Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1701: robbery

With the snow-capped mountain as the center, there are tens of thousands of monsters in a radius of 300 miles, most of them are second-order monsters, and there are hundreds of monsters above third-order, which is a force that should not be underestimated. The four Nascent Soul monks , plus multiple fourth-order spirit beasts and multiple cultivators, blocking these monsters shouldn't be a problem.

There is no inner demon gate when the Yuanying cultivator hits the spirit transformation stage, only certain realms will have inner demon gate.

The thunderclouds over the snow-capped mountains tumbled violently, and countless silver arcs emerged from the five thunderclouds. The gust of wind blew up, and countless white snowflakes were blown up by the gust of wind.

On the top of the mountain, in a simple secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, his eyes solemn.

According to the experience of Zhenhaizong cultivator when he hit the spirit transformation stage, as long as the five or nine thunder tribulations are passed, the physical body can be advanced to the spirit transformation stage after the end of the sandalwood transformation. The time spent by each cultivator is different.

The five or nine thunder tribulations are divided into five rounds. Each time there are nine paths, there are a total of forty-five paths. The physical body undergoes a qualitative change, thus entering the period of spiritual transformation.

There are two very important factors in the impact of the gods. First, to arrange the formation, the magic weapon of the robbery can weaken the power of the thunder tribulation; second, there must be a monk to protect the law. The physical body will undergo a qualitative change and undergo sandalwood transformation. This process is not fixed. After the physical body is transformed into sandalwood, the qualitative change of the physical body will end, and the spiritual consciousness will increase greatly, thus entering the spiritual transformation period.

Wang Changsheng spent several years repairing the Dinghaizhu, the magic weapon of his life, and arranged several sets of fourth-order formations.


After a deafening roar sounded, the cave where Wang Changsheng was located suddenly burst open, and a two-finger silver lightning bolt fell from the sky and slashed at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, he took out a pale white array plate, and entered a magic formula.

The wind suddenly rose, and countless white snowflakes were blown into the sky, turning into a huge white light curtain, covering Wang Changsheng.

The silver lightning struck the white light curtain, and the white light curtain remained motionless.

Soon, there was a huge thunderous sound from high in the sky, and a silver lightning that was thicker than before slashed down, and the white light curtain swayed.

Lightning flashes and thunders, and the black cloud is oppressive, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Nine silver lightnings fell, and the five black thunderclouds became four.

After a huge thunderous sound, the second round of thunder tribulation fell.

The first lightning bolt had the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, and the white light curtain was twisted and deformed, becoming looming.

Three silver lightning bolts struck down, and the white light curtain shattered. Wang Changsheng took out a blue array plate and entered a magic formula.

Countless blue lights appeared in the void, and the water vapor was misty. Soon, a thick blue water curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering Wang Changsheng.

The rumbling thunder sounded, Wang Ruyan's phoenix eyes were full of worry.

Many cultivators have died under the thunder tribulation. The first stage is the most difficult, and the physical body transformation is the second difficulty.

Wang Qiuming and the others all looked at the thunderclouds over the snow-capped mountains with solemn eyes.

Huang Fugui took out a shadow crystal. He planned to record the process of Wang Changsheng's impact on the gods. He kept it for reference, and he could also sell a piece of spirit stone. , are precious things that are difficult to obtain. Most of the loose cultivators lack the so-called experience and have no hope of advancing to a higher realm.

The second round of thunder tribulation passed quickly, followed by the third round of thunder tribulation.

After the loud rumbling thunder sounded, a silver lightning that was thicker than before slashed down.

With several sets of fourth-order formations, Wang Changsheng successfully survived the first three rounds of thunder tribulations.

After three rounds of thunder tribulation, all the formations arranged by Wang Changsheng were destroyed. Now he can only rely on the magic weapon of his life and the power of the formation.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, a silver lightning the thickness of a millstone slashed down and headed straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly sacrificed eighteen Dinghaizhu, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the eighteen Dinghaizhu turned into eighteen blue lights, shot out, and flew around.

