Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1723: 1 stroke

As for the life and death of the blue-and-white ancestor, Wang Changsheng was too busy to take care of himself, how could he care about her.

He could see that Shangguan Tianhong cared about the refining method of Mingyue Pearl, and Shangguan Tianhong must learn the refining method of Mingyue Pearl.

Thinking from another perspective, if Wang Changsheng was Shangguan Tianhong, he would definitely kill him or imprison him until he mastered the method of refining the Moon Pearl.

Wang Changsheng flipped the palm of his hand, and two dark moon beads appeared on his hand.

Shangguan Tianhong's pupils shrank, his eyes were full of fear, he pondered for a moment, and said, "I can let you go, this old snake can also be returned to you, you give me one, and then give me the refining method. Me, if you don't agree, there's nothing to say, I'd like to see what skills you have."

He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

There are some things that are hard to say clearly. Shangguan Tianhong has already figured out that Wang Changsheng was born in a clan of immortals. This time they brought their clan to Tianlan Realm. If Wang Changsheng refused directly, he would immediately kill Wang Changsheng's clan.

These words cannot be spoken out, otherwise they will only anger Wang Changsheng, and neither side will be able to step down.

Wang Changsheng saw that Shangguan Tianhong was looking in the direction of Fu Wen and others, and he immediately understood what Shangguan Tianhong meant. Shangguan Tianhong had a flying treasure, and he wanted to kill Wang Qiuming and others, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Really can't stop it.

The clan is Wang Changsheng's weakness, and his grandson Wang Qiuming is also in it.

"I can give you a Mingyue Pearl, but let my clansmen leave first. If you don't agree, you will fight. The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, with the Mingyue Pearl and the Xuanshui Palace, he is still confident that he will retreat.

"Okay, but the old man wants to discuss with you. I will let them leave after I take a move. Shangguan Tianhong has no choice but to return this old snake to you first, as a sign of sincerity. In exchange, you will take Junior Sister Zhao. The Nascent Soul is returned to the old man."

With Shangguan Tianhong's magic tactic, the golden glow that covered the cyan python disappeared, and the cyan python turned into a cyan escaping light and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Lieyang Pagoda, took the injured blue-and-white ancestor in, and punched a magic trick. Zhao Hongxue's Nascent Soul flew out and went straight to Shangguan Tianhong.

"Senior Brother Shangguan, he has been to the Demon Burying Icefield, refining a lot of dried blue snow crystals, as well as magic weapons refined with the water of the dark moon."

Zhao Hongxue's Nascent Soul reminded, looking flustered.

Shangguan Tianhong nodded, flicked his sleeves, and put away Zhao Hongxue's Nascent Soul.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, you open the space channel immediately and take Changming and the others to leave, we will stop."

Wang Changsheng said loudly, with a resolute expression on his face, if Shangguan Tianhong dared to do something to Wang Qiuming and others, Wang Changsheng would run away immediately, and in the future, he would kill the low-level monks of the Tianlan Sect with blood for blood.

After Fu Wen heard this, he no longer hesitated, took out the dry light and threw it towards the void.

There was a muffled sound of "puchi", and the dry light breaking the world talisman shattered, and a dazzling white light erupted. There were ripples in the void. He waved the Wanmin pen, and the white light flashed. , the void was violently twisted and deformed, and it was suddenly torn apart, revealing a white door of light, and a fierce astral wind swept out.

"Wang Xiaoyou, hurry up and don't linger."

Fu Wen commanded, with a heavy tone.

Wang Qiuming also knew the seriousness of the problem. He wouldn't be able to help much if he stayed, so he was not afraid of running out of firewood.

"Ying Hao, Ji Yun, let's withdraw first."

Wang Qiuming sacrificed a pale golden ball, released a golden glow to cover everyone, and flew towards the white door of light.

On the other side, Shangguan Tianhong also shot.

He took out nine mirrors that were sparkling with red light, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the nine red mirrors suddenly glowed with red light, and countless red runes appeared on the mirrors, with a powerful aura.

"A complete set of Lingbao!"

Wang Changsheng's face became solemn. He and Wang Ruyan's body flashed blue light, and a spherical blue light curtain appeared out of thin air, which was Shuiyue Xuanguang.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the nine red mirrors ejected slender red flames, the number of which was thousands.

Thousands of red firelights pierced the sky and hit Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. This move seemed to be the same as the Meteor Fire Rain Technique, but the power was vastly different.

After the red fire light blurred, the size of the body skyrocketed, and a dense rain of red fire went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. The void was somewhat unable to withstand the high temperature, twisted and deformed, the weeds on the ground spontaneously ignited, and the momentum was huge.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed 18 Dinghai Pearls, and when the magic trick was pinched, countless sea water rushed out, and a vast ocean quickly appeared around him. The tornado spun rapidly and made a deafening roar.

The ground was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared. Countless weeds were uprooted and caught in the blue tornado.

The dense red fire was submerged in the blue tornado, like mud like the sea.

Soon, a large number of red firelights gathered together and turned into a crimson giant blade, slashing towards the blue tornado with the momentum of destroying the dead.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, the blue tornado was cut in half by the giant blade, and a powerful air wave The ground was shattered, the loess was flying all over the sky, the smoke was billowing, and several low-rise buildings The slopes burst open.

Standing on the top of the Shuiyue Xuanguang, the Shuiyue Xuanguang sank, but soon, after the surface of the Shuiyue Xuanguang lit up with a dazzling blue light, it returned to normal. The needle flew out from the giant blade of the sky, and hit the water moon profound light.

With a few "pu chi" sounds, three red flying needles pierced through the Shuiyue Xuanguang, and went straight to the foreheads of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The complete set of spirit treasures are still flying needle magic weapons. Shangguan Tianhong has the intention to kill Wang Changsheng, and the discussion is just an excuse.

Wang Changsheng's expression was as usual, and countless blue chills emerged from his body. The speed of the three red flying needles slowed down, but at this moment, the three red flying needles burst out with a dazzling red light, and a large red flame appeared on the surface. The speed soared, and in an instant, he was in front of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, only two inches away from their foreheads.

Right here, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were surrounded by gusts of wind, and a looming barrier appeared in front of them.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's spiritual consciousness and mana can be superimposed. They have both taken the True Soul Fruit, and both of them have Soul Eater Jin Chan to feed back their spiritual consciousness.

The three red flying needles hit the wall of Spiritual Mind and flew out.


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