Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1711: Tier 5 monster with 8 wings

Two days later, the four of them appeared on the vast snow field, and there was an extremely long abyss not far away.

Wang Changsheng put away Lu Tianxue, and if he could return to Dongli Realm, he planned to give Lu Tianxue to Ye Haitang to drive.

"Senior Wang, this is the place. There are some restrictions on spiritual consciousness here. I don't know how many years there have been no monks here. Maybe there are heavenly and earthly treasures such as ice soul crystals."

Huang Fugui pointed to the abyss and said.

"Ice Soul Divine Crystal is a treasure of heaven and earth that is higher than Wannian Xuanyu. It is said that it can freeze everything, but it is only seen in ancient books, and there may not be such a heaven and earth treasure in the world."

Wang Ruyan told the origin of the Frozen Soul Crystal. She checked a lot of memories. The earliest records of the Frozen Soul Crystal, a heavenly and earthly treasure, were recorded 50,000 years ago. She had some doubts that this material may not exist anymore. Some treasures of heaven and earth have disappeared, and future generations have not seen them, so naturally they will not believe that such materials exist.

"Let's go and have a look! I hope there is such a material."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, Wang Xin flew into the ice abyss and opened the way in front, followed by the three of Wang Changsheng.

Before long, they reached the bottom of the abyss.

The ground and stone walls were frozen, no grass grew, and there was no sign of the monster.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness is limited to a certain extent, and he can extend it thousands of meters away. Beyond this distance, his senses will be blurred.

Under the leadership of Huang Fugui, they came to a huge ice cave, where the coldness was astonishing, and their body protection aura began to freeze.

The ice layer here is as smooth as a mirror, and the four figures of Wang Changsheng are reflected on the stone walls on all sides, just like looking in a mirror.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, his consciousness was severely restricted. This is not a good thing.

There is no other way out here, it seems to be a dead end.

Countless Buddhist runes appeared on Wang Xin's body, and dazzling golden light emerged from his fists, smashing towards a smooth stone wall.

With the muffled sound of "Boom", the entire ice cave shook slightly, the ice layer was intact, and there was no trace of shattering.

Wang Ruyan was a little surprised, she knew very well Wang Xin's strength, but it was strange that she couldn't do anything about these ice cubes.

A huge Sanskrit sound emanated from Wang Xin's body, and the Buddhist runes on his body suddenly glowed with golden light, turning into a mini-dragon, wandering uncertainly on his body.

A loud dragon roar sounded, and the mini flood dragon flew out of him, turning into a golden flood dragon more than a hundred feet long, and slammed into the ice wall.


A huge roar sounded, the golden dragon and Wang Xin frantically attacked the ice wall, and some small cracks appeared on the ice wall.

Wang Changsheng's face sank, and he turned his hand and took out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword. The mana from the vast sea was injected into the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and the blade was slashed toward the ice wall.

The huge roar of "Boom Rumble" sounded, the ice wall was torn apart, and the ice cave shook violently.

In an ice cave with a size of 10,000 mu, a monster with three eyes and eight wings was lying on the ground resembling a Pixiu. Ice debris, like an ice sculpture.

A large number of white icicles hung on the top of the ice cave. Suddenly, the ice cave swayed slightly, and some white icicles appeared with tiny cracks, broke suddenly, and smashed on the head of the monster.

The monster slowly opened its eyes, and the eyeballs were snow-white.

The cave shook violently, and a large number of ice cones fell from the top of the head.


The monster let out an angry roar, and four pairs of huge white fleshy wings spread out, flapping fiercely, blowing gusts of wind.

A dazzling white light emerged from its body, and it made a loud roar. The ice wall was torn apart, and the entire ice cave collapsed. It turned into a white light and moved toward the ground.

A deafening roar sounded, and the four Wang Changsheng flew out from the ice abyss. Huang Fugui's expression was flustered, and Wang Changsheng's expression was solemn.

After he broke through the ice wall, he discovered a strange worm called Snow Crystal Scorpion, a true dragon with ice attributes. This worm is proficient in ice shield technique and has been escaping towards the ground. Wang Changsheng chased after him, but accidentally broke into a five The lair of the monsters.

"Senior Wang, let's retreat! This is a fifth-order monster."

Huang Fugui said in a trembling voice, his legs trembling.

He can still retreat when he encounters a fourth-order high-grade monster, but if he encounters a fifth-order monster, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

"If you are afraid, you can withdraw first."

Wang Changsheng's tone was calm, he was looking for someone to practice his hands and try his new supernatural powers.

Huang Fugui had a hesitant look on his face. If he left Wang Changsheng and ran away, who knows if Wang Changsheng would settle accounts in the autumn, but he wouldn't be able to help him by staying.

"Hmph, want to leave? It's too late, I've changed my nest, and moved tens of millions of miles. You still come to disturb my practice. It seems that the lesson from the last time was not enough."

A cold and ruthless male voice suddenly sounded.


The snow suddenly burst, and countless ice cubes splashed around, and went straight to Wang Changsheng and the four of them smashed over.

Wang Xin moved his arms, the sound of breaking wind was loud, and dense golden fist shadows flew out, smashing the incoming ice cubes.

A huge monster emerged from the glacier. It was a Pixiu that was more than a hundred feet long. This Pixiu had three eyes and eight wings, a short tail and snow-white eyes.

This is an eight-winged Xueyao beast of the fifth-order low grade, with a trace of Pixiu blood. For some reason, it failed to change shape, but it can spit human words.

Listening to its words, it was also attacked before. It is estimated that it was a cultivator of Tianlanzong who moved tens of millions of miles, which means that its original lair is not here.

"The Tianlanzong cultivator's exploration of the Demon Burying Icefield suffered heavy losses because of you! Unless such a powerful restriction as the Ice Soul Ban Lighting is, the Tianlanzong cultivator cannot possibly suffer heavy losses."

Wang Changsheng said calmly, he has always felt very strange, Tian Lanzong lost troops in the Demon Burying Icefield, and it is definitely more than a strong ban.

When he saw this eight-winged snow beast, he immediately understood.

It seems that the Tianlan Sect cultivator encountered the eight-winged snow beast at a distance of more than ten million miles.

"I was so sleepy that someone brought a pillow and swallowed you, so I recovered faster."

The eight-winged snow beast's tone was icy cold, four pairs of white fleshy wings slammed fiercely, and the wind suddenly rose, and countless white snowflakes flew towards Wang Changsheng and the four, and the white snowflakes turned into sharp white ice cones in the middle.

At the same time, it spewed out a white sound wave with a diameter of 100 zhang, which went straight to Wang Changsheng and the four of them, with an astonishing momentum.

Wang Xin's arms turned into a phantom, the sound of breaking wind was loud, and countless golden fist shadows flew out, smashing the white ice pick into pieces, the air waves billowed, and the ice chips splashed everywhere.

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