Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1705: Lingbao Ping Sea Axe

Five years passed quickly.

In the Tianlan Realm, in the depths of the Meteorite Icefield, dense white snowflakes fell from the sky.

A snow-capped mountain that reaches into the sky, Wang Yingjie and others are chatting on the snow, their expressions are excited.

"The old ancestors have entered the stage of spiritual transformation. It is no wonder that their baby formation caused a vision. If both ancestors have entered the stage of spiritual transformation, our Wang family can become the first immortal-cultivating family in the Dongli world."

Wang Yinghao said excitedly, he was very excited when he thought that there were two cultivators in the family.

"We are currently in the Tianlan Realm. Whether we can go back or not is a matter of two things. Unless we find Senior Fu, we probably won't be able to go back."

Wang Rongxiang sighed, his face full of sadness.

"I believe that the ancestors will definitely have a way. When the ancestors arrive in the Tianlan Realm, they can get the opportunity to advance to the Divine Transformation Stage, and maybe we can also get the chance to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage."

Wang Yingjie's eyes were firm, and he was full of confidence in Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Rongxiang and others were a little moved. They believed that Wang Ruyan would be able to advance to the Divine Transformation Stage. As for them entering the Nascent Soul Stage, it was really difficult. It was hard to say the word chance. They were not Huang Fugui. 100,000 miles, and retreat all over.


A huge roar sounded, and Wang Yingjie and the others looked towards the snowy mountain with a look of alertness on their faces.

Wang Qiuming and Wang Xin rushed out of the residence for the first time with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I'm testing the power of the magic weapon, you don't need to make a fuss."

Wang Changsheng's voice came from the top of the snow mountain, and his voice was full of joy.

Wang Qiuming and others breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Qiuming and Wang Xin returned to their residence.

In a grotto on the top of the mountain, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, holding a 30-foot-long blue giant axe in his right hand. On the surface of the axe blade, dense blue runes can be seen, and the axe handle is engraved with "" "Pinghai Axe" three small characters, aura is compelling, it is obviously a spiritual treasure.

Wang Changsheng smiled, and there was a long crack on the stone wall in front of him.

Lingbao Pinghai Axe, this is the first Lingbao refined by Wang Changsheng.

After consolidating his cultivation, he successively repaired Dinghaizhu, Splitting Sea Gloves and Lieyang Pagoda, and refined a Lingbao Pinghai Axe.

The level of magic weapons depends on two factors. The first is the material. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how high the refining level is, the poorer materials are useless. The second is the refining level of the refining master.

The family's Yuanying cultivator's natal magic weapons were all refined by Wang Changsheng. His refining level was not low. He could not refine spiritual treasures in the Dongli world, mainly because of the lack of rare materials. After arriving in the Tianlan world, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan Killed a number of Nascent Soul monks and obtained a number of spiritual treasures and a large amount of materials.

The Tianlan Sect dominates the Tianlan Realm, and most of the wealth is concentrated on the high-level monks. The net worth of the Yuanying cultivators in the Tianlan Realm is generally higher than that of the Dongli Realm cultivators.

Wang Changsheng looked at the Pinghai Axe in his hand, as if he was looking at a rare treasure. He had many spiritual treasures in his hand, but he liked this Pinghai Axe the most. The reason was very simple. Treasure, if he can refine one spiritual treasure, he can refine the second spiritual treasure and the third spiritual treasure.

He now has six spiritual treasures, Bingyue Ring, Dragon Lock, Seven-Star Slayer Sword, Sea Splitting Glove, Pinghai Axe and Colorful Glass Bowl. There is a Lingbao Danghai Sword, they have no defense Lingbao and flying Lingbao.

The bones of the fifth-order demon bird can be refined into a spiritual treasure, and even a heaven-spanning spiritual treasure. With Wang Changsheng's current refining level and the materials on his body, he can refine it into a spiritual treasure, but he is not in a hurry. The value of the bones of the fifth-order monster bird with the thunder attribute is immeasurable.

Dinghaizhu is a complete set of magic weapons. If you want to be promoted to Lingbao, you need a lot of rare materials. Only the Taiyin Crystal is not enough. Wang Changsheng plans to further improve the refining level, collect enough refining materials, and then promote Dinghaizhu to Lingbao. .

As far as he knows, even a spiritual cultivator doesn't necessarily have a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, and it is already very good to have a set of spiritual treasures.

He got up and walked out. Wang Ruyan was sitting on a blue futon. There was a lot of animal skins in front of him. On the animal skins was a topographic map. This was the map they seized from the monks in Tianlanjie. It was not complete. , at least they don't have to run around like headless flies anymore.

"Husband, I sorted out the map we captured. If we leave here, we can only leave at the entrance. In this way, it is not easy to find a place to rest."

Wang Ruyan's face was embarrassed, they couldn't stay here forever, but it was more dangerous outside, and they were in a dilemma.

"Leave here? I don't have that plan. I plan to refine some more treasures before leaving here. In the worst case, I have to refine a flying treasure and a defense treasure."

Wang Changsheng chuckled and said, the entire Tianlan world, the three dangerous places are relatively safe, the Xuanshui Palace can even block the attack of a complete set of spiritual treasures and fifth-order Wang Changsheng intends to enter the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield to hunt for treasures , collect rare materials to refine Lingbao.

In particular, the water of the moon can be refined into a big killer.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "Huang Fugui went deep into the Demon Burying Icefield to search for treasures and retreated completely, so that he could lead the way."

"I'm not in a hurry to hunt for treasure now. I have too few killer weapons. If I encounter a fifth-order monster or a god-turning cultivator, I may not be an opponent. Go outside first and use the water of the dark moon to refine a few big killers."

Wang Changsheng's eyes were firm. He killed Lihuo Zhenren to get a fifth-order jade talisman. It was an attacking jade talisman and could be used many times. It was too difficult to kill the cultivator.

With the characteristics of the water of the dark moon that freezes all things, if it can be refined into a magic weapon, it is definitely a big killer.

The Qinglian Fortune Ding can purify the refining materials, and Wang Changsheng can't guarantee that the Qinglian Fortune Ding will be able to collect the water of the moon.

"The water of the moon! The **** crystal of the yin may be able to accommodate this material, but ordinary furnaces cannot accommodate the water of the moon! If it is made by the lake, it will be more difficult to refine."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said.

"The difficulty is indeed high, but it is precisely because of this that none of the monks in the Tianlan Realm can use the Water Refining Tool of the Underworld Moon. I plan to try it. If it fails, it's okay. If it succeeds, we will have to rely on it to leave here."

Wang Changsheng's expression was serious, he took out the communication disk, contacted Huang Fugui, and asked him to come.

Not long after, a flattering voice came from outside: "Junior Huang Fugui asks to see Senior Wang."

"Come in! Xiaoyou Huang."

A slight footstep sounded, Huang Fugui walked in, he bowed to Wang Changsheng, and said, "I don't know what Senior Wang ordered? The junior is willing to do the work of the senior. Of course, you also know that the junior is weak. Not much."

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