Dinghaizhu flew out of ten thousand feet and stopped, and after a whirl, the body of the eighteen Dinghaizhu skyrocketed, and countless seawater spewed out, turning into a blue sea, and the huge waves formed a thick blue. The water curtain covered Wang Changsheng inside.

The silver lightning struck the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain remained motionless.

The rumbling thunder continued, and a thicker silver lightning fell. Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged in the blue sea, his complexion as usual, like an unshakable rock, standing still.

The fourth round of thunder tribulation ended soon, the vast ocean disappeared, and the aura of the eighteen Dinghaizhu was slightly dimmed.


The fifth round of thunder calamity came, and its power was greater than the previous silver lightning.

Silver lightning landed on the blue water curtain, the blue water curtain suddenly burst, turned into sea water, splashing everywhere,

Soon, the second silver lightning fell, the third...

There was lightning and thunder, and silver lightning fell one after another.

After blocking the sixth silver lightning bolt, there were several tiny cracks on the surface of the eighteen Dinghai beads.


The seventh silver lightning fell, and the sea suddenly burst, leaving only more than a hundred feet in size. There were even more cracks on the surface of Dinghaizhu.

The eighth silver lightning fell, the sea water suddenly collapsed, and some silver arcs fell on Wang Changsheng's body. Wang Changsheng felt his body numb, and a powerful electric current spread throughout his body. There were as many as a dozen cracks on the surface of the eighteen Dinghaizhu. .

With the last lightning bolt remaining, the cave where Wang Changsheng was located has been reduced to ruins.

Wang Changsheng's eyes were fixed on the thunder cloud high in the sky, his face was solemn, and while he was nervous, there was a trace of anticipation.


In a deafening thunder, a silver lightning with a diameter of three feet slashed down, like a ferocious and brutal silver shark, pounced on Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's body surface glowed with blue light. He planned to use the power of his flesh to take over this lightning bolt. If Dinghaizhu was destroyed by the thunder calamity, Wang Changsheng would also be affected.

The silver lightning accurately landed on Wang Changsheng, and the entire snow-capped mountain shook violently. A silver scorching sun that was ten thousand feet wide rose on the snow-capped mountain, which was extremely dazzling.

Wang Ruyan and the others raised their hearts in their throats, sweating profusely, Huang Fugui's pupils shrank, his eyes fixed on the snow-capped mountains.

After a while, the silver scorching sun dissipated, and Wang Changsheng sat among the ruins.

He was naked, his body was charred black, his arms smelled burnt, his whole body was paralyzed, and the pain was incomparable. There were more than a dozen terrifying bloodstains on his body. died.

Wang Changsheng closed his eyes tightly, blue light flashed on the top of his head, a mini Nascent Soul appeared on the top of his head, eighteen Dinghaizhu quickly shrank, flew towards the mini Nascent Soul, hovering around the mini Nascent Soul, the body surface of the mini Nascent Soul. The blue light continued to After a while, the miniature Yuanying drilled back into Wang Changsheng's body, and eighteen Dinghaizhu flew around Wang Changsheng non-stop.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body was shining brightly, the dead skin on the body surface was fading, the skin was smooth as water, and it looked fine and tender. Fragrant mixed scent.

The physical body is transformed into sandalwood. This is the second stage. As long as the qualitative transformation is completed, Wang Changsheng will be able to enter the divine transformation stage. During this period, he cannot move, and even if someone pushes him, there will be problems.

This was when Wang Changsheng was most vulnerable, and it was also when he needed his Taoist companions and relatives the most.


As soon as the thunder robbery dissipated, tens of thousands of monsters rushed in from all directions. At this time, Wang Changsheng was a great supplement to the monsters. After swallowing Wang Changsheng, they may cross the great realm and advance to a higher level.

"The Wang family's children obeyed the order and stopped all the monsters, not allowing a single monster to step into the snow-capped mountains."

Wang Ruyan's stern tone turned into a blue light that stopped above the snow-capped mountains.

"Yes, grandmother (old ancestor)."

Wang Qiuming and other Wang family disciples dispersed one after another, and dealt with the monsters according to the previously formulated strategy.



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