Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1731: Homeowner's Choice

Wang Changsheng's favorite patriarch is Wang Mengfen, mainly because Wang Mengfen has managed the family for hundreds of years and has rich experience.

Wang Changsheng already had a candidate, but he still wanted to hear the opinions of his clan.

The head of the family must be in the Nascent Soul period, that is to say, whoever becomes a family member will be able to obtain the spirit of the baby.

Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingling, and Wang Tianwen are not interested in being the head of the house, especially Wang Qingshan. The head of the house has too many things to deal with and has to deal with many monks.

"I'm looking for you today, and I want you to choose the future head of our family. If you become the head of the family, you will definitely enter the Nascent Soul period."

Wang Changsheng said slowly, his eyes swept over Wang Mengfen and other cultivators.

The Patriarch is just an identity, and the Yuanying cultivator is a real benefit.

Wang Mengfen and other monks looked at each other with different expressions.

"Old Ancestor, the head of the family has always done a good job. It would be good to let him continue to be the head of the family."

Wang Youwei stood up and expressed his support for Wang Mengfen.

The other monks agreed. First, Wang Mengfen has been the head of the family for hundreds of years and has rich experience; second, Wang Mengfen is the descendant of Wang Changsheng, which is very important. They also want to be the head of the family, but they do not want to compete with Wang Mengfen. .

"Ancestor, grandson is willing to share the family's worries, and I also ask my ancestor to give me a chance."

Wang Yingjie stood up and took the initiative to ask Ying.

He didn't expect to become a clan, he had no experience in this area, but with the increase of high-level monks in the clan, it was too difficult for him to succeed.

He had already thought about it, even if Wang Changsheng made him the head of the family, when he entered the Nascent Soul stage, and then ceded the position of head of the family to Wang Mengfen on the grounds of lack of ability, what he cared about was not the status of the head of the family, but the ability to have babies.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. He nodded, looked at the others, and asked, "Who else wants to be the head of the house?"

The monks looked at each other, no one dared to stand up, they didn't know Wang Changsheng's plan, and no one wanted to be this early bird. If Wang Changsheng just wanted to go through the motions, they ran out to compete with Wang Mengfen. better.

With the increase in the number of clansmen and the expansion of the territory, competition among the Wang family members has also begun. Everyone has their own small abacus, but with Wang Changsheng, they will not have infighting. , Wang Changsheng was worried that this would happen, so he wanted to hear the opinions of other clansmen.

Wang Mengfen has managed the family for hundreds of years and has rich experience. It is most suitable for him to continue to be the head of the family. Of course, if everyone else objected to Wang Mengfen continuing to be the head of the family, Wang Changsheng would not insist on letting Wang Mengfen be the head of the family, but it seems that no one is against Wang Mengfen being the head of the family. host.

Perhaps Wang Mengfen did a good job, but Wang Changsheng knew very well that more importantly, Wang Mengfen was his descendant.

"Since you all agree with Meng Fen as the head of the family, then let Meng Fen be the head of the family. You go get a baby-knot spirit, Yingjie, you go to the Tianlan Realm to fight with us and help me protect the law, you all have a knot. Baby spirits, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the baby spirits, practice hard, and there will be opportunities in the future.”

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice that Wang Yingjie and others went to the Tianlan Realm with him to fight, and they suffered a lot. The most important thing was to help Wang Changsheng to protect the law.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Yingjie and others said in unison, Wang Yingjie and others who went to Tianlan Realm were all smiles, and Wang Youwei's face showed a disappointed expression.

If he hadn't been injured and returned to Qinglian Island to recuperate, he would have followed Wang Changsheng to Tianlan Realm, missing an opportunity to have a baby in vain.

Wang Changsheng exhorted a few words and left the council room.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng started refining the Moon Pearl.

The more weapons of this kind, the better, but limited by the materials, he is destined to not be able to refine too many moon beads, and a few more moon beads can enhance his strength. In addition, the moon beads It can also protect future generations, and can also be used as a family heritage. The fly in the ointment is that the Moon Pearl is a one-time use item.


Shenbing Palace, a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, has a secluded small courtyard of green tiles in the valley.

Fu Wen and Lu Dao were sitting in a green stone pavilion chatting, and the two had known each other for many years.

"In this way, Daoyou Wang's supernatural powers are not small. He has not been in the Divine Transformation Stage for a long time, and he can actually keep up with Guan Tianhong's two moves."

Lu Dao said with some surprise that he was very interested in the great killing weapon that Wang Changsheng sacrificed.

"Yeah! If it wasn't for Fellow Daoist Wang, we wouldn't be able to come back this time."

Fu Min sighed that he and Lu Dao had been friends for many years, so naturally he would not conceal the existence of the Moon Water.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, we have known each other for many years. Do you have the water of the moon? Can you show me the old man?"

Lu Dao asked, if there is such a big killer, it can turn defeat into victory at a critical moment.

"I don't have the water of the dark moon in my hand. This kind of refining material is only available to fellow Daoist Wang, and ordinary containers cannot hold it. My famous spiritual treasure, the golden rhinoceros and jade pen, was destroyed by the water of the dark moon. "

Fu Min sighed and said, he is also interested in the water of the dark moon, and plans to refine it into a talisman, even if the spiritual treasure he has used for many years, the water of the dark moon will be scrapped.

Lu Dao's eyes flashed with surprise. He had also come into contact with many top-notch crafting materials, but it was the first time he had heard of the crafting materials that could destroy a piece of Lingbao.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, we've been acquaintances for many years, so there's no need to hide some words!"

Lu Dao said meaningfully, Fu Wen praised the water of the dark moon, and he did not believe that Fu Wen had no other purpose.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you are proficient in the art of refining. In the entire Dongli world, your art of refining is second, and no one dares to be the first. If you get some water of the moon, you should be able to study the characteristics of the water of the moon. , how about you help me refine the talisman with the water of the dark moon?"

Fu Wen said sincerely, in his opinion, although the power of the Tongtian Lingbao is great, it can't easily destroy the body of the cultivator.

"No problem, it seems that the old man has to go to Qinglian Island."

Lu Dao had an interested look on his face, UU reading If the water of the dark moon is refined into a heavenly treasure, the Shenbing Palace will hopefully become the number one faction in the Dongli world, and he will also become the Dongli world. The first person in the fence.


In the Central Plains, a secret underground cave.

What Long Xiaoyao and Li Shuo are talking about, there are countless mysterious runes on the stone wall, obviously it is some kind of restriction.

"Dahao Daoist actually entered the Divine Transformation Stage, the chance is not small, he can enter the Divine Transformation Stage, most of them are the descendants of the brothers who killed, otherwise, he will never get the spiritual objects that impact the Divine Transformation Stage. "

Long Xiaoyao frowned and said.

"If the real Tahoe holds a grand ceremony, shall we come to congratulate you?"

Li Shuo said with a light smile, his eyes were full of murderous intent. Wang Changsheng had not been in the Spirit Transformation Stage for a long time. He was a soft persimmon and was the easiest to handle.

"Forget it, I might be besieged by the god-turning old monsters in the Dongli Realm. It's better to do something less. When the aura of the Immortal Burial Sea dissipates, the monks from this sect enter the Dongli Realm in a big way. Let's go to Tai The trouble with the real Hao."

Long Xiaoyao said calmly, the last time he disturbed Haoyu Zhenren's advancement, which led to the fall of a deity transformation cultivator, the loss was not small.

If it wasn't for the outburst of Absolute Spiritual Qi in the Immortal Burial Sea Area, the Tianlan Sect would probably have taken over the Dongli Realm.


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