Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1708: Dried blue snow crystals and ginseng fruit

With the three Moon Pearls, Wang Changsheng can go to the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield to hunt for treasures.

He put away the Moon Pearl and the refining materials, and took out the communication disk to contact Wang Ruyan and Huang Fugui.

Not long after, Wang Ruyan and Huang Fugui appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

Considering the prohibition in the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield, Wang Changsheng did not intend to bring Wang Qiuming and others. The Tianlan Sect sent a large number of people to explore the Meteorite Icefield and suffered heavy losses. Wang Qiuming and others could not help if they went there, it would only be a drag. With the incarnation of Wang Xin, it is just right for treasure hunting.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Meteorite Icefield and have a look, hoping to get some good things."

Wang Changsheng waved his sleeves and left with Wang Ruyan and the three.

With Huang Fugui leading the way, there was no trouble along the way, there were not a few third-order monsters, and no fourth-order monsters.

When Wang Changsheng was in the Spirit Transformation Stage, his fleshly body turned into sandalwood, attracting a large number of monsters, most of them were of the fourth-rank lower grade, and they were not Wang Ruyan's opponents at all.

Seven days later, they appeared on a low snow-capped mountain, with a vast snow-field in front of them, a towering snow-capped peak in the distance, and four similar snow-capped peaks nearby, which looked like five fingers from a distance.

"Senior Wang, the Snow Ape is in the middle of the snow mountain. There are dozens of Snow Apes, and this junior almost died at their hands."

Huang Fugui pointed to a snow peak in the middle and said, with a lingering expression on his face.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept towards Xuefeng in the middle. He could sense the breath of dozens of monsters, and there were no fourth-order high-grade monsters.

Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, and Wang Xin turned into a golden light and flew towards Xuefeng.

Wang Xin is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but his strength is stronger than that of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so it is not a problem to deal with the Snow Ape who has not opened his intelligence.

Huang Fugui breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried that Wang Changsheng sent him.

Not long after, with a deafening roar, a golden light flew out from the snow peak, and dozens of huge white snowballs rolled down from the snow mountain and smashed towards the golden light.

The golden light fell on the snow, and it was Wang Xin. His expression was as usual, and the golden light all over his body was shining brightly. A miniature golden flood dragon roamed around his body non-stop, and there were bursts of loud dragon roars.

Dozens of huge white snowballs rolled down, Wang Xin opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar, and a golden sound wave swept out.

Lion's Roar!

The golden sound wave collided with the white snowball, the white snowball exploded, and one snow ape appeared. There were seven fourth-order snow apes, the highest fourth-order middle-grade, and the rest were third-order.

Dozens of snow apes let out a roar at the same time, each spewing out a white sound wave, facing the golden sound wave.


The white sound wave collided with the golden sound wave, and a powerful air wave erupted. The golden sound wave defeated more than 20 white sound waves, and this was the loss. More than ten white sound waves went straight to Wang Xin.

The golden light on Wang Xin's body rose sharply, and a miniature Jiaolong flew out from the body's surface. After a blur, it turned into a golden Jiaolong with a length of more than 100 feet.

Dawei Tianlong!

The golden Flood Dragon shook its head and waved its tail, facing more than a dozen white sound waves.


More than a dozen white sound waves burst one after another, and the air waves were billowing.

The Golden Flood Dragon went straight to the Snow Ape, its tail suddenly swept away, and slapped on the two third-order snow apes, and the two third-order snow apes flew upside down and vomited blood.

Wang Changsheng's face was calm, he didn't intend to kill these snow apes, but to subdue them.

Compared with other monsters, ape monsters have higher spiritual intelligence, low-level ape-type monsters can take care of the cave, not to mention high-level ape-type monsters.

Zhenhai Ape's supernatural powers are not small, and it is quite human. However, Zhenhai Ape is the guardian spirit beast of Zhenhai Sect and needs to be driven by a beast-repelling ring. Wang Changsheng intends to subdue these snow apes, domesticate them a little, and form a team of ape guards. The battle formation of the ape clan was impressive.

If he wanted to kill these snow apes, Wang Ruyan would not waste much effort in killing them.

A three-foot-tall snow ape let out a low roar, and the other snow apes moved closer to it. At the same time, they spewed out a vast white sound wave. The white sound wave went straight to Wang Xin. Wherever he passed, the void vibrated, and countless snowflakes were blown away.

"Battle formation!"

Wang Ruyan was a little surprised. Generally speaking, monsters don't know how to fight. Either someone has trained them, or they figured it out by themselves. If it's the latter, these snow apes are not low in intelligence. If they can use it for themselves, then Couldn't be better.

The golden dragon collided with the white sound waves, and its body quickly froze, turning into an ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the white sound wave arrived in front of Wang Xin, Wang Xin felt the void tighten, his body seemed to be imprisoned, and it became difficult to breathe.

He took out a sparkling blue Zen staff and struck it towards the white sound wave.


With a loud bang, a powerful air wave erupted, and Wang Xin flew out. As soon as he landed, dozens of white hurricanes swept in.

Wang Xin moved his arms, and dense golden fist shadows flew out, smashing dozens of white hurricanes, rolling waves, and countless white snowflakes flying around.

The Ape King spewed out a white and cold wind, blowing countless white snowflakes, the white snowflakes blurred and turned into white ice cones, facing the golden fist shadow.

The other snow apes followed suit, and thousands of white ice picks hit the golden fist shadow.

A huge explosion sounded, and the golden fist shadow and the white ice pick perished together.

A little blue light appeared in the void, and the figure of Wang Changsheng appeared.

He looked at the ape king and said in a calm tone: "If you have some ability, if you are willing to surrender, you can avoid death, and I can help you practice."

An incomparably powerful spiritual pressure rushed out of Wang Changsheng's body, hitting the snow monkey below.

Except for the ape king, the other snow apes couldn't bear this powerful spiritual pressure at all, their legs softened and they knelt down.


The Ape King let out an unwilling roar, his legs trembled, and his face flushed red.

Wang Changsheng stretched out a finger and tapped into the void below, and countless blue water vapors emerged, wrapping the ape king's body.

The Ape King was wrapped in a huge blue water polo and struggled violently.

Xue Yuan felt that his body was about to be torn apart, and after supporting for a moment, it still knelt down and lowered its head, expressing surrender.

In the face of absolute strength, its arrogance is not worth mentioning, it has finally come to this step and does not want to die.

Wang Changsheng planted a ban on the fourth-order snow ape, and their life and death were only within Wang Changsheng's thoughts.

Seeing Wang Changsheng subduing these snow apes so Huang Fugui's face was full of envy, and his eyes became more and more respectful.

"Let's go and see your old lair."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the ape king lead the way honestly.

After a while, they appeared in an ice cave with a size of 100 acres. The stone wall on the left was light blue, like some kind of special crystal, exuding an amazing chill.

"So many dry blue snow crystals!"

Wang Changsheng nodded secretly, these dry blue snow crystals are no problem whether they are used for refining or cultivation.

The Ape King continued to lead the way. After passing through a winding passage, an ice cave with a size of 100 acres appeared in front of them. Inside the ice cave was a five-foot-tall white fruit tree with more than ten white fruits hanging on the tree. , The shape of the fruit resembles white ginseng, like ginseng hanging on a tree.

"Snow ginseng fruit is actually this kind of strange fruit. It blooms for a thousand years, bears fruit for a thousand years, and matures after another thousand years."

Huang Fugui was surprised and looked at the snow ginseng fruit tree with fiery eyes.

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