Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1704: 3 family slaves Situ Mei

"Understood, you continue to send people to pay attention to the news of Qianglu Zhenjun. Don't think that it is a good thing for the demons to transform the environment of the Qianglu world. The cultivation speed of magic art is fast, and it is easy to go wrong. You have seen it with your own eyes. The teacher said more."

Li Tianya said meaningfully, Sun Youwang was originally from a large immortal clan, and the family had Yuanying monks in charge, but Yuanying monks died in the hands of the demons, and the demons supported an elder who was in the elixir stage.

When Sun Youwang was seven years old, the head of the Sun family went into trouble and killed all the descendants of his clan. At a critical moment, Li Tianya passed by and rescued Sun Youwang.

Sun Youwang hated the demons completely, but he was too young at the time, and was sent to the Qinglong Sea by the demons. He met Li Tianya by chance, and worshipped Li Tianya. With the help of Li Tianya, he established a family.

The demons offered heavy rewards for spiritual cultivation, ranging in price from 10,000 spiritual stones to 100 million spiritual stones. The Thousand Gourd True Monarch was the highest reward for spiritual cultivation.

"The disciple understands that the hatred of genocide is not shared by the sky."

Sun Youwang nodded solemnly, his face full of murderous intent.

"It's good that you understand, well, you are going back to practice as a teacher. You have nothing to worry about, so don't disturb your practice as a teacher."

After Li Tianya said this, he strode towards the stairs.

When he came to the sixth floor, Li Tianya pushed open the door of a guest room. The interior of the room was simple, with a wooden bed, a wooden table and a few wooden stools, nothing unusual.

He activated the prohibition in the house, and countless mysterious runes appeared on the walls, and the spiritual energy was compelling.

Li Tianya took out a seven-color flag, and the surface of the seven-color flag was flickering non-stop. With a slight shake toward the void, a seven-color glow swept out and hit the void.

A seven-colored light gate with a height of one person appeared in the void, looming and looming, Li Tianya got into the seven-colored light gate, the environment in front of him changed, Li Tianya suddenly appeared in a space full of spiritual energy, this is a secret realm.

The ancient trees are shady, the spirit birds are hovering in the sky, the beasts are running in the forest, and the fairy spirit is ethereal.

The attack of the demons on spiritual cultivation is getting stronger and stronger. In addition, the demons are transforming the environment of the Thousand Gourd Realm, and the spiritual energy of the outside world is getting weaker and weaker. for.

Li Tianya turned into a ray of light and flew towards the northwest. Along the way, he could see many buildings. Not long after, he landed at the gate of a splendid palace, bowed and said, "Disciple Li Tianya is asking to see the master, and I have something to report. "

"Come in! Tianya, there are not many monks in the Seven Spirits Secret Realm anymore."

A man's voice with some vicissitudes suddenly sounded, and the door of the palace opened.

Li Tianya strode in, the hall was spacious and bright, and an old man in green robe sat on the main seat. The old man in green robe had a round face and big eyes.

Qin Yunfeng, in the early days of God Transformation, he was born in the Wanfa Palace, the most powerful immortal sect in the Thousand Gourd World, a monk Fenglinggen, one of the ten masters of Wanfa, the favored son of heaven, and his Taoist companion has a fire attribute Tianling root. , the two are called the two saints of wind and fire by the outside world.

Qin Yunfeng entered the Divine Transformation Stage at the age of 400, and he was in the limelight. A hundred years later, his Dao Companion also entered the Divine Transformation Stage. Just when he was most proud of the scenery, the demons opened the space channel and killed them. It is the most powerful sect in the Thousand Gourd World, and it is the key target of the demons. Ten demons of the god-transforming stage entered the Wanfa Palace together. Qin Yunfeng's wife and children also died in the hands of the demons. He took some of his disciples with him. Ran away.

After all, Qin Yunfeng was already fifteen hundred years old, and if nothing else happened, he could live another thousand years.

The Demon Race destroyed the Ten Thousand Laws Palace where he grew up, and also killed his wife, children and disciples. This blood debt is destined that Qin Yunfeng will not make peace with the Demon Race.

In fact, Qin Yunfeng was just lingering. He was injured by the demons and has not fully recovered.

Li Tianya reported the situation to Qin Yunfeng, but Qin Yunfeng was not surprised.

"Master, let's sit still like this, why don't we contact other resistance forces! Even if we can't overturn the notice of the Demon Race, it's better to find some panacea to heal your wounds!"

