Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1698: 0 Gourd world and spirit beast advanced

In the South China Sea, the sky is empty.

A steep peak that reaches into the sky, the peak is desolate and there is very little vegetation.

There are a few looming cracks in the sky, emitting a faint wave of space.

Situ Mei, Liu Fenger, and Jin Yun stood on the top of the roof, and the three of them had different expressions.

They were trapped in the ban for decades. In order to get here, two more Nascent Soul cultivators died, leaving only the three of them.

"Haha, it's finally here, Senior Jin, Senior Liu, I'm not mistaken, there are indeed space nodes here, it is likely to be the Thousand Gourd Realm, tens of thousands of years ago, a god-turning cultivator in the Thousand Gourd Realm ran from Tianxu Cave. from."

Situ Mei laughed wildly and said, if she couldn't find the space node, the two cultivators might kill her.

"I hope what you said is true, Junior Sister Liu, let's do it, we have no way out, open the space channel, and let's cooperate with Qianhujie to take down Donglijie together."

Jin Yun said in a deep voice that the back road was cut off, and Tianlanzong could only ask for foreign aid. Since Dongli Realm did not cooperate, Tianlan Realm could cooperate with other interfaces.

Liu Fenger took out a golden talisman, and the talisman exuded a shocking wave of spiritual energy. This was a fifth-order talisman that broke the boundary. They could only open a passage temporarily. They can't come back, but they have no other way now.

Jin Yun took out a pair of golden scissors, the golden scissors exuded terrifying aura fluctuations, and the heavenly treasures split the heavenly scissors.

Liu Feng'er flicked her wrist, and the Boundary Breaking Talisman came out of her hand, turning into a streak of golden light, hitting the void.

The golden light hit the void, and the void suddenly swayed with ripples, twisting and deforming.

Jin Yun punched a magic trick into the golden scissors, and the golden scissors burst out with dazzling golden light, soaring in size, and cut towards the void.

The golden scissors were opened and closed, forcibly tore a gap more than ten feet long, and a gust of wind blew out.

Jin Yun's sleeve flicked, and a flying eagle puppet beast flew out and submerged in the gap.

After a while, Jin Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My spiritual sense attached to the puppet beast has not been destroyed. There should be no problem. Let's go! We have no way out."

They put a defense on themselves and flew towards the gap.

As soon as they approached the temporary space passage Baizhang, they felt a strong attraction, and their bodies were sucked into the gap uncontrollably.

After a while, the three of Situ Mei quickly fell towards the ground.

They quickly stabilized their bodies and slowly landed on the ground.

At this time, they were located in an endless green grassland, and there were no other monks nearby.

"I found a foundation-building cultivator, I'll go back when I go."

The golden cloud turned into a golden light and flew towards the northwest.

After a while, Jin Yun came back, frowning tightly.

"How is it? Senior Brother Jin, is this the Thousand Gourd Realm?"

Liu Fenger asked nervously.

"This is the Thousand Gourd World, but more than 800 years ago, this place was taken over by the Demon Race. All the cultivators modified the magic method and planted the Demon Tree. The Demon Tree kept releasing the demonic energy and transformed the environment here. If they soared. , is also flying into the demon world."

Jin Yun said slowly, his face became more and more ugly.

Demons need demonic energy, and demons can also use demonic energy to cultivate, but they are not demons or demons. What they need is spiritual energy. won.

"Then let's go back! It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

Situ Mei was nervous.

"We only have a boundary-breaking talisman. There is no boundary-breaking talisman. Only the Sky Scissors can't break the interface. Let's find a place to settle down first."

Jin Yun said in a deep voice that they have no other choice now. Who would have thought that the Thousand Gourd Realm was actually taken over by the Demon Clan, and the Demon Clan was still transforming the Thousand Gourd Realm.

The three of them turned into three rays of light and walked away, disappearing into the sky.


Tianlan Realm, the Demon Burying Icefield.

A steep snow peak, some hidden grotto.

Wang Ruyan sat on a blue futon with his eyes closed. There were countless blue notes floating all over his body, forming a melodious piece of music.

After a while, the blue notes on Wang Ruyan's body dissipated, she suddenly opened her eyes, let out a sigh of turbid air, and her face was like a peach blossom.

"The Nascent Soul is complete, this trip is not in vain."

Wang Ruyan spoke to herself, overjoyed.

She got up and walked out. As soon as she walked out of the residence, a loud thunder suddenly entered her ears.

In the distance, there are dark clouds, thunderclouds rolling, lightning and thunder.

"Advanced spirit beast!"

Wang Ruyan was a little disappointed, she thought it was Wang Changsheng who was hitting the spirit transformation stage!

Dozens of miles away, there is a palace made of countless pieces of white ice.


A huge roar sounded, the ice cubes in the ice palace shattered, and a large number of cyan thorns drilled out, wrapping the entire white ice palace, it was the wood demon.

A dozen miles away, another ice palace suddenly burst open, and the tortoise crawled out of the shattered ice. Its size was more than twice as large as before, and its aura was much stronger.


A huge thundercloud suddenly appeared on the top of Lin**, the thundercloud rolled violently, and dense silver electric arcs surged out, like a rushing river, endlessly.


The tortoise let out a low roar, as if it was ready to fight against the thunder tribulation.

It has the blood of a water unicorn, and its body is a turtle. The chances of a turtle-like spirit beast being advanced are relatively high.

A huge roar sounded, and two thick silver lightnings pierced the sky and slashed towards an ice palace and a tortoise.

The rumbling sound rang out, the ice palace was torn apart, and dense cyan thorns appeared on the snow. The cyan thorns gathered together, like a giant tree.

A silver lightning struck the turtle's shell, as if it was tickling.

Wang Yingjie and the others were immediately disturbed. They rushed out of their residences one after another. When they saw the scene in front of them, they looked at each other in Don't interfere with their tribulation, come to me, I have something to ask you. "

Wang Ruyan's voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Qiuming and others flew towards the snow-capped mountains one after another, and they appeared in front of Wang Ruyan not long after.

"How is it? Is there any change in the Tianlan Sect cultivator?"

Wang Ruyan asked about the situation.

"No, everything is fine. We came here after many obstacles. The monks from Tianlan Sect didn't come in to investigate."

Wang Qiuming said truthfully, they ran for millions of miles before they stopped, the Demon Burying Icefield was so big, and there was no one to lead the way, it was impossible for the Tianlan Sect cultivators to know their location.

Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, what about fellow Daoist Huang!"

"Huang Daoyou went to the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield to hunt for treasure half a month ago. He invited me to go with him, but I didn't agree, so he went on his own."

Wang Qiuming doesn't understand Huang Fugui, can't he just hide here? If you have to go on a treasure hunt, it will be troublesome if you touch a powerful ban.

Perhaps Huang Fugui had something to rely on, so he dared to hunt for treasures. Wang Qiuming was ordered to protect Wang Changsheng, and he naturally would not leave.



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