Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1729: Flying Lingbao Lei Peng Wing

South China Sea, Zhenhaizong.

In the council hall, there are two jade chairs made of blue-green algae jade in front of them. Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan are sitting on them, and they are talking about something.

Fairy Ziyue withdrew from the Zhenhaizong site and asked them to take care of the large and small affairs of the sect. They used Zhenhaizong's manpower to capture a number of Tianlanzong's cultivators of forming pills, in exchange for the spirit of forming infants, and successively entered the Yuanying period.

After joining Zhenhaizong for decades, their sense of belonging to Zhenhaizong has been continuously strengthened. They have accepted a few disciples, and some disciples are driving them to collect immortal cultivation resources for themselves. Who is willing to do loose cultivation?

"According to the current trend, I don't know how many years this war will be fought."

Zheng Nan said worriedly.

Cheng Zhenyu patted Zheng Nan's palm lightly, and comforted: "No matter how long we fight, we will stay together. The husband and wife are of the same mind, and the profit will break the gold."

This sentence supports them to support each other, all the way to the present.

"That's right, husband and wife are of the same mind, and their profits will break the gold."

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in, followed by Wang Qingshan and others.

Some of the Wang family's disciples were disciples of Zhenhai Sect, and Fairy Ziyue did not suppress them. Even if Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan had mastered the plan, they did not suppress the Wang family's children. First, the Wang family's children did not fight against them. Second, they did not look at the monks. Looking at the Buddha's face, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's cultivation base is there, and they will not suppress the Wang family's children.

"Friend Wang Daoist, no, Senior Wang!"

Cheng Zhenyu was surprised to find that Wang Changsheng was much stronger than him. This kind of situation has only happened to the cultivator of God Transformation.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan stood up with respectful expressions. They were shocked. They had not seen each other for nearly a hundred years.

"They're all acquaintances. You don't need to be so outspoken. You've entered the Nascent Soul stage, congratulations."

Wang Changsheng said genially that he had promised Nangongmiao that he would rebuild Zhenhaizong.

He already has this strength, and when he destroys Long Xiaoyao and other god-turning cultivators lurking in the dark, it will be the time when the Zhenhaizong ruins will come to life.

"Senior Wang is wrongly praised, the junior can advance to the Nascent Soul Stage, and it is all due to the unity of all the disciples."

Cheng Zhenyu said modestly.

"Yeah! It's good that Senior Wang is back, we're just taking care of the sect."

Zheng Nan said cautiously.

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly and said solemnly: "You don't have to be nervous, the great elder of Zhenhaizong is kind to our couple, and my ancestor is also a disciple of Zhenhaizong. We promised the first elder that we would help rebuild Zhenhaizong, if Zhenhaizong is under the jurisdiction of our Wang family. , that's not Zhenhaizong, you continue to take charge of Zhenhaizong, Zongmen, we won't bother, we will protect Zhenhaizong for a day with us."

Zhenhaizong Ruins, Zhenhai Ding, and the secret books of Gongfa will be returned to Zhenhaizong by Wang Changsheng, and he will never occupy Zhenhaizong. The inheritance system of the Xiuxian family is different from that of Xiuxianzongmen. of.

Zheng Nan breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried that Wang Changsheng would blame them for greed for power!

Wang Qingshan and others evacuated Qinglian Island, and Cheng Zhenyu sent some people to guard Qinglian Island. Until now, the disciples of Zhenhai Sect are still sitting on Qinglian Island.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng found that Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan were very nervous, so he didn't talk much, and after a few words, they left.

Back at Qinglian Island, thousands of Wang family disciples gathered outside Qinglian Building, from qi refining to elixir formation.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan landed in front of them, their eyes swept across the clansmen present.

"Welcome our ancestors home."

Wang Yingjie and others bowed and saluted, and said in unison, their voices reverberating endlessly.

"You have worked hard, we are back, you don't have to wander around, you can cultivate in peace in the future, and strive to reach a higher realm."

Wang Changsheng encouraged that, in the trip to the Tianlan Realm, in addition to getting many spiritual treasures, he also got nine copies of the baby spirits, and the family should be able to add a few more Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Yingjie and the others agreed in unison.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng released the double-eyed mouse, wood demon, lin turtle, and gold-swallowing ant queen, and let them move freely, not too far from Qinglian Island.

The double-eyed mouse went straight down the mountain, followed by the tortoise.

Wang Changsheng walked into the basement and took out a cyan storage ring.

This is the storage ring given by the blue-and-white ancestor, and there are many good things in it.

Dozens of fourth-order animal skins, a batch of refining materials, and more than 20 high-grade spirit stones. The most precious one is the skeleton of a fifth-order monster python. If the refining level is high enough, maybe a fifth-order can be refined. puppet beast.

He took out the skeleton of the fifth-order demon bird. With his current level of refining, the wings of this skeleton could be used to refine spiritual treasures, which could be used by Wang Mengbin.

The catastrophe is not over yet, Wang Changsheng refines a few more spiritual treasures, the stronger the clan's strength, the higher the survival rate.

He opened his mouth, and Xuanyou cold flames flew out, wrapping the wings of the demon bird.

Under the calcination of the mysterious cold flame, the impurities of the bone wings were slowly removed, and countless silver arcs emerged...

Half a year passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the basement, smiling happily.

He took out the communication tray and asked Wang Mengbin to come over.

Not long after, Wang Mengbin came over.

With a solemn expression on his face, he said, "Old Ancestor, I don't know who spread the news. The news that you entered the Spirit Transformation Stage has spread throughout the Immortal Cultivation Realm."

Wang Changsheng didn't even want to hold a celebration, he was just worried that Long Xiaoyao and other cultivators would come looking for trouble.

"It's spread"

Wang Changsheng was already mentally prepared. If he guessed correctly, most of the news came from the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan. Liu Ye and Fu Wen didn't get much benefit from spreading the news. It's a good thing for the Wild Monster Clan, after all, the Wang family has been developing in the East Wasteland before.

There was an additional god-turning cultivator in Donghuang, and the pressure on the demon clan in Donghuang increased sharply.

"This is the flying spirit treasure Lei Peng's wings that I made for you. It is made from the wings of a fifth-order demon bird. If you get rare materials in the future and the refining level is high enough, it is expected to be upgraded to a sky-high spirit treasure. "

Wang Changsheng took out a pair of palm-sized silver wings, and the surface of the silver wings was filled with countless silver arcs.

This is a lightning-type flying spirit treasure, and Wang Mengbin is the most suitable one to use.

"The flying spirit treasure of the thunder attribute! Thank you ancestors."

Wang Mengbin's breathing became rapid, and he took the silver wings with both hands.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, just as he was about to say something, he looked outside, squinted his eyes, and said, "Meng Bin, you go back to sacrificing this spiritual treasure first. A Taoist friend is here, I'll go and receive it."

After saying this, Wang Changsheng turned into a blue rainbow and flew away, flying out of Qinglian Island.

A sharp sword light flew from a distance, it was Liu Ruyi.


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