Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1700: 59 Thunder Tribulation

Somewhat strangely, judging from the contents of the storage bag, the owner of the corpse was a Yuan Ying cultivator, but there was no Yuan Ying, only the flesh.

The two spirit treasures are ice-type spirit treasures, and Huang Fugui can also use them.

His injury is relatively serious, he intends to heal here, and then leave here after the injury has healed.

Huang Fugui sat down with his knees crossed and healed his injuries.

Under the abyss, in an ice cave with a size of 10,000 acres, a huge monster was lying on the ground. The shape of the monster resembled a Pixiu, with three eyes and eight wings, and a short tail. The monster seemed to be trapped. Sleeping, motionless, like an ice sculpture.

From time to time, its nostrils spewed two white cold air, hitting the ground, and the ice layer on the ground thickened a lot.


Tianlan Sect, Tianlan Temple.

Shangguan Tianhong and other dozens of Tianlan Sect cultivators were in a meeting, and everyone's expressions were solemn.

"Uncle Shangguan, we have captured a lot of cultivators from the Dongli realm over the years, but they don't know the whereabouts of Qinglian Immortal Companion, and Shangguan Wei of the Nine You Sect is also missing. There are a hundred people, two Spirit Transformation cultivators, and less than twenty Nascent Soul cultivators."

A slender young man in blue shirt respectfully reported.

The cultivators of Tian Lanzong have been arresting the cultivators in the Dongli realm. As time went by, they caught a lot of cultivators in the Dongli realm, but there were still a group of cultivators who fled.

"Those Nascent Soul cultivators are nothing to be afraid of. The Spirit Transformation cultivator has only one Fu Wen left. I destroyed the body of the old python in the East Wasteland. It is the most important thing to find this person. If you have any news about him, I will report it immediately."

Shangguan Tianhong commanded in a deep voice.

"Yes, Uncle Shangguan."

The Qingshan youth agreed, suddenly he remembered something, and asked, "Shangguan, do you want to send someone to look for the three dangerous places? Most of them are hiding in the three dangerous places."

"No need, there are too many restrictions there, and there are also fifth-order monsters. Even if I shoot myself, it is not so easy to kill. Sending others is just to die, and guard the space passage. The big troops will immediately go over and take down the East Li Realm in one fell swoop."

Shangguan Tianhong's face was full of murderous intent, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes. Naturally, there was a reason for the three dangerous places to be preserved.

"Yes, Uncle Shangguan."


Half a year passed quickly.

Huang Fugui flew out of the abyss with a look of vigilance on his face. He looked around and didn't see any monsters, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Fugui sacrificed the wind-shielding flag and released a yellow gust of wind, flying towards the distance.

Flying all the way, Huang Fugui didn't encounter any monsters, but occasionally encountered a few fourth-order monsters, and he was quickly thrown away by him.

Two days later, Huang Fugui appeared in a vast and boundless white dense forest, where a large number of white trees grew. These trees had no leaves and were covered with thorns.

Huang Fugui's expression was extremely nervous. There are monsters living in groups here. He almost died here last time, so he didn't dare to be careless.

He flew forward cautiously, not daring to fly too high for fear of being stared at by demon birds.

A white tree swayed suddenly, and a white python with four wings on its back emerged from the tree hole. The eyes of the white python were snow-white, and its waist was thicker than Huang Fugui's belly. There was absolutely no problem in swallowing Huang Fugui. .

At first it was a white python, followed by the second, third, fourth...

Five could not breathe, and thousands of white pythons with different waists and thicknesses emerged from the snow and tree holes. Most of them were second-order, and there were also five or six fourth-order monster pythons.

Huang Fugui's heart came to his throat, he was now surrounded by monsters, and he was in trouble.

The strange thing is that these monsters didn't pay attention to Huang Fugui. They slammed their wings and flew in a certain direction. They didn't seem to find Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui let go of his hanging heart, patted his chest lightly, and let out a long sigh of relief, which almost scared him to death just now.

He hadn't been happy for long when a loud animal roar suddenly sounded, Huang Fugui's expression changed, and he looked behind him.

