Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1715: 0 gourd

"This little guy is used to being spoiled by his husband and has no good food to eat, so he naturally set his sights on the Spirit Medicine Garden of Tianlan Sect."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, there are tens of thousands of spirit medicine gardens in Tianlan Sect, and they are scattered all over the place. The double-eyed mouse has always been pampered. It eats when it wakes up, and sleeps when it is full. It is also understandable that it attacked the spirit medicine garden of Tianlanzong.

"Senior Wang, this spirit mouse has the bloodline of swallowing the sky mouse, and it can actually advance to the fourth rank."

Huang Fugui said in a flattering tone, Sky-Swallowing Rat is a very rare big demon, just by the name, you can tell how powerful this spirit mouse is, it can swallow even the sky.

There are very few high-level rat demons. Among the rat demons, the most famous is the swallowing rat.

"It didn't swallow the blood of the celestial mouse, it just ate a lot of heaven and earth treasures, and it was fortunate to be promoted to the fourth rank. Well, let's not talk about this, let's find a place to avoid the limelight, and wait for its injury to heal. Then take us to find fellow Daoist Fu."

When Wang Changsheng's magic tactic was pinched, the flying snow boat turned into a white escaping light and flew towards the distance.

Three days later, in an underground cave that was 50,000 meters underground, Wang Changsheng and his group gathered in the underground cave. There were more than a dozen independent simple stone rooms in the cave.

The runes flickered on the stone wall, and it was obvious that a ban had been placed. Unless there were cultivators who used their spiritual sense to probe the ground, they would not be able to discover their existence.

"Let's hide here for a while now, let the double-eyed rat heal, and when it heals, let's go to find fellow Daoist Fu. Don't run around."

Wang Changsheng instructed, Wang Qiuming and the others agreed to come down and go back to their respective residences to meditate and rest.

Wang Changsheng took out a piece of dried blue snow crystal the size of a fist. He planned to refine the cold energy contained in the dried blue snow crystal to strengthen his own magical powers.

The effect of Wannian Profound Jade is better, but Wannian Profound Jade is more suitable for refining into a magic weapon and wearing it on the body to assist in cultivation.

It didn't take long for a trace of pale blue cold air to emerge from the dry blue snow crystals, the temperature in the vicinity plummeted, and some blue ice chips even appeared in the void.

On Wang Changsheng's body, dense blue runes appeared, the water vapor was misty, and the blue cold air rushed towards his body.

Soon, thin blue ice chips appeared on Wang Changsheng's body. He closed his eyes and concentrated on refining the cold energy.


Thousand Gourd World, a black palace floating in the sky.

The surface of the palace is engraved with a large number of demons and ghosts, and the plaque reads "Jusheng Palace" in three golden characters.

Four men and one woman were discussing something, and Ouyang Yu was inside.

A gray-robed old man with thin cheeks and square face and small eyes sat on the main seat, looking at the huge spiritual pressure he exuded, he was a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

Zhao Qianfeng was born in the Xuanfu Palace, which is one of the most powerful forces in the demon world.

"I've let go of that guy named Situ Mei, and I've already told her that as long as she does things for us, we can use the real devil energy to instill her body and help her become a devil, provided she wants to hold on."

Ouyang Yu said solemnly.

She arrested a monk named Situ Mei and subdued him without much effort.

"If she can help us find the Thousand Gourd True Monarch, we can help her with the spirit of a true devil. We have too few people."

Zhao Qianfeng sighed.

"This is also something that can't be helped. If it wasn't for the chaos in the demon world, and many holy ancestors fought, we would not accidentally break into the interface channel and run to the lower realm. If we can communicate with the demon world, why should we plant the demon tree and force thousands of people The gourd cultivator is modifying the magic art! Can't we just kill all the spiritual cultivation and let the demons take over?"

Ouyang Yu sighed.

Generally speaking, high-interface cultivators cannot go to the low-interface interface, and there are exceptions, but this is very rare. They accidentally break into the interface channel and fall to the lower realm. If they want to return to the demon realm, they must either build a flying magic platform or cultivate to the point of transformation. God late.

