Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1720: Demonized Infant

At this time, Venerable Heavenly Demon was still fighting with Fu Wen, and the blood demon concentric demons were both in the Nascent Soul stage, but they could work together to display some blood magic powers, and even Fu Wen would not dare to take it hard.

Fu Wen waved Wanmin's pen, and mysterious runes flew out one after another, turning into various attacks such as swords, guns, sticks, flames, etc., hitting the blood demon concentric demon,

Countless blood-colored runes appeared on the surface of the Xuesha Concentric Demon, and a billowing blood mist appeared, covering the whole body. Fu Min's attack disappeared into the blood mist and disappeared. After a while, the blood mist dissipated, and the Xuesha Concentric Demon body surfaced. There are some more clearly visible scars, and there are tear marks on the surface of the bones.

Master Tianmo was full of pride, as long as he could kill Fu Wen and get a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, even if the Xuesha Tongxin Demon was destroyed, it would not be a loss.

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded, and Master Tianmo was startled. He looked towards the source of the sound, and found that Zhao Hongxue had disappeared, and Qinglian Immortal Companion flew out from the vast ocean.

Master Tianmo's face changed slightly, his consciousness widened, and he was horrified to find that he could not sense Zhao Hongxue's breath, either Zhao Hongxue was killed or Zhao Hongxue was captured.

He looked towards the ground and saw the Liyan Shield covered by a black layer of ice. The black layer of ice was still spreading, and the chill was astonishing.

"Water of the Moon!"

Master Tianmo frowned. The water of the dark moon is unique to the Tianlan world. It is said to come from the demon world. No one can prove the exact origin. Water, even spiritual treasures can't hold the water of the moon.

Tianlan Realm mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources, and it failed to use the water of the dark moon to refine it into a magic weapon.

Master Tianmo never imagined that he could see the water of the dark moon here. Could it be that Zhao Hongxue was killed by the water of the dark moon? It is still the water of the dark moon released by Zhao Hongxue. The water of the dark moon cannot be refined into a magic weapon, but a special container can be used to hold the water of the dark moon and sprinkle it directly to hurt the enemy. If you know the power of the water of the dark moon, it is impossible to succeed.

He hadn't yet figured out what was going on. Countless blue water vapors emerged from the void, which quickly turned into blue ice needles, with as many as tens of thousands.

After a burst of wind breaking, tens of thousands of blue ice needles turned into a round of blue ice rain blasting, and instantly arrived in front of Lord Tianmo. Even through the protective aura, Lord Tianmo could feel it. A biting chill.

He quickly threw out a black flag with a ferocious blood-colored ghost pattern on the flag, which was a spiritual treasure.

The blood-colored Specter seemed to have come to life, bared its teeth, and let out a shrill cry of devils. It spewed out a blood-colored flame that was extremely stench, and turned into a blood-colored fire wall more than ten feet high, blocking it in front of him.

The dense blue ice needles hit the blood-colored wall of fire. The blood-colored wall of fire quickly froze, and the ice layer was blue.

"Dry blue cold air!"

Master Tianmo frowned. Dry blue snow crystals are a kind of heaven and earth treasure. The accompanying cold is dry blue cold. Only a few flames can restrain the dry blue cold. Dry blue cold is similar to the water of the dark moon. The thing is, the dry blue cold air is controllable, and there are other things that can be restrained, while the water of the dark moon is uncontrollable. At present, I don't know what can restrain the water of the dark moon.

The last time we met, Wang Changsheng had not yet refined the dry blue cold air. Thinking of the water of the dark moon, Master Tianmo guessed that Wang Changsheng might have been to the Demon Burying Icefield.

A deafening sound of waves rang out, and a rushing blue river went straight to the Lord Tianmo. Wherever the blue river passed, there was a huge roar in the void. If it was hit by it, it would be very troublesome.

Venerable Master Tianmo naturally did not dare to take it hard. He turned his hand and took out a short blade that shone with black light, and slashed towards the blue river in the air.

After a "woohoo" Devil May Cry sounded, hundreds of sharp black blades of light flew out and slashed towards the blue river.


A deafening roar sounded, and the blue river was smashed by the dense black light blades, turning into countless blue sea water, and blasting away in all directions.

Dozens of blue water droplets the size of a fist came in front of Master Tianmo. Master Tianmo didn't care. He was about to shoot these blue water droplets away. The sea of ​​consciousness was extremely painful, and his facial features suddenly twisted.

There was a muffled sound of "click", the blood-colored fire wall was torn apart, and the dense blue ice needles hit one after another on the body protection aura of Lord Tianmo. His body protection aura instantly froze, and the ice layer was blue.

A blue-colored sound wave swept in. Wherever it passed, the void vibrated and twisted, the ground was torn apart, and long cracks appeared. Lord Tianmo wanted to avoid it, but another sharp pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness. Enduring the severe pain, he spurted out a black flame, and the blue sound wave hit his body protection aura, which was like paper paste, and instantly shattered.

At this moment, a black ball flew out from a blue water drop, and suddenly burst open, and countless black liquid splashed out.

As soon as the black liquid appeared, a large amount of black ice debris suddenly appeared in the void, and the temperature plummeted, like falling into an ice cellar.

When the black flame came into contact with the black liquid, it instantly froze, and the ice layer was black.

"Water of the Moon!"

Master Tianmo was stunned. The water of the dark moon could actually be refined into a magic weapon. He did not dare to be careless. Countless yin qi emerged from his body, which turned into a thick black light curtain, covering his whole body, the water of the dark moon. Scattered on top of the black light curtain, the black light curtain instantly froze.

There was a sound of breaking the air, and a mysterious blood-colored character flew from a distance, hitting the black light curtain, and the black light curtain suddenly shattered.

The blood-colored character submerged in the body of Lord He let out a scream of pain, his face was hideous, and he was dancing.


Fu Wen said coldly, he used his own blood and essence as the guide, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as the talisman paper, and used the Wanmin Pen to display his unique supernatural powers and forbidden spirits!

Venerable Tianmo stopped struggling, remained motionless, his eyes kept rolling, and his eyes were full of fear.

He watched helplessly as the water of the dark moon sprinkled on his body, and his body quickly froze.


Master Tianmo's body burst open, turned into countless flesh and blood, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out.

The Mini Nascent Soul let out a shrill devil cry, and countless mysterious runes emerged. After one blurred, the Mini Nascent Soul turned into a hundred, and hundreds of identical Nascent Souls flew in different directions.

The Heavenly Demon Infant Technique, this is his unique life-saving supernatural power.

A giant red tower fell from the sky and took away dozens of Nascent Souls, but dozens of Nascent Souls escaped.

Wang Ruyan grabbed the void with one hand, and a black storage ring flew towards her and landed on her hand.

Master Tianmo's spiritual treasure was destroyed by the water of the moon.

After Venerable Tianmo escaped, the Xuesha Tongxin Demon was not Fu Wen's opponent at all, and was destroyed by Fu Wen using Wanmin's pen.


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