Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1722: Encounter with Shangguan Tianhong

In the Tianlan world, a turbulent river, thousands of feet below, a blue tortoise with a size of 100 feet quickly moved forward. The blue turtle's head resembles the head of a unicorn, and on its back there is a simple stone house. There are some cyan thorns on the surface.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, with some refining materials placed beside him, and the Qinglian Ding beside him.

Xuanyou Hanyan floated in front of Wang Changsheng, his expression was solemn, and the temperature in the room was frightening.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's magic formula changed, Xuanyou Hanyan flew into his mouth and disappeared, revealing a black ball.

From the outside, there is nothing unusual about the black ball, it is very ordinary.

"Success again!"

Wang Changsheng rejoiced and said that it had been a year since he slaughtered Master Tianmo, and during this period, they kept changing positions.

The tortoise is proficient in the water escape technique, while the double-eyed rat is proficient in the earth escape technique. The wood demon is rarely highly poisonous. With their help, Wang Changsheng and others stayed in the stone house and came all the way without encountering any obstacles.

They have been moving underground and have not encountered any danger. The tortoise moves very fast.

Wang Changsheng made one move with one hand, put away the Moon Pearl, and walked out.

Fu Wen was talking to Wang Ruyan, with a talisman tool placed next to her, Wang Ruyan was smiling.

Fu Wen has already refined the Dry Light Boundary Breaking Talisman, two in total, enough for them to return to the Dongli Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we don't have to delay for a long time. We need to speed up the pace. The Tianlan Sect hasn't caught up for so long, and this old man always feels a little uneasy."

Fu Min frowned and said, this is Tianlan Realm after all, no matter how fast they are, it is impossible for them not to find them without Tianlanzong cultivators. Tianlanzong can use the communication array to notify the disciples to set up a formation to intercept them.

Most of the Tianlan Sect mobilized heavy troops and wanted to completely solve them.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I've already refined a few Moon Pearls, it's time to leave."

Under Wang Changsheng's signal, the tortoise moved towards the river.


The river surface burst open, the tortoise floated on the river surface, and Wang Changsheng and others walked out of the stone house.

On both sides of the river is an open field, and there is no immortal cultivator's breath for hundreds of miles.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and a blue-glowing painting scroll flew out, instantly growing to a hundred feet, floating in front of them.

On the painting is a cyan dragon flying high in the sky, with a line of small characters written next to it - the picture of flying dragon in the sky.

This is the flying spirit treasure captured by Wang Changsheng, he has not used it yet.

"Come up! I hope to return to Dongli Realm as soon as possible."

Wang Changsheng jumped up, and the others followed closely. He entered a magic trick. The flying dragon seemed to come to life in the cyan dragon in the sky map, and it swam on the surface of the painting scroll, making a deafening dragon roar.

There was a flash of blue light, and the flying dragon carried Wang Changsheng and the others towards the sky in the sky map, flying thousands of feet in an instant.

The gust of wind whistled past, causing Wang Changsheng and the others to sway their clothes.

Fu Wen's face was full of alertness, his consciousness was wide open, and he explored thousands of miles, for fear of encountering an ambush.

Fortunately, they did not encounter other immortal practitioners for the time being.

After flying a million miles, Fu Wen found dozens of Tianlan Sect cultivators, most of whom were cultivators of Pill Formation.

In order to prevent them from stunning snakes, they ignored the Tianlan Sect cultivator and flew directly over their heads, because the flying dragon was moving too fast in the sky map, and the Tianlan Sect cultivator didn't notice it at all.

Half a month later, in a vast and boundless plain, flying dragons appeared in the sky above the plain, and Wang Changsheng and others were full of smiles.

"I can finally go back."

Wang Yingjie let out a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"We came from here, and there is a space node leading to the Dongli Realm."

Fang Mu pointed to a certain piece of void and said, looking excited.

"Senior Fu, hurry up! Let's get out of here early."

Huang Fugui urged, looking anxious.

Fu Wen nodded and was about to start when Wang Changsheng suddenly said, "No, they are catching up. It seems to be Shangguan Tianhong."

"Shangguan Tianhong!"

Huang Fugui's face turned pale. Shangguan Tianhong was the number one person in the Tianlan Realm. He had already killed a deity cultivator and destroyed the body of the blue-and-white ancestor.

"Let's stop him for the time being, fellow Daoist Fu, take our clan to leave first."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into a blue rainbow and flew away, flying towards the sky.

They flew hundreds of miles away, and a red light flew from the distant sky, it was Shangguan Tianhong.

He was afraid of the water of the dark moon, and after meeting with the other cultivators, Wang Changsheng and others had already disappeared.

Because of the existence of the Underworld Moon Pearl, the cultivators of the Tianlan Sect must travel together to avoid encountering Wang Changsheng and others. The Tianlan world is so big, and they don't know where Wang Changsheng and others will escape. After Shangguan Tianhong's analysis , Wang Changsheng and others should return to Dongli Realm. There are currently four known space nodes leading to Dongli Realm. They scattered their forces and three gods and a team guarded a space node.

During this period, the monk of Tianlanzong accidentally discovered the monster python possessed by the blue-and-white ancestor. In order to restore his cultivation, the monster python frequently devoured the monks of Tianlanzong and had grown to the fourth order. The monk named Huashen discovered the monster python possessed by the blue-and-white ancestor, but was escaped by the blue-and-white ancestor.

Shangguan Tianhong thought that the blue and white ancestors stayed with Wang Changsheng and others, and mobilized people to capture the blue and white ancestors. They successfully caught the blue and white ancestors, but they were also exploited by Wang Changsheng and others. Feng Huo Wing, Shangguan Tianhong took the lead in chasing after him.

"Qinglian Immortal I won't stop you from returning to the Dongli Realm, but I will hand over the method of refining the water of the dark moon into a magic weapon. As long as you agree, we can release the Dongli Realm cultivators, including This old snake."

Shangguan Tianhong flipped his hand and took out a small golden cauldron, and the lid of the cauldron shook violently.

He broke in, the golden lid of the small cauldron flew out, and a **** cyan giant python flew out. Half of its scales fell off, and white bones could be seen in some places.

A golden glow flew out of the tripod, covering the cyan giant python.

"Wang Wang Daoyou, I also ask you to help save the old man's life, and the old man must have a heavy report."

The blue giant python spit out human words, it is the ancestor of blue and white.

If she doesn't devour the Tianlan Sect cultivator, I don't know how long it will take for her to cultivate to the fifth rank, let alone transform into a human form.

It can only devour immortal cultivators, and it recovers faster. Every time it will not stay alive, its cultivation base has been continuously improved. After swallowing more than ten Yuanying cultivators and hundreds of knot cultivators, it already has a fourth-order low-grade cultivation base. , Regrettably, the horse stumbled. It was discovered by the Deity Transformation cultivator of Tianlan Sect. Although he escaped at the time, he was caught by Shangguan Tianhong later.

"Do you think Wang would believe it?"

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, he naturally would not hand over the refining method of Mingyue Pearl, Shangguan Tianhong would never let them off so easily.


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