Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1719: The correct way to use the Moon Pearl

Zhao Hongxue was surrounded by a sea of ​​red flames. As soon as the sea water approached her a hundred feet, it immediately turned into a thick fog, unable to hurt her in the slightest.

She knew very well that if this continued, she would be in danger.

Zhao Hongxue's tactic changed, and dense red runes appeared on her body, and a dazzling red fire rose into the sky. A red flame emerged from her whole body, and the void oscillated and distorted. Suddenly, red runes appeared, and a blurry one appeared. Afterwards, it turned into red fireballs.

Tens of thousands of red fireballs condensed together to form a huge sea of ​​red fire, and the temperature rose suddenly.

For a time, the sight was full of crimson, the raging fire rolled violently, a large amount of seawater volatilized, the seawater boiled, and the amazing high temperature almost burned the space to the point of distortion.

Burn the mountains and boil the sea!

This is the first time that Zhao Hongxue has used this magical life-and-death fighting technique.

The astonishing high temperature caused a large amount of seawater to volatilize, but strangely, the seawater showed no signs of decreasing, and was still spinning violently.

The sea of ​​red fire tumbled violently, turning into a red fire python with a body of thousands of meters in length.


The three Kui hydraulics burst open and turned into countless blue water arrows, hitting Zhao Hongxue, but the blue water arrows evaporated instantly when they approached Zhao Hongxue.

The sea tumbled violently, and a blue giant with a height of more than 300 meters drilled out of the sea. It was Kui Shui Lishi. The strength of this Kui Shui Lishi was three times that of the previous one.

With a move of its arms, it smashed towards Zhao Hongxue in the air, and the sea swelled violently, setting off a huge wave, which moved quickly and turned into two blue water dragons hundreds of feet long, heading straight for Zhao Hongxue.

Zhao Hongxue's face turned cold, and the small red mirror in his hand burst out with thousands of red rays of light, covering all the seawater and two blue water droids.

"Break it for me!"

When Zhao Hongxue's tactic changed, the sea of ​​red fire suddenly burst open, turning into tens of thousands of red fire blades, slashing in all directions.


The sea suddenly burst, and this side of the world seemed to collapse.

But soon, a little blue water vapor appeared in the void, and the world returned to normal.

The sea rolled violently, setting off a huge wave more than a hundred meters high. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the huge wave, their expressions were calm.

Wang Ruyan started playing, and the melodious sound of the pipa suddenly sounded.

The Pluto Bead is one of Wang Changsheng's trump cards, but the use of this magic weapon requires skill. The last time Wang Changsheng used the Pluto Bead was a failure.

He practiced the water system exercises, but he couldn't control the water of the dark moon, so he could only wrap the water of the dark moon with the ten thousand year mysterious jade and the yin crystal, and take the opportunity to sneak attack.

Zhao Hongxue was too difficult to deal with. In a short period of time, Wang Changsheng was not sure of winning, and planned to send the Mingyue Pearl. After the previous failure experience, he knew how to use the Mingyue Pearl.

He raised his right hand high and grabbed towards the void, the sea water violently surging, turning into a blue tornado more than a hundred meters high, heading straight for Zhao Hongxue.

It started with a blue tornado, and soon the second and third...

Within ten breaths, twenty blue tornadoes appeared on the sea, heading straight for Zhao Hongxue.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a dark moon pearl flew out and submerged in the sea water.

Kui Shui Li grabbed the sea water below, and countless sea water flew up and turned into a blue spear with a length of more than 500 meters. , which looks unremarkable.

Zhao Hongxue frowned, took out a simple-looking red lotus lantern, and after injecting mana, the red lotus lantern suddenly glowed red, the wick ignited automatically, exuding an astonishing high temperature, and the aura was compelling. Obviously, it was also a spiritual treasure. .

She entered a magic formula, and the red lotus lantern emitted a chirping sound that resounded through the sky. The red light flashed, and a large red flame swept out. After a blur, it turned into a red fire bird more than 100 feet long. Zhao Hongxue The red flames around him rushed towards the red firebird.

