Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1732: Tier 5 Alchemist 0 Lie

Jinyanfang City, a secluded small courtyard with green tiles.

Murong Yuyao sat on a stone bench with a shocked face.

A middle-aged man who is gentle and gentle stood aside with a respectful expression.

"Real Tae Hao has actually entered the God Transformation stage, is the news true?"

Murong Yuyao had an unbelievable expression on her face. After she returned to the Dayan Dynasty, she had been hiding in Jinyanfang City, gathering a group of clansmen.

The movement of the Tianlanzong cultivator was too loud, and many forces were attacked. Unless there was a god-turning cultivator in charge, nowhere was safe. She did not dare to return to the Murong royal family's lair, for fear that it would be taken by the Tianlanzong cultivator. sacrificial flag.

The clan suddenly told her that Wang Changsheng had entered the Divine Transformation Stage. The news was too shocking.

"It is temporarily impossible to confirm. The latest news is that Taihao has returned to Qinglian Island in the South China Sea. My nephew analyzed that the news should be true. If it is false news, why not say Senior Song of Sanyan Palace or Senior Han of Donghuang?"

The middle-aged man analyzed it carefully.

Murong Yuyao pondered for a moment and said, "I have to make a trip to the South China Sea. If Master Taihao really enters the Spirit Transformation Stage, that matter can be brought forward."

If Wang Changsheng enters the Spirit Transformation stage, she intends to sacrifice the secret realm of heaven in exchange for benefits. The Murong family is in desperate need of experts. Currently, there is only one Nascent Soul cultivator in the clan.

The Dayan Dynasty also had spiritual monks, but the secret realm of heaven is in the South China Sea. If the news is leaked, Zhou Xingguo may not be able to occupy that secret realm. The most important thing is that the background of the Wang family is too shallow, and a secret realm of heaven is very important to the Wang family. The priceless treasure is equal to giving charcoal in the snow, which is the icing on the cake for Zhou Xingguo.

The rise of the Wang family is unstoppable, and it is better to give charcoal in the snow than icing on the cake.

The Murong royal family has only one Yuanying cultivator, most of the territory is occupied by other royal families, and the royal family has occupied some territory. Murong Yuyao resented the Dayan royal family from the bottom of her heart.

She took out a pale gold jade box, which was locked by a small silver lock.

"You take good care of this thing. If I have an accident, you will open the jade box. From now on, you will immediately find a place to hide, and don't contact anyone."

Murong Yuyao instructed that she was worried that the Wang family would kill people, so she must take precautions.

"Yes, Auntie."

The middle-aged man agreed without hesitation.

Murong Yuyao gave a few words of advice and left the residence.


East Wilderness, Green Python Mountain.

Cheng Xiaotian and Feng Li stood above Qingmang Mountain, their brows furrowed.

"What's going on? Fellow Daoist Cheng, Fellow Daoist Hua is trying to heal?"

Feng Li frowned and said, if Cheng Zhanxian hadn't found her, saying that Qinghua Patriarch knew the secrets about the Ascension Spirit World, she would not have come to Donghuang immediately.

Cheng Zhanxian's face was full of confusion. He had sent five sound transmissions in a row, but there was no response.

"Maybe Sister Hua is doing exercises to heal her injuries, and it's not convenient to meet for the time being. Let's come back after a while!"

Cheng Zhanxian was apologetic.

Feng Li's expression softened, she nodded in agreement, and the two left.


In a secret underground cave, a huge cyan python lay on the ground. The abdomen of the cyan python was bloated, and the surface of the body was covered with a layer of cyan rays of light. It was the ancestor of the blue and white.

There are many wooden boxes and jade boxes on the ground, and the inside is empty.

A large number of mysterious runes are inscribed on the stone wall, emitting a vague wave of restraint.

She didn't know any secrets about Ascension Spirit World at all, that was just an excuse for her to set aside Cheng Zhanxian.

The ancestor of Qinghua knew very well that once Cheng Zhanxian knew her true situation, she would likely kill people and steal treasures. She took the wealth she had accumulated for thousands of years in advance and found a place to hide. There were dozens of fourth-order demon pills alone. , There are also dozens of thousand-year-old elixir, and it will take less than two hundred years for her to advance to the fifth rank. It is not so easy to transform into a human form again.

"When I reach the fifth rank, I will go to the South China Sea to find the old ghost Baili and ask him to help refine the shape-changing pill."

The cyan giant python spit out human words. Some monsters have mixed bloodlines. Even if they cultivate to the fifth rank, they cannot transform. If there is a transforming pill, it can increase the chance of transforming.

Xingxing Dan is a fifth-order medicinal pill. The main medicine is four thousand years of spiritual transformation, and there are hundreds of auxiliary medicines. It is very difficult to refine.

She has a four-thousand-year-old ginseng plant in her hands, and she has collected dozens of auxiliary medicines for refining the shape-changing pill.


South China Sea, Dongli Island.

In the discussion hall, Liu Ruyi and other seven god-turning cultivators were talking. Sun Tianhu sat on the main seat with a shocked expression on his face.

What shocked him was not that Wang Changsheng had entered the spirit transformation stage, but that Wang Changsheng had destroyed the bodies of the two spirit transformation cultivators.

"Wang Daoyou and the others are the most important. Of course, the credit of the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng is not small. We should give a reward. I heard that Liu Daoyou from Taiyi Xianmen intends to give the five kingdoms land for the development of the Wang family. We South China Sea can not be too much. Shabby."

Liu Ruyi said solemnly, she changed the land of the Three Kingdoms into the land of the Five Kingdoms, and the extra land of the two countries was the benefit she fought for Wang Changsheng.

The new Sun and Moon Sages have grown up, and they have cultivated to the late Nascent Soul, the old and the new have alternated, and the Sun and Moon Palace can continue to pass on.

"Give him 600 islands first, and after the invasion of the Tianlan Sect cultivators has been repelled, and then consider the division of the site, you can give them four spiritual treasures and a batch of resources for cultivation. Is it?"

Sun Tianhu suggested that the territory of the barbarians has already been divided up by them, they can't give too much territory to the Wang family, and dividing the territory now can easily lead to infighting.

Liu Ruyi took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Sun Tianhu.

"Wannian Profound Jade, Earth Guarding Divine Crystal, Taiyin Divine Crystal? These materials are too rare. I can't get them out even if I want to. I can only give them some of them."

Sun Tianhu frowned and said, he looked at a red-robed old man with a ruddy face, and said cheerfully: "Fellow Daoist Baili, you run with Fairy Liu and send the reward to Qinglian Island. On behalf of the old man, congratulate Daoist Wang, Congratulations to him for entering the Divine Transformation Stage."

The old man in red robe had a high nose and big eyes, with a goatee, and he looked amiable.

Baili'e, in the early days of Spirit Transformation, he was one of the few fifth-order alchemists in the Dongli world. He was much younger than Sun Tianhu and had great potential. With his accomplishments in the alchemy Dao, it was only a matter of time before he entered the middle stage of Spirit Transformation.

He was in retreat before, and he just came out not long ago.

The Baili family is good at alchemy, and in the entire Dongli world, in terms of the number of alchemists, there is no other force that can compare to the Baili family.

"Okay, this old man also wants to meet Daoyou Wang."

Baili'e readily agreed, with a loud voice, he was full of curiosity about Qinglian Immortal Companion, and just took this opportunity to meet Wang Changsheng.


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