Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1683: Tianlan reinforcements arrive again

Wang Ruyan clenched her fists tightly, her chest heaved slightly, the revenge of killing her son was never shared, and she had long wanted to find Shangguan Wei to settle the account.

Wang Changsheng's expression was as usual, his heart was turbulent, and his heart was full of killing intent. Sun Moon Palace had no blood feud with them. Shangguanwei was different. Shangguanwei had indirectly killed a large number of Wang family members. If they were not afraid of Shangguanwei's strength, they would have Bright and upright killed the Nine Nether Sect.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan concealed their breath, and there was no problem in deceiving ordinary Yuanying cultivators. It was impossible to deceive Shangguan Wei and Zhao Hengjiang, who were consummated by Yuanying.

At this moment, another cyan light appeared in the distant sky, vaguely accompanied by a huge dragon roar.

Shangguanwei didn't recognize Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's identities. She just knew them and had never really seen Qinglian Immortal Companion. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did the same. They had seen Shangguanwei's portrait. This was the first time they had seen them. real people.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness could sense that three Nascent Soul cultivators were coming, and they were very fast.

He looked at the messy ground, frowning slightly, Shangguanwei's strength is really amazing, Tianlan Realm mobilized so many monks to kill Shangguanwei, but she couldn't help her.

Zhao Hengjiang frowned, his eyes fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and he asked with a cold face, "Who are you? Why do you want to be among the cultivators of Pill Formation."

If it is a cultivator of Tianlanzong, there is no need to hide his cultivation, there is only one answer, and the other party is a cultivator of Donglijie.

Chen Jiang's expression was nervous, and he secretly screamed badly. He naturally knew the origin of the other party, but he did not dare to reveal the truth. At such a close distance, it was easy for the other party to kill him.

At this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded: "The disciples of Tianlan Sect obey the order, and don't kill the cultivator of the Dongli Realm quickly."

Chen Jiang felt a flower in front of his eyes, dazzling, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were opposite him, a violent killing intent rose in his heart, without saying a word, he sacrificed a magic weapon and attacked Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan he saw.

Zhao Hengbin was furious when he saw the three cultivators of Pill Formation attacking him.

When Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan heard Shangguanwei's voice, they also had a violent killing intent in their hearts. At this moment, the dragon and phoenix locks they were wearing lit up with a soft aura, and the killing intent disappeared immediately.

They pretended to be in illusion, sacrificed magic weapons, and attacked Zhao Hengjiang and Zhao Junjing.

At this time, the cyan escaping light also stopped. The cyan Flood Dragon was a cyan Flood Dragon that was more than a hundred feet long. Two men and a woman stood on the back of the cyan Flood Dragon. The leader was a blue-shirted youth with handsome facial features. The blue-shirted youth With the cultivation of Nascent Soul Great Perfection, the other two are in the late Nascent Soul, and the cyan Flood Dragon is a fourth-order Flood Dragon, and this power is already very strong.

"Junior Brother Lu, be careful, this demon girl's illusion is very powerful. Junior Brother Li and the others have been exposed to her illusion."

Zhao Hengjiang said loudly, in a hurried tone.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a golden glow erupted from the bottom of the Thousand Demon Pagoda, covering Chen Jiang and the five. He did not have time to identify the origins of the two Nascent Soul monks. He planned to trap them in the Thousand Demon Pagoda first, and solved the problem. Shangguan Wei said again.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed blue light, and they flew out backwards, avoiding the golden glow. The three of Chen Jiang were covered by the golden glow and flew towards the Thousand Demon Pagoda.

Shangguan Wei's face turned cold, she shook the black sparrow bell gently, and her tone was cold: "Don't let the monks of Donglijie be captured alive, expose yourself!"

An astonishing scene appeared, the facial features of the three of Chen Jiang were distorted, showing a crazy expression, a look of death.

Their bodies swelled up rapidly, with a loud rumbling sound, the three of them exposed themselves, and the golden rays of light shattered.

