Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1730: Back to the South China Sea

"There are still many high-level monks in the Tianlan Sect. It's not appropriate to fight in the nest at this time. Besides, Daoyou Ye and the others will not agree. We can at most share some territory. No matter which place, we will be exclusive."

Liu Ye said meaningfully.

At present, it is not wise to destroy Jiuyouzong, and it will also cause dissatisfaction from other forces.

Wang Changsheng had imagined that if Ye Haitang was the Sect Master of the Nine Yous Sect, he would not need to control all the sites of the Nine Yous Sect, but control a part of it, and that would not be bad.

"Liu agrees with your point of view, but it is not appropriate to deal with Jiuyouzong now. When the enemy is in front of us, we should retreat first and then talk about it."

Ye Yan and True Monarch Qiyan were both injured. It was a little inappropriate to go to Northern Xinjiang to discuss the disposal of Jiuyou Sect with them.

Wang Changsheng didn't plan to go to Northern Xinjiang to deal with Jiuyouzong immediately, but just mentioned something to give Liu Ye a mental preparation.

Having common interests, the Wang family and Taiyi Xianmen have more room for cooperation.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, are you planning to go to the South China Sea or stay in the Eastern Wilderness? The high-level cultivators of the Tianlan Sect are making trouble everywhere. If you are willing to stay in the Eastern Wasteland, this old man can make the decision. I promise you the land of the Three Kingdoms and the development of your family."

Liu Ye's tone was a lot closer. Wang Changsheng had entered the God Transformation stage, and the Wang family was not what it used to be. If the Wang family settled in Donghuang, it would undoubtedly increase the power of the Donghuang people.

"Many thanks to Fellow Daoist Liu for your kindness, we understand it, and we plan to return to the South China Sea."

Wang Changsheng politely refused. The resources of the East Wasteland are mainly controlled by the six immortal gates. Even if it is given to the land of the Three Kingdoms, it is not as large as the area of ​​hundreds of islands in the open sea! If they stayed in the Eastern Wilderness, the family's source of income would depend on planting elixir, and there were not many monster beast resources. The most important point was that when a major crisis occurred, it would be difficult to run away.

The Shen family, one of the Ten Great Immortal Cultivation Families in the South China Sea, escaped the sea by escaping their old nest. The same is true of Zhenhai Sect. Speaking of which, the same is true of Jinyangmen in Donghuang, but to do this, one needs a kind of A special array material called Kongyue Divine Crystal.

If the family settled in the South China Sea, it would be easier to escape. The distance between the islands is very long, and it would be difficult for them to be completely wiped out. This is the case with the Shen family and the Dongfang family.

From the perspective of the family's development prospects and refuge, Wang Changsheng still intends to go to the South China Sea to cultivate the immortal world. If he had stayed in the East Wasteland, let alone the Jin Dynasty, it would be hard to get a baby. Li Haifeng and Cantonese people all went to the South China Sea. After a period of development, only those who have the opportunity to enter the Nascent Soul stage will have the opportunity to enter the Nascent Soul stage.

Liu Ye was a little disappointed, and he didn't force it to stay. The twisted melon was not sweet.

"Wang Daoyou, do you want to hold the ceremony of transforming the gods? If you hold the ceremony, it may attract revenge from the monks of Tianlanzong. The real Haoyu in the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie was attacked by Long Xiaoyao and others and was seriously injured. Otherwise, he may have been promoted. It's in the Divine Transformation Stage."

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I don't plan to hold a grand ceremony for the time being, but rebuild the family first."

When Wang Ruyan entered the spirit transformation stage, even if Long Xiaoyao came to make trouble, they would not be afraid.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan said goodbye and left with Shen Jiale.

"Uncle Liu, do you think Fairy Tianqin will advance to the Divine Transformation Stage?"

Zhang Zhanfeng said curiously.

"It's hard to say. It's hard to say things like luck. If there is another interface war next time, send Martial Nephew Han to run! It's really hard to say things like chance."

Liu Ye sighed.


Qinglian Villa, a secluded courtyard with green tiles.

Wang Qingshan was talking to Wang Qiuming, and the two of them were smiling.

