Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1709: Ghosts in the late Yuanying period

As far as he knows, snow ginseng fruit trees can only appear on glaciers that are more than 10,000 years old. This kind of fruit tree has particularly high requirements on the environment and cannot be transplanted casually.

Wang Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of joy, even if he was in a living suit, his mana would increase a lot.

Three thousand years of spiritual fruit can be used to refine fifth-order medicinal herbs, but snow ginseng fruit is only the main medicine, and other spiritual medicines must be found.

There are three thousand years of spiritual fruit here alone. If you continue to hunt for treasures, the harvest may be even greater.

"This kind of fruit tree transplant is easy to die. Depending on the year, this snow ginseng fruit tree is at least 10,000 years old, and there is no problem in refining a set of spiritual treasures."

Wang Ruyan rejoiced and said, limited by the level of refining tools. In the past, there were ten thousand years of spiritual wood, and Wang Changsheng could not refine spiritual treasures. Now it is different. Wang Changsheng's refining level has improved a lot. As long as there are enough good materials, Wang Changsheng can refine it. Lingbao.

A total of twelve snow ginseng fruits, Wang Changsheng carefully picked twelve snow ginseng fruits, gave one to the monkey king, and put the rest of the snow ginseng fruits into eleven jade boxes.

Wang Changsheng released the wood demon and ordered: "Transplant this fruit tree, don't hurt the roots."

The wood demon is very good at transplanting rare elixir and spiritual fruit trees, it can ensure that the roots of the spiritual plant are intact.

The wood demon grew a large number of rhizomes, plunged into the ice layer, and the ice layer burst.

Huang Fugui was full of envy. He didn't even know that there was a snow ginseng fruit tree here, and he didn't expect to be able to share a blood ginseng fruit.

Back outside, Wang Changsheng took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword and slashed at Qian Lan Xuejing.


The ground shook, the dry blue snow crystals were torn apart, and small pieces of dry blue snow crystals fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng took away all the dry blue snow crystals without any effort.

With a loud noise, a large number of cyan thorns climbed out of the ice cave. The cyan thorns supported the snow ginseng fruit tree, and the roots and stems of the snow ginseng fruit tree were intact.

"Xiaoyou Huang, take us to other places. The more good things you find, the more you get paid. I won't treat you badly."

Wang Changsheng's voice was full of temptation. For a person like Huang Fugui, only good things could make him work hard.

Huang Fugui patted his chest and agreed, even if Wang Changsheng didn't give him any favors, he would still work hard. After all, Wang Changsheng was his greatest hope to return to the Dongli Realm, and Huang Fugui himself had no ability to return to the Dongli Realm.

After walking out of the ice cave, Wang Changsheng collected dozens of snow apes into the spirit beast beads. It would take a lot of time to tame the snow apes, and they couldn't help much now.

Two days later, they appeared at the foot of a sloping snow-capped mountain. There was an ice cave more than ten feet in size not far away. The cave extended down, and the ground and stone walls were frozen.

"Senior Wang, there is a fourth-order high-grade monster here, proficient in the magical power of the ice wind attribute, the junior is not clear."

Huang Fugui pointed to the ice cave and said that as soon as he entered the cave, he was discovered by the monster and ran away immediately. He had no idea what good things were in it. nice one.

Wang Changsheng raised his brows, flicked his wrist, and the Soul Eater Golden Cicada flew out. It was still a top-ranked third-order, and the Soul Eater Golden Cicada could feed back the consciousness, but it was too slow to advance. Wang Changsheng could understand why the Myriad Beast Island did not cultivate in batches. Soul Eater Golden Cicada.

According to Gongsun Yang, only one Nascent Soul cultivator has cultivated a fourth-order soul-devouring golden cicada.

If Soul Eater Jin Chan advances to the fourth rank, he will give Wang Changsheng more spiritual knowledge.

Soul Eater Jin Chan was restless, making a low hissing sound.

Wang Ruyan also released a third-order soul-devouring golden cicada, one female and one male, and their calls came one after another.

"Ghost! Hmph, maybe your chance to advance is here."

Wang Changsheng's consciousness went towards the ice cave, and he did find a fourth-order high-grade monster. If he hadn't entered the God Transformation stage and his consciousness had soared, he really couldn't find the corpse aura emanating from the monster's body. Huang Fugui is only in the Yuan Ying period, so it's not surprising that he didn't find it to be a ghost.

"Ghost! No! What I saw was indeed a monster. Could it be that the ghost came later?"

Huang Fugui's eyes were uncertain, and his face showed fear.

"It's just a ghost at the Nascent Soul stage, there's nothing to be afraid of, but you guys should be careful, don't be tricked."

Wang Changsheng warned that if it was a ghost in the spirit transformation period, it would not be so easy for Wang Changsheng to find it.

Wang Xin walked in front, followed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Huang Fugui's face was full of alertness. A yellow shield flew around him uncertainly. He held a small yellow umbrella in his left hand, and a small red mirror in his right hand. There were three light curtains of different colors on his body. The small eyes kept rolling, watching everything around him vigilantly.

The temperature in the ice cave was frighteningly low, and the surface of the small yellow umbrella offered by Huang Fugui was frozen.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound in front of him, Huang Fugui was taken aback and took two steps back, looking like he was running away at any time.

A long and narrow passage appeared in front. Not long after Wang Xin walked in, a deafening explosion sounded, and a Sanskrit sound was vaguely heard. It seemed that the monster was fighting with Wang Xin.

"Senior Wang, the younger generation is weak, just wait for you here!"

Huang Fugui's expression was tense. The ice cave had great restrictions on his consciousness, and his magic weapon was affected. He continued to move forward. If he encountered danger, Huang Fugui would not be able to run fast.

Wang Changsheng nodded and agreed.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan strode forward, a huge roar sounded, the ice cave shook violently, the ice cone hanging on the top broke and fell to the ground.

A white light suddenly floated from the stone wall on the left, and rushed towards Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui had been prepared for a long time, and the small red mirror in his hand spewed hundreds of red fireballs, smashing into the white light, and he turned into a yellow light and flew out.

A large white cold wind emerged from the white light, and the red fireball quickly froze, falling to the ground and shattering.

A sharp female cry sounded, Huang Fugui's head was dizzy, and his escape speed slowed down.

A white light suddenly appeared above his head, and a white ghost claw more than ten feet long photographed Huang Fugui's Tianling cover.

With a muffled sound, Huang Fugui's defense was like a piece of paper, shattered by the white ghost claws.

At this critical moment, a little blue light emerged in the void, turning into a huge blue water ball, wrapping the white light.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Wang Xin walked out with indifferent expressions.


With a loud bang, the blue water ball burst open, and the white light turned into a flash of light and flew out. At this moment, a green Zen staff fell from the sky and hit the white light accurately.

A miserable woman screamed, and Bai Guang fell to the ground, transforming into a beautiful woman in a white dress with picturesque features.

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