Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1714: Retrieve the double-eyed mouse

Shen Tianle has been practicing Taoism for more than 400 years and has successfully entered the Nascent Soul stage. It is currently the early stage of Nascent Soul, and he was ordered to guard the entrance to the Demon Burying Icefield. Besides Shen Tianle, there are also five cultivators of Pill Formation and more than 20 cultivators of Foundation Establishment.

The Tian Lan Sect's priority now is to capture the cultivators in the Dongli Realm, and the defense forces in various places have been weakened a lot.

A rapid sound of the pipa sounded, and the house where Shen Tianle was located suddenly burst open, and countless blue water vapors suddenly emerged in the void, turning into blue ropes as thick as fists, heading straight for Shen Tianle.

Shen Tianle wanted to avoid, when an excited piano sounded, his mind was dizzy, and when he reacted, dozens of blue ropes had bound his body, and an unbearable pressure hit from all directions, as if he wanted to. crushed his body.

A group of monks flew towards him, headed by a tall blue youth, a young woman in a blue dress with picturesque features standing beside the blue shirt youth, and a yellow robe man with a pockmarked face standing behind them.

"Qinglian Immortal Companion! Huang Fugui!"

Shen Tianle exclaimed, the portraits of Qinglian Xianlu and Huang Fugui were everywhere, and he recognized each other's identities at a glance.

Tianlanzong hunted them all over, but did not expect them to hide in the Demon Burying Icefield. As far as Shen Tianle knew, there were fifth-order monsters in the Demon Burying Icefield, which was why the Tianlanzong cultivator didn't enter the Demon Burying Icefield to find the Donglijie cultivator.

"Since you recognize our identities, then you don't need to talk nonsense. It's your choice whether you want to die or live."

Wang Changsheng's tone was cold, he could directly search for his soul, but he still wanted to subdue a few Tianlan Sect cultivators, which might come in handy.

"Senior, what do you want to know? The younger generation knows everything and has nothing to say. He also asked the senior to raise his hand and spare the younger generation's life. The younger generation has never taken action to capture the cultivator of the Dongli Realm."

Shen Tianle is also very interesting, his aptitude is not good, he will only have a baby at the age of 500, and he does not want to die.

"Tell me your name, teacher's inheritance, Taoist companions, and the situation of the monks in the Dongli Realm. By the way, there is also the war."

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice, they hid in the Demon Burying Icefield for decades, and the news was blocked.

Shen Tianle answered truthfully, he knew that the other party would search for souls, and he couldn't hide it.

"What? Immortal Burial Sea Area erupted with aura of absolute spirituality?"

Wang Changsheng was extremely happy, this was the best news he had learned, and it was also understandable why the monks from the Tianlan Sect went around to arrest the monks from the East Lijing Realm.

"You cooperate honestly, so the soul search won't be too painful."

Wang Changsheng commanded, his tone indifferent.

Shen Tianle repeatedly agreed, and took the initiative to cooperate to let Wang Changsheng search for his soul.

The four of Wang Qiuming searched for the souls of other Tianlan Sect cultivators, so they didn't dare to lie.

"You have participated in opening the space channel for the first time! You know how to set up a formation!"

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes, with an expression of interest on his face.

He searched Shen Tianle's soul and found that Shen Tianle did not lie. What surprised Wang Changsheng was that Shen Tianle participated in the arrangement of the formation that Tianlan Sect first opened the space channel.

After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm, the space channel was opened three times in total. The first time the space channel was just opened, but soon closed, and the channel was blocked. In Xiandong, the monks of Donglijie set up an ambush ahead of schedule, and Tianlanzong suffered heavy losses.

The entrance to the third space passage was in the Demon Burying Icefield. The third time was a success. If it wasn't for the burst of Absolute Spiritual Qi, the Tianlan Realm would have taken over the Dongli Realm.

If Wang Changsheng wanted to return to the Dongli Realm, he would either have the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure that opened the space channel, or join with Fu Wen.

"Junior understands a little bit, and participated in opening the space channel, but the space channel was closed soon. It is estimated that high-level monks from other interfaces blocked the space channel."

Shen Tianle said cautiously, for fear that Wang Changsheng would kill him.

"Grandfather, good news, a fourth-order demon rat suddenly appeared, broke into many elixir gardens, and ate all the elixir."

Wang Qiuming walked over and said excitedly.