The size of the Scarlet Fire Sparrow skyrocketed, and it suddenly turned into a giant red sparrow ten li in size, like a moving volcano, and greeted it.


The red firebird collided with twenty blue tornadoes, and the blue tornadoes burst open one after another, turning into a dense fog. Wherever the red firebird passed, the sea water boiled, and the void vibrated and distorted.

The Scarlet Fire Sparrow collided with Kui Shui Lishi, and Kui Shui Li Shi suddenly turned into countless white mists. The Moon Pearl fell into the sea water, and the Scarlet Fire Sparrow was like a rainbow, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Before they had time to avoid them, a red glow descended from the sky, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies, and the red firebird took the opportunity to hit Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies.

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and a huge wave blew up on the sea.

"Fake body!"

Zhao Hongxue's eyes showed a bit of surprise. Qinglian Immortal Companion's fake body was so realistic that she didn't even notice it.

A piercing sound of a knife rang out, and hundreds of blue sword qi with a length of more than one hundred meters attacked from all directions, with a posture that was about to chop Zhao Hongxue into minced meat.

When Zhao Hongxue pinched the magic trick, Li Yan Shield quickly rotated, and at the same time, billowing flames appeared all over her body, protecting her whole body.

The rumbling sound rang out, and she blocked hundreds of blue blade qi.

A blue-green sound wave swept over, and instantly arrived in front of Zhao Hongxue.

Zhao Hongxue's complexion changed slightly, and the sea of ​​red fire around him violently rolled, turning into a red fire python that was more than a hundred feet long, facing the blue sound wave.

An astonishing scene appeared. The blue sound wave collided with the red fire python. The body of the red fire python was completely shattered and turned into countless red flames. The blue sound wave passed Li Yandun, passed through Zhao Hongxue's body protection aura, and passed Zhao Hongxue's body. body.

She felt a sharp pain coming from her internal organs, as if someone was pinching her internal organs hard. She opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Thanks to her defense, the power of the sound wave was weakened. If it directly hit the sound wave, She must die.

There was a sound of breaking the air, and hundreds of blue ice fists smashed over. Before the blue ice fist got close, there was a biting chill. Where the blue ice fist passed, the sea froze and the flames dissipated.

"Dry blue snow crystals!"

Zhao Hongxue's brows were twisted into a ball, and she didn't dare to take it hard. Before she could avoid it, an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness, as if someone had hit her on the head with a long cone.

God-splitting thorn!

When she recovered, hundreds of blue ice fists had already arrived in front of her, smashing on Li Yandun and Zhao Hongxue's aura of body protection one after another.

The blue ice fist smashed on the Liyan Shield, and it burst open immediately, turning into a large piece of blue ice.

After a muffled sound of "bang bang", Zhao Hongxue's body protection aura was A black ball flew out from the ice chips, burst open suddenly, and turned into countless black liquids , the temperature plummeted, like falling into an ice cellar, and all the red flames around her collapsed.

"Water of the Moon!"

Zhao Hongxue exclaimed, her body was full of fire, and she wanted to use the Fire Escape Technique to escape, but at this time, a sharp pain came from her sea of ​​consciousness again.

A large piece of Nether Moon water fell on Zhao Hongxue's body. Zhao Hongxue's body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ice layer was black.

Before her whole body was frozen, her body suddenly burst open, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out of her body. The face of the mini Nascent Soul was full of panic.

A giant red tower descended from the sky, spewing out a red glow, covering the mini Nascent Soul and taking it in.

The black liquid falls into the seawater, the seawater freezes rapidly, and the ice layer spreads rapidly.


With a loud bang, this world collapsed, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saw the sun again.

Wang Changsheng was holding a red storage ring in his hand, and his face was full of joy. Sure enough, the Mingyue Pearl was the most suitable for use with the cold air of dry blue snow crystals. Sending the Mingyue Pearl directly would not achieve the effect of a sneak attack.

They destroyed Zhao Hongxue's body and obtained two spiritual treasures. One of the spiritual treasures was damaged by the water of the Nether Moon, which must be said to be a pity.


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