Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1699: The son of luck, Huang Fugui

"He's on a treasure hunt. How dare he?"

Wang Ruyan was a little confused. Based on her understanding of Huang Fugui, Huang Fugui was not a bold and artistic person.

She didn't think too much. Huang Fugui cultivated to the middle Nascent Soul as a loose cultivator. It can be said to be a miracle. It can only be said that his luck is very good, and luck is also a very important thing.

Huang Fugui was timid and fearful, so he dared to go to the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield to search for treasure, so he should have something to rely on.

"Leave him alone, don't leave here easily, stick to your post."

Wang Ruyan commanded in a deep voice, with a stern tone.

"Yes, grandmother (old ancestor)."

Wang Qiuming and others agreed.


There was lightning and thunder in the distance, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed at the wood demon and the tortoise. There was a gust of wind in this world, blowing countless white snowflakes, and the black cloud topped the top, as if it was doomsday.

After a cup of tea, the two thunderclouds dissipated.

There were a lot of broken thorns scattered on the snow.

Wang Ruyan flew down in front of the thorns. She frowned and said to herself, "Have you failed?"

At this moment, a black thorn with a length of 10 feet suddenly burst into blue light, and sprouts grew, and soon turned into a blue thorn that was more than a hundred feet high. The surface of the cyan thorn was covered with spikes, and some purple florets.

Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, the wood demon successfully advanced to the fourth rank, which is not surprising, it devoured a lot of the wood demon's crystal core before and after.


A low roar sounded, and a little blue light suddenly lit up around Wang Ruyan, turning into the appearance of a tortoise.

The turtle's shell was slightly charred, and its aura was much stronger than before. It was obviously also in the fourth rank, and there was some blood on its head.

The tortoise has the blood of a water unicorn and a tortoise shell. It is a matter of course for it to advance to the fourth rank.

The lin turtle rubbed his head against Wang Ruyan's trousers and let out a low roar.

"Husband, if you know that you have entered the fourth rank, you will be very happy. You should take good care of yourself first!"

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

The tortoise's right paw slapped the ground, and a huge roar suddenly came from the sky, a huge dark cloud appeared in the sky, and it suddenly rained heavily.

The rainwater concentrated in one direction and turned into a blue water wall more than ten feet high. The blue water wall quickly froze and turned into an ice wall.

In less than twenty breaths, a simple ice palace appeared on the snow, and the tortoise and the wood demon hid in it to rest.

Wang Ruyan told Wang Qiuming and others a few words, and then went back to practice.


In the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield, a vast snow field, a large number of white snowflakes fell from the sky, and gusts of cold wind whistled past,

A deafening roar sounded, a certain snow mountain burst open, and a yellow light flew out, it was Huang Fugui, and Huang Fugui's eyes were full of horror.

He turned into a yellow escaping light and walked away, escaping very fast.

Dozens of white snowballs the size of houses rolled down from the top of the snowy mountain and headed straight for Huang Fugui. The white snowballs became bigger and bigger. If they were hit by so many white snowballs, Huang Fugui would not die.

Huang Fugui was taken aback, his escape technique soared.

At this moment, a shrill roar sounded, resembling the roar of a beast, and upon listening carefully, it was a bit like the cry of a baby.

Huang Fugui's head was dizzy and his speed slowed down.

A snowball fell on Huang Fugui's body. Huang Fugui flew out like a broken kite, spitting out a large mouthful of blood. There were several terrifying claw marks on the yellow armor of Huang Fugui's body, which seemed to be left by a beast. down.

Huang Fugui quickly took out a pale golden talisman and threw it behind him.

The golden talisman turned into a streak of golden light, heading straight for dozens of white snowballs.


A white snowball exploded suddenly and turned into a two-foot-tall white ape, with fangs, covered with white fluff, and a long tail at the tail. Its eyes were white. Only the white snow ape is only a third-order top grade.

The white snow monkey opened his mouth and spewed out a vast white cold wind, hitting the golden light.