When Wang Changsheng was escaping for his life, the double-eyed mouse lost contact with him and disappeared.

The Tianlan Sect has dominated the Tianlan world for more than 600 years, and the fourth-order monsters are very rare, let alone the fourth-order demon rats, which are probably the double-eyed rats raised by Wang Changsheng.


Wang Changsheng asked, if he could find the double-eyed mouse, he would only have a chance to find Fu Wen with the double-eyed mouse's sensitive sense of smell.

"A sub-rudder five million miles away from here, where it appeared last time."

Wang Qiuming said truthfully.

"Let's go, get the double-eyed mouse back first, Shunchang will perish, you choose."

Wang Changsheng planted a ban on Shen Tianle, and all the other Tianlan Sect cultivators were killed, so it was very inconvenient to take them on the road.

The group flew towards the northwest, and soon disappeared into the sky.


In an underground cave, a huge yellow mouse was lying on the corner of the cave. Its body was dripping with blood, its breath was sluggish, and there were two terrifying bloodstains on its back, and white bones could be vaguely seen. It was the double-eyed mouse raised by Wang Changsheng.

It dived into the bottom of the sea that day and kept running away. Because it was too far away from Wang Changsheng, the double-eyed rat couldn't find Wang Changsheng and ran around.

The Tianlan Sect seized the monks from Donglijie, which weakened the defensive power of the spirit medicine gardens. The double-eyed mouse stole the spirit grass planted by Wang Changsheng before it transformed into a spirit mouse. Medicine Garden.

It broke into the elixir garden with weak defenses, feasted on it, and ate it along the way. In the meantime, it found Wang Xin's breath, but soon lost it again.

In this way, the double-eyed mouse has been running around all these years, stealing the elixir from the Tianlanzong elixir garden. It has thick skin and thick flesh. It is proficient in earth escape, and runs very fast. After taking the elixir, he was successfully promoted to the fourth-rank middle grade.

It has eaten as many as five thousand-year-old elixir, let alone more than five hundred years of elixir. There are also many Tianlan sect cultivators who died in its hands, most of them are foundation-building cultivators, and there are no Yuanying cultivators. .

Not long ago, it stole a thousand-year-old elixir and was severely injured by three Nascent Soul cultivators, but it still escaped.


The double-eyed mouse let out a painful hissing sound. It missed the time when it was a spirit beast for Wang Changsheng, and no one dared to hit it.


A deafening roar sounded, the cave collapsed, and the double-eyed mouse was startled, a dazzling yellow light emerged from its body, and it burrowed toward the ground.

At this moment, countless cyan weeds and cyan vines suddenly grew on the ground, and the cyan vines entangled the body of the double-eyed mouse and hoisted it into the air.

The double-eyed mouse made a screeching noise. How could it have suffered this grievance?

A burly young man in a blue shirt descended from the sky, holding a blue dharma plate in his hand, with an indifferent expression.

"Bastard, dare to steal the elixir that I have worked so hard to cultivate, and pay for it with your life!"

The young man in blue shirt said coldly, his face full of murderous intent.

There was a look of fear in the eyes of the double-eyed The huge body struggled violently, the blue vines became tighter and tighter, and a lot of fresh blood flowed out.

"You dare to hurt Wang's spirit beast, and pay for it with your life!"

An indifferent male voice suddenly sounded.

Countless blue light spots suddenly appeared on the top of the young man's head, which suddenly turned into a big blue hand more than a hundred feet long, which was quickly photographed.

With a scream of pain, the young man in the blue shirt was smashed into flesh, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out of the minced meat. Just as it flew high in the sky, a giant red tower descended from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul and knocking it out. Income Red Tower.

A blue sound wave fell from the sky, cut off the blue vines, and the double-eyed rat fell to the ground.

A white flying boat descended from the sky, and Wang Changsheng and others stood inside the white flying boat.

Seeing Wang Changsheng, the double-eyed mouse quickly shrank in size, kicked its legs, jumped up, jumped onto Wang Changsheng's trousers, and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulders.

The double-eyed mouse made a sharp "jiji" sound, as if to tell Wang Changsheng about his grievances.

"Okay, you have suffered all these years. You dare to steal the spirit medicine from the Tianlanzong Spirit Medicine Garden, and you have even been promoted to the fourth-rank middle grade."

Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle, anyone could hear the doting in his words.


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