoist Jinguang was a little surprised when he saw the young man in the golden shirt.

"We found the traces of the cultivators in the Dongli Realm. There are not enough people. We plan to transfer you over there. Who are these three?"

The young man in the golden shirt said a simple sentence, and his eyes fell on the three of them.

"This is Junior Brother Chen. They were ordered to support us in this punishment and have just arrived."

Daoist Jin Guang explained.

"That's right, you all follow me to support the Seventh Master, time is running out, please explain on the way!"

The young man in the golden shirt urged, his tone was hurried, his sleeves flicked, and a pale golden flying boat flew out and floated in the air.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were stunned for a moment. They originally wanted to find a safe place to retreat and cultivate, but their buttocks were still hot! It is necessary to encircle and suppress the monks in the East Fence Realm.

They did not refuse, and agreed, maybe it was the Wang family that the Tianlanzong cultivators were besieging and suppressing.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a cultivator in the East Li Realm, they will help.

When the golden shirt youth's magic trick was pinched, the golden flying boat lit up with a dazzling golden light, turned into a golden rainbow, and flew towards the sky.

An endless green grassland, dozens of monks are fighting, the roar is constant, the ground is bumpy, you can see a large number of giant pits, and the pits are braving flames.

Shangguan Wei sat on Jiuyouque's back with an indifferent expression, holding a small and exquisite black bell in her hand.

Lei Yiming stood aside, his face full of killing intent, his body was wrapped in countless silver arcs.

Dozens of cultivators were killing each other, and Shangguan Wei and Lei Yiming were ignored.

A golden-robed old man with Tong Yanhe hair was covered with a faint golden light on his body, and he wore a small and exquisite golden jade pendant on his chest. Judging from his aura, he was a cultivator of Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

Zhao Hengjiang was born in the Zhao family in Qianling Mountain.

A red-robed man with a fat head and big ears stood beside Zhao Hengjiang, looking at his aura, he was a middle-stage cultivator of Nascent Soul.

Zhao Junjing, the nephew of Zhao Hengjiang.

"Wake up quickly, you have fallen into this witch's illusion, why don't you wake up soon?"

Zhao Hengjiang shouted loudly, his voice was full of energy, and the shocking void shook and distorted.

Dozens of monks were unmoved, their expressions were crazy, and they were abnormal at first sight.

"The man's arm acts as a car and sends them on the road."

Shangguan Wei turned cold and shouted loudly.

Lei Yiming responded, and there was a deafening roar in the sky, the thunder was loud, and the wind was strong.

"Forget it, they don't have any special treasures, so they can't guard against this demon girl's illusion. It's okay to trap them and catch them."

Zhao Hengjiang said through a voice transmission that when he turned his right hand, a small golden pagoda appeared in his hand. The three characters "Thousand Demon Pagoda" were engraved on the pagoda. This is one of the three treasures of the Zhao family, and it is also a spiritual treasure. .

With a flick of his wrist, he heard the sound of dragons and tigers roaring, and the size of the Thousand Demon Pagoda soared to a size of more than a hundred feet.

The bottom of the Thousand Demon Pagoda spurted out a large golden aura, covering the other monks.

"The cultivators of Donglijie have sinister intentions and fight with them. Don't be caught by them if you expose yourself."

Shangguan Wei's voice was full of temptation, she gently shook the black sparrow bell in her hand.

An astonishing scene appeared, dozens of monks showed bee expressions one after another, and their bodies swelled rapidly.


With a deafening roar, colorful auras drowned out the figures of Zhao Hengjiang and Zhao Junjing, and thick smoke billowed.

After three breaths, the spiritual light dissipated, Zhao Hengjiang and Zhao Junjing were safe and sound, a small golden bowl the size of a palm floated above their heads, and there was a lifelike golden dragon on the surface of the golden bowl. The golden dragon was like a living creature, upstream of the bowl. Walking non-stop, making a deafening dragon roar,

A pale golden light curtain covers Zhao Hengjiang and Zhao The golden bowl is one of the three treasures of the Zhao family, the golden flood bowl, and it is also a spiritual treasure.

"Defense Lingbao! It's interesting, so I'll laugh at it."

Shangguan Wei smiled and looked confident.

"Sect Master, someone came here, it seems to be a few cultivators."

Lei Yiming raised his brows and looked towards the distant sky.

A golden light appeared in the sky in the distance, and it flew towards here quickly.

"The cultivators from the origin are mixed in, and the power of the Yuanying cultivators should be greater."

Shangguan Wei sneered.

It didn't take long for the golden escaping light to stop, and it was a golden flying boat. Wang Changsheng and five people stood on the flying boat.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned when they saw Shangguanwei and Lei Yiming. They didn't expect that it was Shangguanwei and Lei Yiming. They also came to Tianlan Realm.

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