Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1734: Lu Dao's request

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment. He quickly thought of the purpose of Lu Dao's visit. Most of it was for the water of the dark moon. He was already mentally prepared.

In the entire Nanhai Xiu Xian world, the Shenbing Palace has the most treasures. In terms of the refining level, Lu Dao dared to recognize the second person in the South China Sea, and no one dared to recognize the first person.

Wang Changsheng also wanted to ask Lu Dao about the art of refining tools, especially about the refining method of Tongtian Lingbao. He hoped that in the future, he could refine a Tongtian Lingbao as a treasure of the clan, but Lingbao was still a little short.

"Qingshan, fellow Daoist Lu from the Shenbing Palace is here. You go to meet fellow Daoist Lu and invite him to the council room."

Wang Changsheng told Wang Qingshan that Lu Dao was a spiritual cultivator, so it would be inappropriate to send Wang Mengfen to meet him, so it was the most appropriate to let Wang Qingshan go.

"Yes, Uncle Ninth."

Wang Qingshan responded and led the way.

After Wang Changsheng warned him a few words, he let the clan go away, what to do.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to the council room, and not long after, two lights flew in, it was Lu Dao and Wang Qingshan.

"Daoyou Wang, Mrs. Wang, long time no see, congratulations! Daoyou Wang."

Fellow Daoist Lu clasped his fists in congratulations, his tone warm.

"You're welcome, fellow Daoist Lu, it should have been Wang who came to visit."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

"It's innocuous, it's the same for anyone who comes to visit."

Lu Dao said nonchalantly.

A maid walked in, put down the fragrant tea and left.

Lu Dao took a sip of spirit tea, and after a few polite words, he talked about the business: "Fellow Daoist Wang, I heard that you have a special refining material called water of the moon, and I am very interested in this material. , I wonder if Wang Daoyou can sell some to this old man? The price is easy to discuss."

As a fifth-order refiner, Lu Dao couldn't not be moved when he learned of a refining material that could destroy Lingbao.

If it has not been refined into a magic weapon, the water of the dark moon can destroy the spiritual treasure. If it is refined into a magic weapon, wouldn’t the water of the dark moon be even more powerful?

"The water of the moon! There are not many such materials at hand! What's more, ordinary containers cannot hold the water of the moon."

Wang Changsheng had a troubled look on his face.

"Yeah! After many lives and deaths, we got some Nether Moon Water from the Demon Burying Icefield in the three dangerous places in the Tianlan Realm, and we almost died at the hands of that fifth-order monster."

Wang Ruyan agreed, with a lingering expression on his face.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's husband sang along with them, and they raised the price of the Moon Water in just a few words.

In the entire Dongli world, only they can get the water of the dark moon. Wang Changsheng can't sell it in large quantities, not to mention that it will expose the secret of Qinglian's fortune-telling cauldron. Beads are not a big killer, they are rare and precious.

Lu Dao didn't talk nonsense. He took out two exquisite blue jade boxes, opened the box cover, and a piece of blue light swept out. The two blue jade boxes each contained a crystal blue spar, spar. The surface trembled gently like water waves, shrouded in a blue glow.

"Glass sea crystal, a top-notch water-attribute material, can only be found in large colored glazed stone veins, and a large colored glazed stone vein can only be formed after tens of thousands of years of evolution. These two colored glazed sea crystals are enough for Daoist Wang The natal magic treasure has been upgraded to a spiritual treasure, in addition, Lu is willing to give some pointers to Wang Daoyou, and you need to pay attention to refining a set of spiritual treasures, but Wang Daoyou has to take out some materials to exchange with the old man, how?"

Lu Dao said slowly, with a sincere tone, he came all the way to Qinglian Island, but not only for the water of the dark moon, he believed that Wang Changsheng had a lot of rare refining materials on his body, after all, Wang Changsheng got two spiritual monks. storage ring.

"Glass sea crystal!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up, just as Lu Dao said, the glazed sea crystal is a top-notch water-attribute material, which is a little worse than the yin **** crystal. These two glazed sea crystals are enough for him to upgrade 18 Dinghaizhu to spiritual treasures. The premise is that His refining level should keep up.

"Okay, it's a deal, but ordinary containers can't hold the water of the moon. Once the water of the moon leaks out, it will be troublesome."

Wang Changsheng happily agreed, he did get a lot of rare materials, and there was no problem in taking out some materials and exchanging them with Lu Dao.

"I don't know what material container can hold the water of the moon?"

Lu Dao asked politely, it wasn't that he was arrogant. In the entire Dongli world, the Shenbing Palace collected the most types and quantities of refining materials.

"It is currently known that the container made of ten thousand years of mysterious jade can hold the water of the moon."

Wang Changsheng omitted the Taiyin Divine Crystal. Knowledge was priceless. He would not casually tell Lu Dao that the Taiyin Divine Crystal was more precious than Wannian Xuanyu.

"I have a snow crystal bottle in my hand, which is made of Wannian Xuanyu as the main material."

Lu Dao smiled confidently, flipped his palm, and a white jade bottle appeared in his hand. As soon as the white jade bottle appeared, the temperature in the room plummeted, like falling into a cold pool.

The white jade bottle is crystal clear, exuding a bit of biting cold air, and the aura is amazing. It is obviously a spiritual treasure.

With a flick of his wrist, the snow crystal bottle flew out and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng stretched out his right hand and grabbed the snow crystal bottle, a biting chill poured into his body along the palm of his hand, and some blue chills emerged from his palm, isolating the chill from the snow crystal bottle.

Seeing this scene, Lu Dao's eyes flashed with surprise. The snow crystal bottle is made of ten thousand year Xuanyu as the main material, and is made of hundreds of ice-attribute materials. The bottle will also be a little uncomfortable. It seems that Wang Changsheng must have refined some kind of more powerful ice-type spirit.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, wait a moment, Wang will come when he goes."

Wang Changsheng said hello and walked towards a side room, he would not take out the Qinglian Fortune Ding.

Lu Dao didn't say anything, everyone has their own secrets, as long as they can get the water of the moon, everything will be fine.

After a while, Wang Changsheng came out of the side room. He wore sea-splitting gloves in his hands and held a snow crystal bottle in his hands. He returned the snow crystal bottle to Lu Dao and took two pieces of glass sea crystal.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, there are fifty catties of Mingyue water in here, be careful not to spill it."

Wang Changsheng warned that he was worried that the snow crystal bottle would not be able to hold the water of the dark moon, so he deliberately put on the sea cracking gloves.

Seeing Wang Changsheng being so solemn, Lu Dao was surprised, and became more and more curious about the water of the dark moon.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, can you find a place for the old man? The old man wants to try the power of the water of the moon."

Lu Dao said politely He came all the way to find out the properties of the Moon Water.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and brought Lu Dao to an open space in Qinglian Peak.

Lu Dao took out the snow crystal bottle, opened the cork, poured out some water of the moon, splashed on the ground, the ground froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ice layer was black.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan avoided them one after another, not daring to approach.

Lu Dao flipped his hand and took out a red flag that was about ten feet long. A lifelike red dragon was embroidered on the flag. There was a trace of flames on the flag, emitting strong fire and aura fluctuations. It was obviously a spiritual treasure.

He shook it slightly, and the billowing flames swept out, hitting the black ice cubes. Strangely, the black ice cubes showed no signs of melting and were safe and sound.

Lu Dao thought for a while, put away the red flag, released a red human-shaped puppet beast, and directed the human-shaped puppet beast to walk towards the black ice.

As soon as the humanoid puppet touched the black ice cube, its body quickly froze, and the ice layer spread rapidly.

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