Zhao Hengjiang frowned, looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and said with a cold face, "You are not Tianlan Sect cultivator, you are Dongli Realm cultivator."

"Since it's a cultivator from the Dongli Realm, there's nothing to say, just kill them."

Zhao Junjing's face turned cold, he patted the spirit beast bag, a low roar sounded, and a red light flew out, turning into a red whale more than thirty feet long. Golden, with a short tail, this is a fourth-order low-grade cloud whale beast, good at fire attribute supernatural powers.

The cloud whale beast let out a low roar, and a red flame emerged from its body, like a huge fireball, it turned into a red escaping light, and went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

On the other side, the three young men in blue shirts also cast spells against Shangguan Wei and Lei Yiming.

Shangguan Wei flicked her wrist lightly, and a melodious bell sounded from the Black Sparrow Bell, accompanied by bursts of clear bird chirping.

"Donglijie cultivator is a rare visit to entertain them."

Shangguan Wei's tone was gentle and full of a special kind of power.

Strangely, the three young men in blue shirts didn't hear it, and their expressions were normal. They all had a pale golden talisman attached to their backs. The surface of the talisman was covered with mysterious runes. These runes were like living things, twisting. nonstop.

Tian Lanzong has captured many monks from Dongli Realm over the years. Through soul searching, he learned about the general situation of the three teams in Dongli Realm. Among the cultivators of Nascent Soul, the stronger ones are Sun Moon Shuangsheng and Qinglian Immortal Companion. , Shangguanwei, Lei Yiming, Fang Mu, among them Shangguanwei and Tianqin Fairy are all good at illusion, and the rare treasures that restrain illusion are easier.

Tian Lanzong mobilized a group of fourth-order talisman masters to draw a group of fourth-order talismans that restrain illusion, which can weaken the power of illusion, but it is a one-time use product.

The youth in blue shirt pinched the sword art, and a loud sword chirping sounded, and eighteen flying swords with misty water flew out, turning into eighteen blue rainbows, heading straight for Shangguanwei.

The other two Nascent Soul cultivators also sacrificed their magic weapons to attack Shangguan Wei and Lei Yiming. The cyan Jiaolong hovered uncertainly in the sky, blowing gusts of wind, and a cyan tornado with a height of more than 100 meters appeared out of thin air.

In a deafening dragon roar, the cyan tornado went straight to Shangguanwei.

Shangguan Wei snorted coldly, she is not only good at illusion.

Shangguan Wei's body glowed with black light, and she gently shook the Black Sparrow Bell in her hand.

"Clang clang clang!"

A loud bell rang, and a black sound wave flew out, facing the opposite side.

Lei Yiming waved a silver flag, the thunder boomed loudly, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky and hit the three young men in blue shirts.

The nine secluded sparrows under Shangguanwei spread their wings and flew high, and a large black flame emerged from the whole body, like a black fire cloud hitting the cyan tornado.

Jiuyouque is the middle grade of the fourth rank, while the cyan Jiaolong is the lower grade of the fourth rank.

For a while, the roar continued, and the nine Nascent Soul cultivators fought fiercely here, the air was billowing.

Facing Zhao Hengjiang and Zhao Junjing, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not dare to be careless. This is the site of Tianlan Realm. The longer the delay, the more dangerous they are.

Wang Changsheng flipped his hand and took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and slashed towards the opposite void, the void vibrated and twisted, and after a piercing sound of the blade sounded, a blue blade light with a length of more than 100 meters went straight to the cloud whale beast.

The blue blade slashed on the cloud whale beast, leaving a long bloodstain.

Wang Ruyan took out the phantom pipa and started playing it. At this time, keeping her hand would be suicide.

The power of the jingchen flute is not weak, but compared to the celestial pipa, the power of the jingchen flute is still a lot worse.

"Pipa magic weapon! Sword weapon magic weapon, Qinglian Immortal Companion, you are Qinglian Immortal Companion."

Zhao Hengjiang exclaimed, his face full of murderous intent.

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