Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1721: Shangguan Tianhong's fear

Fu Wen saw the black ice debris on the ground, and his eyes showed a bit of fear. He naturally saw that Wang Changsheng was able to kill Zhao Hongxue, naturally relying on the water of the moon. What is the water of the moon, but judging from the self-destruction of the body of the devil, the water of the moon is a very terrifying thing.

"Wang Daoyou, long time no see, after decades of separation, Wang Daoyou has entered the stage of spiritual transformation, I'm very happy!"

Fu Wen smiled and congratulated, with a sincere tone.

"This is not the place to talk, fellow Daoist Fu, let's leave here first! Whether we can return to Tianlan Realm depends on you."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly that after obtaining the storage rings of the two god-turning monks, he could continue to refine the moon beads, and a few more moon beads, and the monks of Tian Lanzong would also be afraid if they wanted to hunt them down.

Fu Min nodded, put away the Wanmin pen, and the five of them flew high into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

A day later, a golden treasure ship more than 100 meters long flew from the distant sky. There were a pair of golden bird wings on both sides of the golden treasure ship, which looked like a giant golden bird.

The flying spirit treasure Jinpengzhou is one of the five flying spirit treasures in the Tianlan world.

Hundreds of cultivators stood on the deck, with Shangguan Tianhong standing at the front with an indifferent expression.

The disciples of the Demon Burying Icefield were attacked twice. Shangguan Tianhong noticed something was wrong. He suspected that Fu Wen was hiding in the Demon Burying Icefield. Min's whereabouts.

He turned around immediately, but it was still a step too late. He met Venerable Heavenly Demon who only had Yuan Ying left, and learned a terrible news that Wang Changsheng could use the water refining device of the Underworld Moon.

It was by virtue of the water of the dark moon that Wang Changsheng destroyed the bodies of the two cultivators. Zhao Hongxue's soul lamp had not been extinguished yet, and Shangguan Tianhong knew that Zhao Hongxue was still alive.

Jin Pengzhou stopped, and Shangguan Tianhong flew towards the ground. He saw the black ice cubes on the ground, and his eyes were gloomy.

In the past, he would immediately chase after Wang Changsheng and destroy Wang Changsheng. With the flying-type Heavenly Soul Treasure, who could run faster than him? It's different now. Wang Changsheng has a big killer made from the water of the dark moon in his hand, and Shangguan Tianhong is very afraid.

He wants to gather more spiritual monks, so that he can have a better grasp.

"Go on and ask Junior Brother Jin and the others to rush over as soon as possible. In addition, send additional personnel to discover suspicious people. Don't alarm them, just keep an eye on them."

Shangguan Tianhong ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Shangguan."


A swift river, an underground cave.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Fu Wen were talking, and there were a lot of refining materials on the ground.

They escaped for hundreds of millions of miles, and Fang Mu was separated from them. The main reason was that the Tianlan Sect cultivator could find Fang Mu based on a magic weapon called a corpse tray. In order to avoid exposure, Fang Mu hid in other places.

"Thousand-year-old Jinma wood, snow glass stone, golden soul jade, haha, well, with these materials, this old man can refine the Dry Light Breaking Talisman, and as long as we find our way, we can return to the Dongli Realm."

Fu Wen said excitedly, it is known that there are four space nodes leading to Dongli Realm, and the space node leading to Falling Immortal Cave has been blocked, and only three places are left, namely Donghuang, Nanhai and Beijiang. origin.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble fellow Daoist Fu. When you refine the Dry Light Breaking World Talisman, let's go back! It doesn't make much sense to stay in Tianlan Realm."

The Dongli Realm sent thousands of high-level cultivators to the Tianlan Realm, with heavy casualties. The few of them were left, and they couldn't do anything major. They might as well return to the Dongli Realm and make plans.

Fu Min agreed, and they could be considered to have turned the world upside down in Tianlan Realm, and they could be considered to have successfully completed the task.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, these two spiritual treasures belong to you. Without you, we wouldn't be able to destroy the body of Lord Tianmo."

Wang Changsheng picked up two spiritual treasures and handed them to Fu Wen.

They got the storage rings from Zhao Hongxue and Venerable Tianmo. They got five spiritual treasures in total, four attacking treasures and one flying spirit treasure. Wang Changsheng gave the two attacking spirits to Fu Wen.

"The old man didn't do much to destroy the body of Lord Tianmo, thanks to fellow Daoist Wang."

Fu Min politely declined.

"Fellow Daoist is joking, I don't dare to covet the power of the heavens. Besides, decades ago, if you didn't take action, we would already be dead, so just accept it!"

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere.

After hearing this, Fu Min did not refuse any more and accepted it.

He pondered for a while and said, "Friend Wang Dao, take the liberty to ask, what is the magic weapon you sacrificed? Why is it so powerful? Can you sell it to the old man? The old man can exchange it for the fifth-order talisman."

Wang Changsheng smiled indifferently and said: "Mingyue Pearl, the thing that Wang made by chance has been used up. If you are interested in Daoist Fu, if I refine it again, I can give you one, the fifth-order talisman is fine. , I have an unkind request."

"Young Daoyou Wang said it bluntly, we have also been through adversity together, so there is no need to keep things secret."

Fu Min said boldly.

"My wife is very interested in the art of talisman. If you return to the Dongli world, can Fellow Daoist Fu give my wife some time?"

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. If he can get Fu Wen's guidance, Wang Ruyan's talisman skills will improve a lot, and with the guidance of a famous teacher, Wang Ruyan's progress will be faster.

"No problem, it's just a little effort."

Fu Min readily This is not difficult for him.

After chatting for a while, he went down to rest and started refining the dry light to break the boundary.

Wang Ruyan walked to the door to protect Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng took out the Qinglian fortune-telling cauldron and the refining materials, and continued to refine the Moon Pearl.

He was able to destroy the bodies of the two god-turning monks, and the Mingyuezhu contributed a lot. If he were to encounter the eight-winged snow beast again, it would definitely not make it any easier.


Thousand Gourd World, a palace floating in the sky.

Zhao Qianfeng, Ouyang Yu and the others were talking, and their expressions were solemn.

"Situ Mei received news that those spiritual practitioners seem to be going to Tianlan Realm to rescue troops through the space channel."

Ouyang Yu frowned and said, if other interfaces support the Qiangourd Realm, they are really not opponents. In order to win the Thousand Gourd Realm, a lot of demons in the God Transformation stage were killed and injured. Currently, all the demons in the God Transformation stage are less than fifteen. Humans, there are three demons in the middle stage of God Transformation.

"Last time someone tried to open the space channel, but we soon discovered and blocked them. This time, we can't let them successfully open the space channel. Come and invite Jun into the urn. If they want to go to the Tianlan Realm to rescue soldiers, then send them to the west sky. Keep an eye on them, and this time, be sure to kill them all."

Zhao Ganfeng had a murderous look on his face. He was not interested in invading other interfaces, he just wanted to return to the demon world.


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