Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1710: Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade and Cold Marrow

This is a ghost in the late Nascent Soul. Humanoid ghosts are relatively rare. This ghost is attached to a fourth-order high-grade monster. It is definitely not an ordinary ghost. It is either a ghost cultivator or a psychic ghost.

There are two types of ghost cultivators, one is the cultivator who exerts the supernatural powers of the ghost way, and the other is the cultivator who modifies the ghost way and survives in the form of a ghost body.

In the depths of the Demon Burying Icefield, there is actually a ghost of the late Nascent Soul. It might know the secret of the Devil Burying Icefield.

Countless blue water vapors emerged from the void, turning into countless blue water ropes, which bound the body of the beautiful woman in white dress.

The beautiful woman in the white dress struggled violently, but the blue water rope couldn't be pulled at all. This was not an ordinary water rope, but was created by Wang Changsheng's controlled water aura. How could it be so easy to break free.

"Don't resist, or I don't mind destroying you."

Wang Changsheng's tone was icy cold. This ghost is proficient in ice-type supernatural powers. If Wang Changsheng hadn't entered the Spirit Transformation stage, he might not have been able to take her down.

Seeing that she couldn't run away, the beautiful woman in the white dress was also sensible and said, "Master, forgive me, this disciple has no intention of offending, and I am willing to do things for my master. I know many secrets in the Demon Burying Icefield."

Listening to her words, she regarded Wang Changsheng and the four as cultivators of Tianlan Sect, that is to say, she was a cultivator of Tianlan Sect during her lifetime.

"I have been in seclusion before, who are you from? How can I change the ghost path and not return to the sect?"

Wang Changsheng had a plan. The Tianlan Sect once organized a life exploration of the Demon Burying Icefield and suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that the beautiful women in white dress were the monks who died in the Devil Burying Icefield.

"The disciple's surname is Lu Ming Tianxue, the disciple and grandson of Master Tianmo. Five hundred years ago, the disciple followed Master Sun and the others to explore the Demon Burying Icefield, but accidentally triggered some kind of restriction and teleported to other places, lost contact with Master Sun, and the disciple's body was destroyed. , without a suitable body, I can only modify the corpse path and attach to a dead wind howl beast, the disciple has also tried to leave here, but the restriction is too strong, the disciple can't break through, so I stay here."

The beautiful woman in the white dress said slowly.

"Do you think I'm so gullible?"

Wang Changsheng's face turned cold, and the blue water rope that locked the beautiful woman in the white dress pulled violently, causing ripples in the void.

"Disciple doesn't dare, master forgive me."

Lu Tianxue's face turned pale and begged bitterly.

The blue water rope stopped, and the beautiful woman in the white dress felt less pressure.

"The disciple has discovered some ten thousand-year-old mysterious jade. The disciple is now in the form of a ghost. With the help of the ten-thousand-year mysterious jade cultivation, he is expected to enter the stage of spiritual transformation."

Lu Tianxue truthfully said that when her body was destroyed, it was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul. By chance, she discovered that there were some ten thousand years of mysterious jade in this ice cave, and she stayed here to cultivate.

"Wannian Xuanyu!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of joy. He didn't have much Wannian Profound Jade left in his hand. If he got enough Wannian Profound Jade, he could refine more Bright Moon Pearls.

"Apart from Wannian Xuanyu, what dangers are there in the Demon Burying Ice? You must have known it after staying here for so long! Think clearly and then answer, there is only one chance."

Wang Ruyan's tone had no emotion at all.

Lu Tianxue hurriedly said: "There are ice souls here that ban light, and all things are frozen. In addition, there are fifth-order monsters. This disciple does not dare to run around."

Wang Changsheng frowned and asked, "The fifth-order monster? Where is its lair?"

He doesn't want to confront the fifth-order monster now. If he knows the nest of the fifth-order monster, he can come to trouble it in the future.

"I don't know either, but I just saw it a few hundred years ago, and it ate more than twenty fourth-order monsters at one time."

Lu Tianxue described the appearance of the fifth-order monster. This fifth-order monster resembles a Pixiu, and it is estimated that it is a strange beast with the blood of the Pixiu.

"I want to plant a ban on you, you'd better not resist, or I will kill you immediately."

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent.

After all, he is a ghost in the late Nascent Soul, and he is not a cultivator of Tianlanzong, so it is safer to plant a ban.

Lu Tianxue naturally did not dare to say no, and obediently asked Wang Changsheng to plant a ban.

"Let's go! Take us to find Wannian Xuanyu."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Lu Tianxue led the way honestly, followed by Wang Ruyan and the others.

After a while, they walked into an ice cave with a size of several acres. The ice cave spread all the way to the ground. White ice chips appeared on the protective aura on their body and began to freeze.

The ice wall on the left hand exudes an amazing cold air, and the ice cubes are snow-white and uneven.

"Wannian Xuanyu!"

Huang Fugui's eyes were fiery, even if it was a piece of ten thousand-year-old mysterious jade the size of a pigeon egg, refining it into an ice-attribute magic weapon could enhance the power of the magic weapon.

Wang Changsheng punched the ice wall, the entire ice cave shook violently, and a large number of cracks appeared on the ice wall.

After Wang Changsheng smashed two punches, the crack became bigger and bigger, and some pale silver liquid flowed out.

"This is cold marrow!"

Wang Ruyan was surprised, and quickly took out a white jade bottle and took away the cold marrow.

Ten thousand years of mysterious jade will breed cold marrow. Cold marrow itself is also an ice-attribute refining material, but the greatest magic of cold marrow is to weaken the power of thunder tribulation and increase the probability of spirit beasts advancing to the fourth order, especially the flesh. Weak worms.

Wang Ruyan tamed a lion-lin beast. When he was promoted to the fourth rank, he was injured by the thunder tribulation. It is invulnerable by itself, it is more resistant to beatings, and the soul-eating golden cicada and the blue-eyed cold silkworm are different.

If there is cold marrow, they have a higher chance of advancing to the fourth rank.

Wang Ruyan collected half a bottle of cold marrow, enough for more than a dozen spirit worms to hit the fourth rank.

There are thousands of pieces of ten thousand years of mysterious jade, and the size is different. If the refining level is high enough, there is no problem in refining a heavenly treasure.

Wang Changsheng gave Huang Fugui a piece of Wannian Xuanyu the size of a fist. Huang Fugui was so excited that his tears were about to flow.

This is a top-notch ice-attribute refining material, even a god-turning cultivator is very hot. Ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators can't come up with it at Wang, I remembered, the one who avoided Snow Ape before. Food box, I found an underground ice abyss, there might be more treasures there. "

Huang Fugui said respectfully, he didn't hide it on purpose, he had never explored Bingyuan, so naturally he didn't dare to say that there were treasures.

Wang Changsheng nodded, looked at Lu Tianxue, and asked, "Is the Ice Soul Forbidden Light far from here?"

"Two thousand miles to the west, there are many restrictions here, and the disciples don't dare to intrude."

Lu Tianxue said cautiously, she hoped to leave here and return to Tianlan Sect to practice. In any case, her dedication to Ten Thousand Years of Profound Jade is considered a merit!

She never imagined that the Tianlan Sect had undergone tremendous changes over the course of hundreds of years, and Wang Changsheng and others were not cultivators of the Tianlan Sect at all.

"Leave here first and go to the ice abyss to see."

Wang Changsheng pondered for a while, and planned to return the same way. The Tianlan Sect cultivator suffered heavy losses when exploring the Demon Burying Icefield. He did not want to touch the powerful ban or encounter fifth-order monsters.

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