It didn't matter, Huang Fugui's eyeballs almost fell out. Hundreds of monsters and beasts flew towards him, most of them were third-order, and some were fourth-order, and many white monsters could be seen.

"Heaven is jealous of Yingcai, I finally managed to get something, it's easy for me!"

Huang Fugui cursed, turning on the spot and turning into a yellow hurricane more than a hundred feet high, sweeping away in the distance, with a particularly fast speed.

After flying out a hundred miles, Huang Fugui was surprised to find that all monsters in a radius of a hundred miles were alarmed, and tens of thousands of monsters rushed in a certain direction, most of them were second-order monsters, and fourth-order monsters had some There are as many as a dozen, and there are hundreds of third-order monsters.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that these monsters ignored him at all, just like they didn't see him.

"Could it be that Daoyou Wang made it? Is this a novel way to lure demons?"

Huang Fugui said to himself, these monsters moved towards where Wang Changsheng was.

"Wait, fellow Daoist Wang won't be in the Impulse God Transformation stage!"

Huang Fugui suddenly thought of something, with an unbelievable look on his face.

When the Nascent Soul cultivator hit the spirit-transforming stage, his body would turn into sandalwood, exuding a special smell, which was difficult for monsters to resist.

The last time he saw Wang Changsheng was more than 40 years ago. At that time, Wang Changsheng was already at the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul, and it was really possible that Wang Changsheng was in the spiritual transformation stage.

"No, I have to rush back to help Daoyou Wang. If he enters the Divine Transformation stage, he is a senior. If he fails, he can ask Fairy Wang for a fortune, and he can make a profit without losing money."

Thinking of this, Huang Fugui accelerated his escape.

Wang Ruyan stood at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, looking at a thundercloud in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

One after another thick silver lightning fell, slashing at the lion-linn beast.

When the lion-lin beast returned to Wang Ruyan, it was already at the third rank. After following Wang Ruyan for hundreds of years, he finally had the opportunity to advance to the fourth rank.

Intensive silver lightning struck the lion-lint beast one after another. The lion-lint beast let out a roar, and billowing flames emerged from its body. From a distance, it looked like a huge flame, and the nearby snow directly turned into white mist.

A quarter of an hour later, in a huge thunderous sound, the thundercloud turned into a silver thunder python with a length of more than 100 meters and slammed into the lion-linn beast.


A dazzling silver thunder light lit up, covering the area with a radius of 10,000 meters, and white snowflakes flew all over the sky.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated, and the lion-lin beast was still alive, but the surface of the body was dripping with blood, and white bones could be vaguely seen.

Wang Ruyan flew over with a smile on his face.


The Shilin Beast ran to Wang Ruyan's side and lay down honestly.

"Yes, you are much more powerful than the blue-eyed cold silkworm. It has been with me for the longest time, and it is still a third-tier top-grade."

Wang Ruyan praised with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded, and the thunder was loud, one after another.

Wang Ruyan's jade appearance looked towards the snow-capped mountain, and saw a huge thundercloud over the snow-capped mountain, with countless silver arcs surging, like a rushing river, endlessly.

The thundercloud rolled violently, and it was divided into five groups. The five groups of thunderclouds were connected together and each was independent.

"Five or nine thunder tribulations, my husband is in the period of impacting the gods!"

Wang Ruyan exclaimed, her heart raised in her throat.

At this moment, a huge beast roar suddenly sounded, and a large number of black spots suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance.

A yellow light appeared in the sky, and the three couldn't breathe. The yellow light fell in front of Wang Ruyan. It was Huang Fugui.

"The big thing is bad, Mrs. Wang, a large number of monsters are coming here, it seems that they were attracted by Wang Daoyou."

Huang Fugui's face was solemn.

At this time, Wang Qiuming and others rushed out of the residence and rushed over.

"Qiu Ming and Yingjie, before your husband has entered the Divine Transformation stage, you cannot let a monster set foot on the snowy mountain."

Wang Ruyan said with a firm look on her face.

"Yes, grandmother (old ancestor)."

Wang Qiuming and the others agreed in unison with a solemn expression.



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