Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1727: Plan 9 Youzong

"I can't change shape! I heard that Tianlanzong has a secret talisman that can be transformed into the appearance of other monks. How do we know that you are not Tianlanzong monks?"

Cheng Zhanxian's face turned cold, and his right hand grabbed the void in the direction of Wang Changsheng, and a silver light flew out. Wherever he passed, there was a piercing sound of piercing eardrums.

Among the three cultivators, Wang Changsheng had the weakest aura. If Wang Changsheng was fake, he would naturally not be able to take this blow.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, and countless blue light spots appeared in the void in front of him. After a blur, a blue water wall more than a hundred meters high appeared out of nowhere, blocking Wang Changsheng's body.

The silver light hit the blue water wall and pierced the blue water wall, but soon, the silver light bounced out and hit an open space.


There was a loud noise, and there was a huge crater dozens of feet in the ground.

"Is this how your demon clan treats guests?"

Wang Changsheng's face turned cold and his voice was loud, spreading all over the area.

"What? Now that I can't transform into a human form, I can't command you guys?"

The blue and white ancestor's tone became cold, and a huge spiritual pressure rushed out of his body.

The members of the Green Snake Clan rushed over first to prevent others from making trouble.

Ancestor Heihu moved his lips a few times, and seemed to transmit his voice to Ancestor Blue and White.

"It's Sister Hua. We misunderstood. I'm really sorry."

Ancestor Black Tiger's expression softened, and he said in an apologetic tone.

"Fellow Daoist Wang and fellow Daoist Fu, thank you for sending me back, wait a moment, and go get some things."

The blue-and-white ancestor turned into a cyan light and flew into the Green Mang Mountain.

After a while, the blue-and-white ancestor flew out, opened his mouth, and three blue storage rings flew out towards Wang Changsheng and the three of them.

A fiery color flashed in Cheng Zhanxian's eyes. The blue-and-white ancestor was the head of the Eastern Desolate Monster Clan and ruled the Eastern Desolation Monster Clan for thousands of years. She must have treasured quite a few treasures. The Tongtian Lingbao is in the hands of the blue and white ancestors.

If it wasn't for the fear of Blue and White Ancestor's strength, he would have tried to **** it.

The blue-and-white ancestor could not be transformed into a human form, and he must have been severely injured. This is a good opportunity for him to revive the Sirius family.

The three of Wang Changsheng caught the storage ring, and their consciousness swept away. The three of them looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"You have to say goodbye after sending you thousands of miles away, fellow Flower Daoist, we won't stay any longer, so let's say goodbye."

Wang Changsheng put away Lieyang Palace, and Wang Ruyan turned into a blue light and flew along the way.

Fu Wen and Liu Ye also left, leaving behind Qinghua Patriarch and others.

"Sister Hua, who hurt you? How could it be so serious?"

Ancestor Black Tiger asked with concern.

"Shangguan Tianhong, this time we went to Tianlan Realm to kill a lot of high-level monks of Tianlan Sect. Several of Tianlan Sect's cultivators have lost their lives. The credit is not small, Black Tiger, you represent the old man to follow The old monsters in Dongli Realm bargained and asked for more benefits. Laoshen can’t go there in vain. Brother Cheng, you go to contact the monsters in the South China Sea and ask friend Feng Dao to come to Donghuang. Laoshen has a big secret to tell her. , it's about the ascension to the spiritual world."

Old Ancestor Qinghua instructed, with a solemn tone.

She is seriously injured now. If Patriarch Heihu and Cheng Zhanxian find out something is wrong, they might kill them. The best way is to let them go.

Ancestor Black Tiger and Cheng Zhanxian looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Yes, Sister Hua."

The two agreed, even if they had other thoughts, they would still get the benefits. Besides, the blue-and-white ancestors have accumulated prestige for many years, and the two of them are not of one mind.

After Patriarch Black Tiger and Cheng Zhanxian left, Patriarch Qinghua announced that he would retreat and let the junior take care of it.


Taiyi Immortal Gate, the Patriarch's Hall.

Liu Ye, Zhang Zhanfeng, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood in front of the portrait of the Four Seasons Sword Master, their expressions respectful.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, thank you for sending back this set of sword formations that the ancestors left behind. You are interested."

Liu Ye said gratefully.

When Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were in the Wanlei Sea Area, they discovered the cave where the Four Seasons Sword Master lived. The Four Seasons Sword Master left a set of sword formations. After Wang Changsheng returned to the Dongli Realm, he returned it to the Taiyi Immortal Gate, which was regarded as a return to the original owner.

"It's just a little effort, fellow Daoist Liu, didn't your grandfather explain his whereabouts?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, when they go out and travel, they all talk about a place, and the clansmen can report if they have something to do.

"I explained. It is said that the ancestors went to the Ice Sea Realm, but we didn't break the interface Tongtian Lingbao, and we couldn't go at all. I didn't expect his old man to go to the Tianlan Realm."

Liu Ye said with a wry smile, Sword Sovereign Four Seasons did not leave the soul lamp of his life, so that others would be more afraid.

"Ice Sea Realm?"

Wang Changsheng nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that Sword Sovereign Four Seasons first went to the Ice Sea Realm and then to the Tianlan Realm. He didn't know whether he ascended to the Spirit Realm or went to another interface.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, I don't know how to ascend to the spiritual world?"

Wang Changsheng humbly asked for advice. Judging from the whereabouts of Qinglong Zhenjun, Tianlang Zhenjun, Siji Jianzun, and other Tianjiao in the Dongli Realm, they left the Dongli Realm. If they could fly to the Spirit Realm, why would they leave the Dongli Realm? Why did Tianlan Realm spend a lot of time invading Dongli Realm?

"It is said that you have to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation before you can ascend to the spiritual world. If you don't have the cultivation of the late stage of God Transformation, you can either find space nodes to sneak in, or find other ways. Tianlan Realm invades Dongli Realm just for resources~www.readwn. com~ Tens of thousands of years ago, after cultivating to the middle stage of God Transformation, you could ascend to the spiritual world, but I don’t know what happened. Later, you have to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation before you can ascend to the spiritual world. By the way, Zhenxian Pagoda appeared after that. ."

"The Zhenxian Pagoda has a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. Some people associate it with the spiritual world. They think that the spiritual world has undergone great changes, and it is necessary to cultivate to the late stage of spiritual transformation before ascending to the spiritual world."

Liu Ye said slowly, with a look of longing on his face, who doesn't want to fly into the spiritual world?

Wang Changsheng nodded thoughtfully, changed the subject, and asked, "The war is over, what are your plans for the future of Taiyi Xianmen? Do you have any thoughts on Northern Xinjiang?"

"Northern Xinjiang? If you have something to say, Daoyou Wang, please say it directly."

Liu Ye said sincerely.

"Beijing Jiuyouzong killed my clan, my son died at the hands of Jiuyouzong, the lord of Jiuyouzong is dead, my brother-in-law is the elder of Jiuyouzong, he is no longer there, I want to support me My niece is the sect master of Jiuyou Sect, would you like to help me, Daoyou Liu?"

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes. The current strength of Taiyi Immortal Sect is not weak. If there is help from Taiyi Immortal Sect, Wang Changsheng has a relatively high chance of supporting Ye Haitang to become the sect master of Jiuyou Sect.

"Your niece? Sect Master of Jiuyou Sect?"

Liu Ye frowned slightly, the Nine You Sect had a lot of territory, even Liu Ye was a little moved.


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