Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1733: The first treasure of the town family, Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a cyan futon. A small tower with cyan light was floating in front of him, with a powerful aura. The tower was engraved with five small characters "Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda". A treasure.

During his trip to Tianlan Realm, Wang Changsheng obtained a large amount of refining materials and monster beast materials. This Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda was made by him using hundreds of refining materials. There are three tier four monster spirit souls alone. More than ten.

The Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda can transform into monsters to attack the enemy, and it can transform up to five fourth-order high-grade monsters. There are many kinds of monsters and different magical powers. The Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda is even more powerful than the Illusory Demon Pagoda. This treasure is the treasure of the town.

The background of the Wang family is too shallow. If it wasn't for the trip to the Tianlan Realm, Wang Changsheng would not have a few spiritual treasures in his hands. It was too shabby. After returning to the Dongli Realm, with the materials and sufficient time, Wang Changsheng planned to refine a few more. Lingbao, used as the treasure of the town.

With his current level of refining, he can only refine spiritual treasures.

"The first treasure of the town, haha."

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed. Before that, the Wang family did not have a single treasure of the family. He wanted to refine a few more spiritual treasures to enhance the family heritage.

He put away the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, took out a green communication disk, entered a magic formula, and asked in a deep voice, "Meng Fen, are you all ready?"

"Everything is ready, all the clansmen are here, old ancestor, just waiting for you to come."

Wang Mengfen's respectful voice suddenly sounded.

"I'll go over immediately."

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out. Wang Ruyan was sitting in the stone pavilion and playing the piano.

"Husband, after refining the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, it will be much more convenient for the descendants of the family to improve their fighting skills. I also refined some fourth-order talismans, which can improve the defense of the clan."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, she and Wang Changsheng were in the same mind. Wang Changsheng had just refined the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, and Wang Ruyan knew it.

After returning to Dongli Realm, she often asked Fu Wen about the art of talisman, and Fu Wen also taught it attentively. He also wanted Mingyue Pearl!

Under Fu Wen's guidance and a lot of practice, Wang Ruyan's talisman skills have improved rapidly. She has refined a lot of fourth-order talismans to protect Wang Qingshan and others. It is possible that all high-level monks have a fourth-order talisman in hand.

The extra fourth-order talismans are stored in the family treasure house. If other clansmen want fourth-order talismans, they can exchange them with merit points.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood at the entrance of Qinglian Tower. Thousands of clansmen were standing in front of them, each with a very solemn expression.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said with a smile, "They've been waiting for a long time, let's go over there!"

He and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and walked away. It didn't take long for them to land on a bluestone square that covered an extremely wide area. Thousands of clansmen stood in order. The higher the cultivation base, the higher the position.

They stood at the entrance of Qinglian Tower. Qinglian Tower is dedicated to the people who have made great contributions to the family. The spiritual tablets of Wang Qingqi and Wang Qingjun are enshrined in Qinglian Tower for all the clansmen to worship.

"The grandson visits the ancestors."

Wang Mengfen bowed and saluted, and the other clansmen followed suit and said in unison, "Meet the ancestors."

Wang Changsheng's eyes swept across the monks present, and the number of experts in the clan kept increasing. Many people in the clan were seeing Wang Changsheng for the first time, and their expressions were excited.

"When we were not in the Dongli Realm, you were running around, and you were tired."

Wang Changsheng said.

"The ancestors praised it wrongly. This is our duty."

Wang Mengfen said respectfully, and the other clansmen joined in.

"During our absence, Qing Qi sat down, Qing Jun was killed, and many other clansmen went missing. We haven't been able to contact them yet. Today, the ancestor worship ceremony was held. The second is to worship those who died in the war; the third is to reward those who have made great contributions, and at the same time severely punish a group of black sheep."

As soon as Wang Changsheng said these words, most of the clansmen looked excited, and a small number of clansmen looked flustered.

Wang Changsheng emphasized the clan rules again and again, but it was inevitable that some people would violate the clan rules. In addition to the existence of the Tianlan Sect cultivators, the clan members were forced to spread out. Wait, this is not surprising, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and there are tens of thousands of monks in the Wang family, all over the East Li Realm, and it is normal for a few mouse droppings to appear.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into the Qinglian Tower, Wang Changsheng put incense on the ancestors, and said solemnly: "The ancestors are on top, grandson Wang Changsheng held an ancestor worship ceremony today, and wanted to tell the ancestors and sects that our family has a spiritual monk, grandson. In the future, I will do my best to grow the family.”

"Grandpa, father, mother, patriarch, I did it, and your sacrifices were not in vain."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan knelt down and kowtowed three times to the ancestors.

Wang Qingshan and others knelt down and kowtowed, their expressions solemn.

Looking at the familiar names on the spiritual tablet, Wang Changsheng felt that the past was just yesterday. In a blink of an eye, these clansmen were gone, but their sacrifices were not in vain. Thanks to the efforts of all the clansmen, the clan had become the top immortal cultivating clan in the South China Sea.

That's right, it was the efforts of all the clansmen, and it was not Wang Changsheng's alone that made the clan what it is today.

Wang Qingqi supported the family's Dan Dao by himself, and stopped to form Dan.

A generation has a mission of a generation, Wang Qingqi has completed his mission, Wang Changsheng's mission has not been completed.

Walking out of the Qinglian Tower, Wang Changsheng ordered Wang Mengfen: "Meng Fen, when we left the Dongli Realm, which clansmen did well, you can pronounce their names and give awards. Those who violate the clan rules will be punished. No one can ignore the clan rules, and those who violate clan rules will be severely punished, and my descendants are no exception."

The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. He has always attached great importance to clan rules. Since the development of the family, many worms have emerged in his descendants, and he found one severely punished the other.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengfen responded. He had already begun to investigate the clan members who violated the clan rules. Anyone who violated the clan rules would be severely punished.

It can be foreseen that after Wang Changsheng entered the God Transformation stage, the development of the family will usher in a There will definitely be people who use their power to bully others. This is for sure. It is necessary to strictly uphold the law and discipline and rectify the family style.

"The family will not treat the meritorious officials badly, nor will it spare the black sheep lightly. I hope you will abide by the clan rules and cultivate hard in the future."

Wang Changsheng's voice was not loud, and all the clansmen could hear it clearly.

"Yes, my ancestor."

The clansmen said in unison, and their voices reverberated for hundreds of miles.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, a flash of blue light, and the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda appeared in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda flew out, instantly swelled, and landed on the ground.

"This is a spiritual treasure I made, the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda. This is the first treasure of our family. After three years, the clan competition will be held. The monks below Nascent Soul can participate, and the clan members who participate in the clan competition are all If you want to enter the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda, the top 100 will be rewarded, and the first place will be rewarded with a Spirit Treasure. You can usually spend merit points to enter the Qinglian Town Spirit Pagoda to experience and improve your fighting skills."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Yingjie and other clansmen agreed in unison, looking excited. This was a great opportunity for them to change their fate.

Wang Mengfen suddenly took out a communication disk and entered a magic formula. His eyes flashed with surprise. He sent a voice transmission to Wang Changsheng: "Old Ancestor, Senior Lu from Shenbing Palace is here, what do you think?"


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