Before the white cold wind could touch the golden light, the golden light suddenly exploded and turned into a golden sun with a diameter of 10,000 zhang, covering the entire area.

Dozens of white snowballs were covered by the golden light, and they stopped immediately.

Taking this opportunity, Huang Fugui soared and flew towards the sky.

He just flew out for a few miles when dozens of white snowballs exploded one after another, turning into huge white snow apes, most of them were third-order, and there were five fourth-order snow apes.


Dozens of white snow monkeys let out an angry roar at the same time, the void vibrated and distorted, the golden light was like a broken mirror, and cracks appeared.

After Huang Fugui flew out for more than ten miles, the golden light suddenly shattered, and dozens of white snow apes escaped. They simultaneously made angry roars, one after another, the void shook, and a gust of wind suddenly blew, and went straight to Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui was dizzy when he heard the roar, and when he returned to normal, a white cold wind that was more than a thousand feet long had already reached behind him.

Huang Fugui's body surface glowed with yellow light, and when he turned on the spot, it turned into a yellow tornado with a height of more than 100 feet, and greeted him.


After a loud noise, Huang Fugui flew out, vomiting blood, and his face was pale.

In front of it was an open field, not even a snow-capped mountain. Huang Fugui carefully discovered that there was a thick and long crack several hundred feet away.

He flew close to the crack and realized that it was a crack, but a bottomless abyss. The abyss was tens of thousands of feet long, more than ten feet wide, and flanked by steep icebergs.


Dozens of snow apes chased after him, and Huang Fugui no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped into the abyss.

Dozens of white snow apes chased to the entrance of the abyss. They looked at each other, wondering if they gave up chasing Huang Fugui, or if there were terrifying monsters in the abyss, they suddenly turned around and returned to the way they came.

Beneath the abyss, Huang Fugui stood in the snow, with a layer of yellow aura covering his body. Even with the aura of protecting his body, Huang Fugui shivered coldly.

He didn't know if Snow Monkey would catch up, so he quickly found a place to hide.

There was a long crack in the distance, Huang Fugui's divine sense was wide open, but he found that his divine sense was severely restricted, and his divine sense could only be extended a hundred feet away, and it could not be probed any further.

Huang Fugui cautiously walked towards the crack. Behind the crack was a huge ice cellar with five passages leading to nowhere. A large number of ice picks hung upside down on the top, and the air was terrifyingly cold.

Huang Fugui walked towards the middle passage, looking nervous.

After a cup of tea, Huang Fugui appeared in an ice cave that was more than a hundred feet in size. The cold air was astonishing, Huang Fugui shivered, and the aura on his body froze.

Just as he was passing through a corner, he saw a tall white-robed old man with wide eyes.

Huang Fugui's legs softened, he immediately knelt down, and begged bitterly: "This This junior does not know that this is your cave, and I hope you have a lot of adults, please spare the junior's life! The younger generation is willing to be a cow and a horse for you."

His current situation is very bad. He is not the opponent of other Nascent Soul cultivators at all. In order to survive, he directly calls them senior.

After a while, Huang Fugui noticed that there was no response. He raised his head cautiously and found that there was nothing but an ice sculpture in front of him. To be precise, it was a frozen monk.

Huang Fugui turned his surprise into joy. His feelings were dead, so it would be cheaper for him.

Huang Fugui smashed the ice sculpture and found that the monk inside was dead, but the storage bag was still there.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. I have no luck."

Huang Fugui said triumphantly, and counted the belongings in the storage bag.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, his face flushed red, he had two spiritual treasures, and a dozen fourth-order ice attribute demon pills, and he became rich overnight.

Huang Fugui laughed, there was a feeling of joy that came from hardships and joys, he almost died in the mouth of the monster, and finally he didn't work in vain.

"It's still easy to get money from dead people. It's too dangerous to rob monsters."

Huang Fugui smiled proudly and muttered to himself.



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