Wang Qingshan was very excited when he learned that Wang Changsheng had entered the God Transformation stage.

The family will usher in the pinnacle of development with the Spirit Transformation cultivator. No matter whether the family stays in the East Wasteland or the South China Sea, it will become one of the best immortal cultivating families.

"This trip is really dangerous. Fortunately, you all returned safely."

Wang Qingshan sighed lightly and said with a smile.

Wang Qiuming told Wang Qingshan about their experience in Tianlan Realm, and Wang Qingshan broke a few cold sweats.

Wang Qiuming nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes! Our biggest credit this trip is to protect our grandfather and help him enter the stage of spiritual transformation."

He remembered something, sighed deeply, and said, "It's a pity Uncle Twelfth, if he's still alive, that's fine."

The loss of the Wang family this time is not small. Wang Qingjun was killed, Wang Tianwen's body was destroyed, and many clansmen were killed. Fortunately, Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingling, Ye Haitang and others were safe and sound.

"The world is impermanent. If I were stronger, the Twelfth Brother should not be killed."

Wang Qingshan said with some regret.

"It's not your fault. If the multi-infant cultivator kills you, it's good that you can repel the enemy."

A familiar male voice.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Qiuming looked happy and looked towards the open courtyard door.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared in the sight of Wang Qingshan and Wang Qiuming, and Wang Qingling followed behind them.

"Ninth Uncle, Ninth Aunt, you've come back."

Wang Qingshan stood up and looked excited.

Wang Qiuming also stood up, smiling happily.

"Qingshan, Qingling, you worked hard when we were away."

Wang Changsheng said reassuringly, if Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were the founders of the family, Wang Qingshan was the guardian. As for Wang Qingling, her strength was far inferior to Wang Qingshan's, and her strength relied heavily on spirit beasts.

It is precisely because of Wang Qingshan's existence that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can travel far with confidence.

"Ninth Uncle, Ninth Aunt, this is what we should do, you praised it badly."

Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingling said in unison, with respectful expressions.

"It's not a false praise, it's you who deserve such praise, Qingshan, this spiritual treasure is for you. You have too few spiritual treasures. It belongs to Qingling, and Qiu Ming also has it."

Wang Ruyan took out three spiritual treasures and distributed them to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan got the Danghai Sword, Wang Qingling got the Red Sparrow Lantern, and Wang Qiuming got the Lihuo Jingling Mirror.

During his trip to Tianlan Realm, Wang Changsheng obtained many pieces of spirit treasures and a lot of refining materials.

Before they went to Tianlan Realm, they only had one piece of Lingbao, Lieyang Divine Pagoda, which was still a magic weapon of trapped enemies.

"Uncle Xie and Aunt Xie (grandfather and grandmother)."

The three of Wang Qingshan were overjoyed and accepted the Lingbao.

"Ninth Uncle, I captured this flying treasure from the You can use it!"

Wang Qingshan took out the dry light escape shuttle and gave it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had already entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and it seemed a bit shabby to travel with the magic weapon of flying.

Wang Changsheng nodded gratified and said with a smile: "Qingshan, you have a heart, we have seized a flying spirit treasure, you can keep it for yourself! You don't need to give it to Qingqing, I will refine the magic weapon for her."

Hearing this, Wang Qingshan didn't refuse, and put away Qianguang Escape Shuttle.

"Ninth Uncle, shall we stay in the East Wasteland or go back to the South China Sea?"

Wang Qingling was full of anticipation. She wanted to return to the South China Sea. Bingfeng Jiao had a lot of food, and there were not many monsters in the Eastern Wilderness for it to eat.

Besides, the spiritual energy of Qinglian Villa is not very abundant, and it is far inferior to Qinglian Island.

"Let's go back to the South China Sea. There are too few resources in the East Wasteland, which is not conducive to the development of the family. Some people will be left to guard the Qinglian Villa, and the others will return to Qinglian Island with us."

Wang Changsheng commanded, his eyes firm.

"Yes, Ninth Uncle (grandfather)."

Wang Qingshan and the three agreed in unison, with confident smiles on their faces.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are the backbone of the family. As long as they are there, the clan can gather together and contribute to the development of the family.


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