Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1703: Consolidate the cultivation base, the situation of the 0 gourd world

Huang Fugui flew over, bowed his body, and said in a flattering tone: "This junior congratulates Senior Wang on entering the Spirit Transformation Stage. I was told by the younger generation."

Wang Changsheng has already entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and the present is not what it used to be, so Huang Fugui would not dare to neglect him.

Wang Changsheng's eyes swept over Wang Ruyan and the others, and nodded in relief, saying, "What are you going to do! Madam, I have something to tell you."

Wang Qiuming and the others agreed in unison, and went to work separately.

Wang Ruyan flew down on Wang Changsheng, her face full of concern. She carefully looked at Wang Changsheng's body and was surprised to find that Wang Changsheng had no scars on his body.

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly and said with a smile: "The experience of the predecessors is still different from my own personal experience. It is not in vain for me to use the qi of the earth to build the foundation, and the qi of the heaven to form a pill."

The key to the transformation of the physical body is to introduce some thunder and lightning power to temper the physical body. The monks can rely on the power of the physical body to resist, or they can use the magic weapon or the spiritual beast. Some monks' physical bodies are not strong enough. Spirit help.

The stronger the power of thunder and lightning to temper the physical body, the easier it is to succeed in sandalwood transformation. Wang Changsheng took a Qingyue Jade Pill and used the power of the physical body to resist the next three thunder tribulations. The physical body was successfully transformed into sandalwood and entered the next stage. According to Zhenhai According to the records of Zong's classics, there are many monks who fail to transform into gods because their physical bodies cannot be transformed into sandalwood.

To successfully transform the body into sandalwood, either there are enough elixir, or the magic weapon of life can weaken the power of thunder tribulation, so that the monk can introduce some power of thunder and lightning to temper the body.

Wang Changsheng's natal magic weapon, Dinghaizhu, could not withstand the thunder calamity, and was almost destroyed. It was he who relied on the strength of his physical body to resist three thunder calamities, and with the addition of a Qingyue Jade Pill, his physical body was successfully transformed into sandalwood.

The spiritual objects that assist in the Immortal Transformation Stage are too precious. If he hadn't killed the Lihuo Master, Wang Changsheng wouldn't have been able to get three copies of the spiritual objects. Give Wang Ruyan a shock to the spirit transformation period.

He talked in detail about his experience and experience in the Soul Transformation Stage. This is his personal experience, which is more real than the records in the classics.

"Husband, it's too risky for you to take only one Azure Moon Jade Pill."

Wang Ruyan's eyes were full of tenderness. Wang Changsheng only took one Qingyue Jade Pill to resist the thunder calamity. Naturally, it was to leave two spiritual things for Wang Ruyan.

"I'm fully prepared. If my body can't carry it, I'll use Ding Haizhu. I didn't plan to carry it to death."

Wang Changsheng comforted softly, he really wanted to leave two spiritual things for Wang Ruyan, in addition, he also wanted to use the thunder tribulation to quench his body and strengthen the power of his fleshly body. Not as Wang Changsheng expected, he successfully resisted three thunder tribulations.

His spiritual consciousness can be extended up to a thousand miles away. The sensory perception is relatively clear within 800 miles, and it is relatively blurry beyond 800 miles. According to the records of Zhenhai Zong’s classics, the spiritual consciousness of a god-turning cultivator can be placed at a maximum of 800 miles away, which is higher than Wang Changsheng’s. Two hundred miles less, I don't know if it has anything to do with Wang Changsheng resisting the next three thunder tribulations.

They are an old husband and wife, and some words can be understood with just one look.

"Husband, you first consolidate your realm and repair Dinghaizhu, and then we will make other plans."

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng also has this plan. He has a lot of things to do, consolidate his realm, repair Dinghaizhu, and then join the other Dongli cultivators.

"I don't know what's going on with the family. It would be nice if we could meet with Senior Fu. If we find him, we can hope to return to the Dongli Realm."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said, they have been in the Tianlan Realm for almost a hundred years, they can't contact the cultivators in the Dongli Realm, and they don't know the situation in the Dongli Realm at all.

Wang Ruyan "With Qingshan here, I believe he will protect the family well. As for Senior Fu, the Tianlan Realm is so big, it is not easy for us to find him. You should consolidate your cultivation first! Other things will take your time."

Wang Changsheng nodded, exhorted him a few words, sat cross-legged and meditated to adjust his breath, Wang Ruyan protected Wang Changsheng, and the wood demon and the tortoise guarded by the side.


In the Thousand Gourd Realm, the Qinglong Sea is located in the northeast of the Thousand Gourd Realm, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, and there are tens of thousands of large and small islands.

The Golden Turtle Island is located in the corner of the Qinglong sea area, with a radius of more than 30 miles, and it is inconspicuous.

A family surnamed Sun occupied this island, and there were less than fifty cultivators in the whole family.

Golden Turtle Peak is the forbidden area of ​​Golden Turtle Island, and it is also the location of Sun Youwang's cave. Ordinary Sun family members cannot enter.

There is a quiet manor at the top of the Golden Turtle Peak. There is a six-story cyan pavilion in the northwest corner of the manor. The plaque reads "Golden Cloud Pavilion" in three golden characters.

On the second floor, Sun Youwang was reporting something to a burly young man in green shirt.

"Master, the activities of the demon clan are getting more and more rampant. They have captured another 345 spiritual practitioners, all of them have been swept away their souls, and their bodies are hanging at the entrance of Fangshi."

Sun Youwang said cautiously, looking terrified.

The young man in green shirt was his master Li Tianya, in the early Yuan Ying period.

More than a thousand years ago, a group of demons opened the space channel and came to the Thousand Gourd Realm. After hundreds of years of war, the demons successfully occupied the Thousand Gourd Realm, planted the Demon Tree, and transformed the environment of the Thousand Gourd Realm. All the monks modified it. Demonic art, monks who have not modified their demonic art will be killed without mercy.

Cultivators who practice magic arts can also absorb spiritual energy, but for pure demons, they need magic energy for their cultivation.

It takes a lot of time to modify the and the magic power is more domineering, which can easily affect a person's mind. If one does not get it right, it will go crazy and become a puppet that only knows **** until death.

Some cultivators in the Thousand Gourd Realm are unwilling to practice magic arts, and continue to practice the exercises left by their predecessors. They call themselves spiritual practitioners and distinguish themselves from magic practitioners. Once the demons catch spiritual practitioners, they will end up tragically.

The demons forced the monks to revise the magic arts, but it was also for their own rule. In addition to the cultivation system, the demons took high-pressure measures in terms of culture. All monks learned "Magic", which is said to be the official language of the demons. More than a thousand years ago The demons did not invade the Thousand Gourd Realm, but rescued the Thousand Gourd Realm.

After more than 800 years of rule, the strength of the demons has become stronger and stronger, and there are a group of followers, but there have always been monks from the Thousand Gourds who resisted. Unfortunately, these resistance forces are not strong, and they are scattered all over the place. It is difficult to get in touch, and when you go out, you will encounter an inspector at any time. Once you find out that it is spiritual practice, you will immediately kill it.

"Is there any news about the Thousand Gourds?"

Li Tianya frowned and asked, True Monarch Qianglu is the number one person in the Thousand Gourd Realm, and also the hope of the cultivators in the Thousand Gourd Realm, but the Thousand Gourd Realm has not appeared for a long time.

"No, the Qinglong sea area is located in a remote area, and it is difficult for the disciples to find out the news of the Thousand Gourd True Monarch."

Sun Youwang had a look of embarrassment on his face.



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