Li Tianya cautiously suggested.

They have been hiding in this secret realm for more than 200 years. They were almost discovered by the demons before. Li Tianya specially accepted Sun Youwang as a disciple and supported Sun Youwang to establish a family to hide people's eyes and ears.

"I have already sent your fourth junior brother to do this. He cultivates magic arts. Even if he encounters the inspector, there will be no danger. You just need to guard the entrance to the secret realm."

Qin Yunfeng ordered.

Li Tianya's heart skipped a beat. Hearing Qin Yunfeng's words, there are other entrances to the secret realm. It seems that Qin Yunfeng also gave him a hand. He can understand Qin Yunfeng. Under the high pressure of the demons, the spiritual life is very difficult. .

"Yes, Master."

Li Tianya agreed to come down and withdrew, and the gate of the palace closed automatically.

"Old Thousand Gourd, are you still alive! If you die, the Thousand Gourd Realm will have no hope."

Qin Yunfeng sighed and said, before he conceived a baby, True Monarch Qianglu was already a spiritual cultivator. True Monarch Qianglu possessed some kind of spiritual body, and his cultivation speed was faster than Qin Yunfeng. If there were no accidents, True Monarch Qianglu should have returned alive.

In the decisive battle eight hundred years ago, Zhenjun Qianglu, who was in the middle of the transformation of the gods, was attacked by the head of the demon clan, the soul destroyer, using the Tongtian Demon Treasure Soul Destruction Bell, and he was seriously injured. Breaking out of the encirclement, it is precisely because the Qianglu Zhenjun was severely damaged and the spiritual practice of the Qianglu Realm was defeated. The demons have always worried that the Qianglu Zhenjun will lead the cultivators of the Qianglujie to kill them back and offer a reward of 100 million spirit stones to capture the Qianglu Zhenjun.


A black mountain range stretched for millions of miles. Situ Mei's face was pale, and there was a lot of blood on her body. She flew quickly from a high altitude, in a blink of an eye.

On the way, they met the demon cultivator for an investigation, and they directly killed the demon cultivator and stabbed the hornet's nest. A large number of cultivators arrested them, and even dispatched the demons of the god-transforming stage.

Jin Yun was injured in a single encounter, and Situ Mei hurriedly fled for his life.

"Running so fast, you should be an important person in spiritual practice! Confess your accomplices, modify the magic power, and you can spare your death."

An indifferent female voice suddenly sounded, a mournful scream sounded, and a black light flew from a distance.

The wailing sound resembled a woman's cry, which made Situ Mei dizzy.

When she regained consciousness, a five-foot-tall black demon bird appeared in front of The head of the black demon bird resembled the head of a fish, with a pair of furry tiger claws under its abdomen, with a thick long The snake tail has a pair of black bat wings, which looks very strange.

A slender girl in a black dress is standing on the back of a demon bird. The girl in a black dress has picturesque features, a pattern of black flames between her eyebrows, her skin is snowy, and her hands have some black spiritual patterns on her arms. There are three black skull patterns, three black skulls stacked together.

Ouyang Yu, in the early days of God Transformation, was born in the Ouyang family of Wanku Mountain, and was good at exorcising ghosts and fighting demons.

Situ Mei's face turned pale, and his heart raised in his throat.

"You only have one chance, fall or die? Even if you die, I will use my secret techniques to torture your soul."

Ouyang Yu said with a smile but not a smile.

"The younger generation is willing to surrender. The younger generation is from Dongli Realm, and the Spirit Transformation cultivator with the younger generation is from Tianlan Realm. We temporarily opened a space passage to the Thousand Gourd Realm."

Situ Mei honestly explained the situation. In front of the God Transformation Stage Demon Race, she had no chance to resist. Strictly speaking, she did not want to resist at all. Her lifespan was still more than 30 years old. Unless she entered the God Transformation Stage, she would die. Undoubtedly, it seems to be a good choice to join the Demon Race. She went to the Tianlan Realm to get the life-extending elixir, and now she has switched to the Demon Race, hoping to enter the Divine Transformation Stage.

Ouyang Yu was a little surprised. With a flick of her sleeve, a black chain entwined with black energy flew out and locked Situ Mei.

"Follow me, I have something to ask you, cooperate with me honestly, I may consider using the energy of the true devil to fill your body and help you advance to the stage of spiritual transformation."

Ouyang Yu's tone was full of temptation.

Situ Mei's eyes lit up, and he agreed.

Ouyang Yu took Situ Mei to fly high into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

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