The Thousand Gourd Realm is the interface for spiritual cultivation. There is no material to build the Flying Magic Platform at all, nor do they have any materials to build the Flying Demon Platform. In this way, they can only improve their cultivation through hard work, but the Thousand Gourd Realm is full of Reiki, not magic.

Spiritual energy and demonic energy are two mutually exclusive energies. There is no demonic energy in the Thousand Gourd Realm. They can only plant the Demon Tree and gradually improve the environment of the Thousand Gourd Realm. One is to increase their cultivation speed, and the other is to assimilate the Thousand Gourd. The cultivators of the world, reduce their resistance.

"I don't know what's going on in the Demon Realm. Holy Master Ganguang and the others actually joined forces to deal with the Xuanfu Saint Ancestor. I don't know if the Xuanfu Palace is still there when we return to the Demon Realm."

Zhao Qianfeng frowned.

"I firmly believe that Xuanfu Saint Ancestor can win. His old man is proficient in the art of talisman, and his spells are unparalleled. The strength of Qianguang Saint Ancestor can rank in the top ten among the holy masters of the devil world. They must join forces to deal with Xuanfu Saint Ancestor, it can be seen that they How afraid of the Holy Master Xuanfu."

Ouyang Yu said proudly, her face full of admiration.

Strictly speaking, they are all subordinates of the Xuanfu Saint Ancestor, and they have a prosperous relationship with the Xuanfu Saint Ancestor.

"Let's talk about it when we return to the Demon Realm, first kill the Qianglu Zhenjun, and if we get rid of this person, there will be no one in the Thousand Gourd Realm to be our opponent, and spiritual cultivation will not become a climate. As for the Dongli Realm that Situ Mei said, wait for us. After you have completely controlled the Thousand Gourd Realm, you can do anything as long as you can return to the Demon Realm."

Zhao Qianfeng's eyes were firm, and his face was full of murderous intent.


The Golden Wind Mountains are located in the northeast of the Thousand Gourd Realm and stretch for millions of miles.

The spiritual energy here is weak, and few monks come here. A yellow ray of light pierced the sky and landed in a desolate valley. The yellow ray of light was impressively a short, plump, yellow-shirted youth with a round face and small eyes, and an amiable appearance.

The valley was overgrown with weeds, and not far away there was a cave with a size of about 1 zhang, and the young man in the yellow shirt strode into it.

The cave was dry and dark, and after walking more than a hundred steps, a simple grotto with a size of more than one hundred feet appeared in front of him.

The young man in yellow shirt took out a light yellow token, and after injecting mana, the yellow token blurred and suddenly turned into a cyan gourd.

He pressed the cyan gourd on an uneven stone The cyan gourd suddenly burst into blue light, and the stone wall suddenly lit up with countless cyan runes, and a cyan door of light appeared on the stone wall. A pure aura surged out.

This is the entrance to the secret realm of Green Gourd, and it is also the hiding place of True Monarch Thousand Gourd.

The young man in the yellow shirt put away the blue gourd, turned into a flash of light and flew into the blue door of light. The door of light closed automatically and returned to normal.

Behind the azure light gate is a space full of spiritual energy, with exotic flowers and grasses, ancient trees and vines, and a young man in yellow shirt landed in front of a light cyan palace.

With a "crunch", the palace gate opened automatically.

The young man in yellow shirt strode in. The hall is spacious and bright, with many tables and chairs. An old man in green robe with a ruddy face is sitting on the main seat. The old man in green robe wears a mustache and has a kind face. A mini gourd, without the slightest mana fluctuation.

The old man in green robe is really the Thousand Gourd True Monarch. He has the cultivation base of the middle stage of God Transformation. He has a Thousand Wood Spirit Body. In the **** period, the arrival of the demons destroyed everything he had.

He led the monks from the Thousand Gourd Realm to fight against the Demon Race, and achieved great results. However, in the final battle, he was plotted against by the opponent, and he was seriously injured, and has only recovered until now.


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