Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1737: Love 2 Difficult to Complete

"Tianpin Secret Realm!"

Wang Changsheng's face froze, his voice became heavy, and he asked suspiciously, "Do you know the location of the Heavenly Grade Secret Realm?"

"Exactly, this junior is willing to dedicate this heavenly secret realm to Senior Wang, and I congratulate Senior Wang on entering the Divine Transformation Stage."

Murong Yuyao's face was full of respect.

"Why didn't you give it to Daoist Zhou of the Dayan Dynasty? Instead, you want to give it to Wang? Our Wang family doesn't have such a big face yet!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were full of confusion. It stands to reason that Murong Yuyao should tell Zhou Xingguo the news of the secret realm of heaven.

"The major forces are all exclusive. That Heavenly Grade Secret Realm is in the South China Sea Xiu Xianjie. Even if the junior tells Senior Zhou, he may not be able to occupy that Heavenly Grade Secret Realm. In addition, the Dayan Dynasty respected the kingly way, and the royal family came first. Our royal family was the target of the royal family, and also the object of the royal family's suppression. Our Murong royal family's territory was invaded by other royal families. The seniors take in the juniors and protect the juniors for a period of time, the juniors are grateful and willing to present the secret realm of heaven."

Murong Yuyao said slowly, only those of the same realm are qualified to negotiate conditions, she did not dare to make conditions with Wang Changsheng, she believed that Wang Changsheng would give her a compensation.

Murong Yuyao's reason is quite reasonable, but Wang Changsheng still can't believe it, this is not an ordinary thing, but a secret realm of heaven. As far as he knows, secret realm of heaven is rare in the South China Sea, and it is controlled by great forces. on hand.

"Where is that secret realm? How did you know? If you want to lie to me, think about how to lie first."

Wang Changsheng's tone was stern, he didn't want to be calculated, who knows if Murong Yuyao would have other thoughts.

Murong Yuyao took a deep breath and said, "To tell the truth, the ancestors of our Murong royal family came from the Nanhai Xiu Xian world. Seniors should have heard of the Murong family! When the family suffered, some people fled to the Central Plains and established the Murong royal family. That heavenly secret realm is under the control of our Murong family, and it takes eight Nascent Soul cultivators to open it, and it will be easier to open if the Spirit Transformation cultivator takes action."

She knew very well that if Wang Changsheng didn't explain the ins and outs clearly, it would be impossible for Wang Changsheng to believe in the authenticity of the secret realm.

"What? You are the descendants of the Murong family!"

Wang Changsheng was stunned. More than 10,000 years ago, the Murong family was the number one cultivator in the South China Sea, and they could wrestle with the ten great sects.

Wang Changsheng never imagined that the Murong royal family was actually a descendant of the Murong family. If that was the case, then it would make sense.

"Yes, if it weren't for this, it would be impossible for the junior to know the existence of the heavenly secret realm. That secret realm has not been opened for ten thousand years. There may be ten thousand years of elixir, and there are also many rare treasures. Few powerful monsters, after so many years, there may be fifth-order monsters."

Murong Yuyao said cautiously, if it wasn't for the Tianlan Sect's invasion, the Murong Royal Family would have gathered enough Nascent Soul monks.

"Elixir of ten thousand years, fifth-order monster!"

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. It was not easy for him to go further when he reached the stage of spiritual transformation.

"This is the location of the Heavenly Secret Realm."

Murong Yuyao took out a pale blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng, looking a little nervous.

Wang Changsheng took the jade slip, his consciousness swept away, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

That heavenly secret realm is actually in the Red Moon Sea, and the Wang family still has a lot of people in the Red Moon Sea.

If he is going to hunt for treasure, Wang Changsheng will definitely lead the team. It is related to the secret realm of heaven, and he must go there in person.

Wang Qingshan and others are also going, firstly to use them; secondly, to protect them, not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves remembering, Wang Changsheng has Mingyue Pearl in his hand, and he is still confident in dealing with a monk in the early stage of God Transformation. He is not sure about dealing with two early stage cultivators of God Transformation. After all, the enemy has a heavenly treasure.

If the Heavenly Rank Secret Realm finds good things, such as spiritual items or ten thousand year elixir, the overall strength of the family can be improved, especially the materials for arranging the fifth-order formation.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, then ordered: "You stay at Qinglian Island first, if you go to treasure hunt, I will inform you."

"Yes, Senior Wang."

Murong Yuyao naturally did not dare to refuse, and honestly agreed.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Mengfen and asked him to arrange a place for Murong Yuyao.

"Heavenly Grade Secret Realm, maybe the husband can find the materials for refining the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, and it's not bad to find one or two thousand-year-old elixir."

Wang Ruyan said excitedly.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "This matter is not urgent, and we have to review Murong Yuyao carefully. If she is sent by the Tianlan Sect cultivator, it will be troublesome."

It is impossible for Wang Changsheng to listen to Murong Yuyao's one-sided relationship, so he immediately took people to hunt for treasure.

"Calculate the time, Qingqing Haitang and the others are coming back soon. If you want to go to the Heavenly Grade Secret Realm to hunt for treasure, it's better to bring them with you."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng looked into the distance, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "They have already returned."

The three rays of light flew into Qinglian Island. Not long after, the three rays of light landed in front of Wang Changsheng. They were Fairy Ziyue, Ye Haitang and Wang Qingqing.

After Wang Changsheng returned to the South China Sea, he sent people to the Zhenhaizong site and asked Fairy Ziyue and the three to return to Qinglian Island.

"Senior Brother Wang, you have entered the Divine Transformation Stage!"

Fairy Ziyue was full of surprises. She didn't know that Wang Changsheng had entered the stage of spiritual transformation.

Ye Haitang smiled happily and said, "Uncle has entered the Spirit Transformation stage, that's great."

"If my mother is also in the God Transformation stage, our family will be the No. 1 Immortal Cultivation Family in the Dongli Realm."

Wang Qingqing said excitedly.

After hearing this, the smile on Fairy Ziyue's face faded, but she quickly covered it up.

"Haitang, Qingqing, I have something to tell you, you come with me."

Wang Ruyan opened Ye Haitang and Wang Qingqing, and Wang Changsheng had something to say to Fairy Ziyue alone.

Ye Haitang and Wang Qingqing responded and left with Wang Ruyan.

"Senior Brother Wang, you and Sister Wang suffered a lot in Tianlan Realm!"

Fairy Ziyue said a polite Wang Changsheng nodded and talked about their experience in Tianlan Realm.

He knew that Fairy Ziyue wanted to avenge her relatives, Yu Yi, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng did have a blood feud with Fairy Ziyue, Yu Gong, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng gave their last strength to Dongli Realm to kill a **** of transformation. Cultivator, both fall, this is righteousness.

After listening to Wang Changsheng's statement, Fairy Ziyue let out a long sigh and said faintly, "So, they saved your life."

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​if you have to take revenge, you will have to wait hundreds of years. It is not suitable for infighting at the moment."

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully, he knew that blood feuds were difficult to resolve.

Fairy Ziyue helped Wang Changsheng a lot in the early stage, and taught Wang Qingqing to refine puppet beasts.

There was a dilemma between love and righteousness, and Wang Changsheng had a hard choice. If the Sun and Moon Sages joined the enemy or killed him, he would not feel so troublesome.

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