Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1712: supernatural power

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! "Xiaoyou Huang, I have nothing to do with you here, you should leave first!"

Wang Changsheng instructed that Huang Fugui is too obstructive here, and some things are not suitable for Huang Fugui to see.

Huang Fugui, as if receiving an amnesty, responded with a sound, turned into a yellow light, and walked away.


A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a miniature Jiaolong flew out from Wang Xin. After a blur, it turned into a golden Jiaolong more than a hundred feet long, with thick scales and wide-mouthed fangs.

The golden Flood Dragon collided with the white sound waves, and its body quickly froze, suspended in mid-air motionless, as if it was frozen.

The white sound wave swept across the body of the golden Flood Dragon, and the golden Flood Dragon turned into a white Flood Dragon. It didn't take long for tiny cracks to appear on the surface of the White Flood Dragon, which suddenly shattered into pieces and turned into countless white ice chips.

Wang Xin let out a loud roar, like the roar of a beast, and a golden sound wave swept out, a lion's roar!

The golden sound wave was too small, collided with the white sound wave, instantly froze, shattered quickly, turned into countless ice chips, and fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng raised the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword high and slashed towards the void. A piercing sound of the blade sounded, the void vibrated, and hundreds of blue blade Qi flew out, slashing towards the white sound wave.

Hundreds of blue blade qi collided with white sound waves, and a powerful wave erupted, and the two were at a standstill.

The next moment, hundreds of blue blade qi quickly froze, turned into white ice blades, then shattered and fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng's expression was as usual. If he didn't have the ability, this eight-winged snow beast would have already died in the hands of the Tianlan Sect cultivator, but its injuries have not yet healed, which is its disadvantage.

Wang Changsheng's finger gently tapped into the void, and countless blue water vapors emerged from the void. Three could not breathe. Within a radius of thirty miles, there was a piece of blue sea water. General tsunami.

Manipulating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the symbol of a spiritual monk.

The sea tumbled violently, turning into a blue water dragon that was ten thousand feet long, heading straight for the white sound waves.


With a loud bang, the blue water dragon collided with the white sound wave, and the dragon head froze first, but soon, the blue water dragon suddenly burst, turning into countless blue anacondas, rushing towards the white sound wave, tearing the white sound wave to pieces.

"Only you can control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? I will too. No one can beat me in the Demon Burying Icefield."

The eight-winged snow beast's tone was indifferent.

As soon as the voice fell, the snowflakes in the sky seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, attacking from all directions, and the cold wind whistled past.

Countless white snowflakes gathered and turned into a white snow mountain with a height of ten thousand feet.

At the same time, the snowflakes on the ground fluttered in the wind, forming white hurricanes, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and the four.

This is not over, hailstones suddenly fell from the sky, and tens of thousands of white hailstones fell from the sky.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface flashed blue light at the same time, Wang Changsheng's breath rose rapidly, infinitely close to the middle stage of **** transformation, just close, if Wang Ruyan entered the stage of spirit transformation, through the joint attack, their mana could completely reach the middle stage of spirit transformation.

The void vibrated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors emerged. Five couldn't breathe. There was a vast ocean in a radius of 100 miles. The huge waves were terrifying. , devours everything.

The white snow mountain collided with the fast-spinning ocean, and a deafening roar erupted. Part of the seawater quickly froze, and the ice layer spread quickly, but soon, the ice layer was broken, and the seawater was spinning too fast, as if Countless blue water blades were flying around.

The white snow-capped mountains were smashed into pieces by the rapidly rotating sea water. The white snow-capped mountains merged into the blue sea water. Dense white ice cones and white hurricanes hit the sea one after another. The sea water quickly froze, but the ice layer quickly shattered. , the speed of seawater freezing is far less than the speed of rotation.

The sea is inclusive of all rivers and can accommodate all things. The higher Wang Changsheng's realm, the deeper the mana, and the greater the power of this magical power.

The hair of Wang Changsheng and the others fluttered in the wind. The speed of the rotation of the sea water was too fast, creating a strong air current. Countless snowflakes were blown away, and the ice layer on the ground was torn apart. Obviously, they could not bear this strong air current.


The eight-winged snow beast let out a deep roar, and the white snowflakes in a radius of hundreds of miles seemed to be guided, and they gathered together, turning into huge white snow pythons, there were hundreds of them in number.

Hundreds of white snow pythons more than 100 feet long rushed from all directions, towards the rapidly rotating blue sea water.


Hundreds of white snow pythons were strangled as soon as they came into contact with the blue sea water. The powerful airflow pushed hundreds of white snow pythons into the blue sea water abruptly, and the volume of the sea water became larger and larger.

The eight-winged snow beast's attack not only couldn't hurt Wang Changsheng, but instead strengthened Wang Changsheng's attack.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the blue sea water violently surged and rose into the sky, turning into a huge water dragon with a length of 10,000 zhang and a waist with a thickness of 10,000 zhang.

There was a look of fear in the eyes of the eight-winged snow beast.

It was about to avoid it, when an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was impossible to move.

When it regained consciousness, the blue water dragon had already arrived in front of it and slammed into the body of the eight-winged snow beast.


Like a kite with a broken string, the eight-winged snow beast flew out backwards, and its huge body smashed several snow-capped mountains one after another.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a vast white aura and hit the blue water dragon. The blue water dragon's head quickly froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

With a loud bang, the body of the blue water dragon suddenly burst open, turning into tens of thousands of blue water blades, heading straight for the eight-winged snow beast.

The body of the eight-winged snow beast radiated cold air, and it turned into a thick white armor that protected its entire body.

The dense blue water blades hit it, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkeng", and the eight-winged snow beast was safe and sound.

Eighteen blue lights flew from all directions and surrounded the eight-winged Xue Yao beast. It was Ding Haizhu.

Eighteen Dinghai Pearls spun around, their body size suddenly soared, and a large amount of sea water emerged, turning into a vast ocean, trapping the eight-winged snow beast inside.

The sea tumbled violently, and three blue giants with a height of more than 100 feet emerged from the sea. The blue giants had clear outlines, thick hands and feet, and a powerful appearance.

These three Sunflowers were created by Wang Changsheng using the Dinghaizhu. Each Sunflower has a power of one million kilograms and is limited by mana. Wang Changsheng can only create three Sunrays, and the deeper his mana is. , The more the number of Kwai Hydralis, the stronger the strength.

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